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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I give my guys a full frame each as a meal. Mosley could probably have two but I like to keep them lean. I reckon a quarter for your wee ones would be fine, just make sure it's big enough so that Miah has to chew and can't just gulp it :)
  2. His meat pie :laugh: gawd our dogs are spoilt :laugh:
  3. as soon as we move into a bigger place in the next year or two, we're getting some baby goats for my Anatolian x Maremma :)
  4. Great news Kirislin. We found a few lumps on our old Chi and were so scared, but they just turned out to be old dog fatty lumps. :)
  5. Glad he's alright. He's a cracker!
  6. I always tell my Husband I love the dogs more than him :D
  7. Ours get a 30-40 minute walk, on lead, every night. If it's cool sometimes they will go on the same route but in a jog. On weekends we go to the beach but they are still on lead, and we walk for about an hour, lots of hills too.There is nowhere we can go near our place which is fenced so they are only free in the yard but we play fetch and they playfight and zoom every day. Lili is fine off lead but Mo is like The Flash.......Unfortunately LGD's don't really care what you want them to do :laugh: My husband had an Amstaff back in Ireland and he walked the legs off that dog, couple of times a day, every day, he was built like the proverbial brick sh*thouse :laugh:
  8. Fingers crossed for good news. It definitely looks less angry than when you first noticed it.
  9. I generally prefer the company of animals to people. Having said that I don't put them ahead of family members.
  10. I thought it was 8 weeks Aus wide, could be wrong though? Wishful thinking probably
  11. I'd never heard of them! Looks like a Lakeland, v cute :)
  12. I agree Corvus, my dogs will hump each other sometimes but have never tried it on another dog or person.
  13. I wouldn't worry about it. It's part of play. My dogs will hump each other occasionally but neither has ever humped, or even tried to hump, a person so I don't think it means he will transfer the behaviour onto you. If he tries to hump you then yes, discourage it but until then I'd leave him to it, A bit of aggression in play is normal, should have seen my two play fight when they were puppies :laugh:
  14. Thanks for this, I will give it a go, I'd prefer they just stayed away rather than trapping them.
  15. What breed is he? Sounds like resource guarding to me but I don't really have any specific advice, sorry. If its bad I'd probably speak to a behaviourist about it, you don't want to risk him biting. You could try NILIF with him in the meantime, it's good for pretty much anything! Just search in the forum there are a few threads on it. Good luck with it.
  16. Try the shelters too just in case they have a lactating mum.
  17. Depends on the state. In VIC strays have 8 days last I checked, if a surrender they can be PTS or placed up for adoption within 24 hours.
  18. Not to mention all the native wildlife and birds that come to my yard for the fruit trees, guess I should just let the cats rip them to pieces, being tolerant and all. ETA: I was responding to a comment, why do people think they can dictate what gets talked about in threads? Dont worry I'm gone.
  19. Well sorry but why should I tolerate someone else's pet sh*tting all over my property? In my situation I have no idea who the cats belong to, so I should just suck it up? If a dog was on your property would you just show tolerance?
  20. We still have cats sh*tting all over our lawn, they'll be getting trapped soon.
  21. Best repellant I've found is the coils.
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