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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. That's fantastic Kirislin!!!! Fingers crossed he's right and it goes away! :)
  2. Just noticed Mosley licking at one of his back legs in the inner thigh area (upper leg but not groin) and it looked quite red. I had a better look and there is an area of skin that is red and broken in spots. No pus etc, it doesn't look terrible. I tried to move his hair and he gave a "that hurts" growl so I've left him alone. He's happy, acting normally, snoozing now. I'll get a better look when OH gets home and can hold him but could it be a hot spot? Flea allergy? They get sentinel spectrum and I've not seen any fleas? Any ideas? Should I try and clean it or just leave him be for now? Thanks guys :)
  3. So sorry to read this Kirty Why cant people mind their own bloody business You'd had her for a year, she wasnt out roaming the streets or causing any trouble...as I said before people should mind their own business.......... I agree. How sad Domestic cats kill so much wildlife in my area, but people are allowed to keep them I have no problem with this type of thing as long as it's done carefully.
  4. Last time I was at the vet she wouldn't stop going on about how lovely and healthy my Aussies coat was. We feed same as you pretty much. I do think their coats look better with a raw diet but every dog is different I guess. I'm really happy with my girl's coat...it is slick and shiny and odourless...and I was majorly chuffed when one of the vets told the vet science student who was sitting in on our consult that my dog had the healthiest mouth that she had ever seen. I am a bit bonkers about oral health so that just about made my year. :laugh: I'm glad your Aussie is doing well...it is so satisfying to find a diet that suits them well isn't it? Yeah, we noticed once we started feeding them that type of diet they are just thriving, it's great!:)
  5. I think eventually, mutts are going to take over the world.....you know, hybrid vigour and all....
  6. I haven't read anyone in the thread say they don't vaccinate their dogs. All my dogs have been vaccinated. I just don't do it yearly and don't continue to vaccinate past a certain age When the AVA recommends three yearly vaccination it's not just something you've read on the Internet. This. Vaccinating for KC IMO is pointless. When I vaccinated yearly both dogs got KC. Since I stopped neither has had it.
  7. Last time I was at the vet she wouldn't stop going on about how lovely and healthy my Aussies coat was. We feed same as you pretty much. I do think their coats look better with a raw diet but every dog is different I guess.
  8. Yeah I would wait 2-3 months if it were me. Most things I've read recommend this.
  9. I don't have a problem with Blue Staffords, I think they look nice, although I'm a red or pied fan myself. I certainly don't think anyone needs to feel ashamed for getting one. It's more about the people breeding them focusing only on the colour, rather than on more important things, health, temp ect, that is the big issue IMO.
  10. I have to admit, Lili my Aussie is the easiest dog I've ever owned. She is soooo devoted to me, she has a group of about 5 people that are "hers" and she is all over them. Anyone else new and she's not interested, not aggressive at all, just doesn't care. Because of this, she is so easy to train, she just wants to please.
  11. You can't register a Stafford as pied in Australia so it's not going to be reflected in any stats the ANKC can produce. I didn't know that.. Do they just call classify them as the most solid colour they are - or can't you show them at all? I didn't know that either. Guess you could register as black/red and white?
  12. Me too, Lili is fetch obsessed and will keep bringing the ball back over and over, we started saying "last one" before we threw the ball, then ignoring her attempts at more play, she is spot on now, as soon as we say last one, she fetches the ball and goes and lies down. She will also respond to "No more".
  13. :laugh: My boofer is a lot bigger than Miah, I'm sure she won't do that much damage..
  14. Aussies vary a lot in regard to temperament. My girl is reserved, sensitive and would not do well around lots of young kids, she's a bit highly strung! Very active, very attached to their people, mine can take or leave other dogs and has no interest in strangers. But then you get Aussies that love everyone too so it really depends on the dog. They are similar to Borders but are physically heavier and rougher in play etc. My 22 kg Aussie body slams my 50kg Anatolian x :laugh: What about a Goldie? Too big maybe?
  15. Beautiful Kirislin. They're all great, I love cemeteries.
  16. I wouldn't vaccinate with those health issues either.
  17. That's awesome! I have been thinking of doing this with Mosleys hair
  18. My 4 year old boy will still eat books and rip things up if we leave him inside :laugh:
  19. Yeah same with us, I wouldn't use it as a regular part of the diet.
  20. Ours only ever get it very rarely, as in a bit of pasta sauce with onion in it. Same with the garlic really.
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