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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Yeah, honestly, a lot of rescues and their followers recently have been nothing but ridiculous, and Facebook is just a haven for crazies. I'm glad I have pets but am not involved with rescue or breeding. It all just makes the whole dog world look nuts.
  2. Wow she's gotten so big! Beautiful girl :)
  3. I think your suggestions are good, you're obviously a responsible caring owner, don't second guess yourself! :) Some dogs can just be a bit more hard work than others.
  4. Then it's a good thing that's not what I asserted at all. What makes you think a planned, safe approach to exposing dogs to novelty can't involve strange dogs? I can read a dog. Can't you? I pick my environments, carry treats for counter-conditioning, and have escape routes and contingencies planned. I just remain mystified that everybody seems to have such problems with loose dogs and I do not. I've had my dogs off leash in more parks and on more beaches than I can keep track of and they have never been injured and they both still quite like other dogs. And it's not like they are both magical dogs with phenomenal temperaments. I went for years without a bad incident with a loose dog, and I used to post much like Corvus does on this issue, I couldn't understand why others had problems when my dogs always just handled it. They had great social skills. I would walk the streets for miles without any issue, loose dogs never posed a threat. Then I moved suburbs, and discovered how much of my previous sense of safety was just luck and geography. This. We have moved a few times over the years we've had our dogs and there's a definite difference between suburbs. Both our guys are well socialised and friendly with people and other dogs so I don't get stressed about them meeting other dogs but we still get rushed at by off leash dogs. Don't know what I can do to stop it??
  5. Yeah at 5 months and 18kg I'd probably be getting some advice. Our Aussie was a terrible biter but she stopped by about 4 months. I understand your concerns about leaving her outside but an 18kg puppy in a small pen all day is not going to be helping the situation. She's probably quite bored/frustrated. Is there any way of covering a section of your yard so there is a roof and nothing can be thrown in?
  6. I'd probably feed him some boiled chicken and rice for a few days, and some good yoghurt to help with any bacteria.
  7. I just wouldn't even enter. Absolutely ridiculous.
  8. Agree. Lilis breeder sent her home to us at 12 weeks with a big raw chicken thigh, I prefer to give bigger bones so they can't be gulped down causing choking.
  9. Feel your pain. We come across off lead dogs almost every time we take ours out. We had one run over snarling so it got a kick. I'm over it too.
  10. I think you did everything you could. As a pet owner I would be upset there was a problem but I wouldnt blame the breeder or expect them to pay or even refund the cost of the pup. These are living beings, things can go wrong even if everything is done properly.
  11. We didn't have a contract when we bought our Aussie.
  12. Thanks for all the responses guys! She seems to be over it all now, the digging has stopped and I haven't noticed any more milk. Interesting some have milk after every season.
  13. Fingers crossed its nothing serious :)
  14. Wow! Its almost gone now! That's awesome Kirislin!! :D
  15. Nawwwwww perse how cute :) it explains the digging I've been noticing recently. She goes in behind the trees and frantically digs huge doggy sized holes!
  16. Jules that sounds just like Lili. Think I'll get her fixed after she's back to normal :laugh:
  17. :laugh: she doesn't look swollen no, but I have noticed she has been digging a lot lately, is that a sign?
  18. My experience was much like the OPs. If I searched for pet friendly rentals is get like one or two max. OP some tips are to ask if pets are accepted on application, sometimes they actually surprise you and say yes. You could offer to pay a pet bond. Make up a resume for the dog with your references etc. We had to live in total shit holes to rent with our dogs, doesn't help that they're large either.
  19. Mosley has a recurring eye issue that starts up at the start of summer and spring like clockwork. I might give this a go. His is just allergies but he rubs his eyes and makes it ten times worse.
  20. Good to hear shes had some improvements :)
  21. I always check Lilis chest area for lumps and just noticed she had some crusty dried up white stuff on a couple of her nipples.....one was a bit wet so I gently pushed it and a teeny tiny but of white liquid came out. None of the others were wet. She is almost 5, still entire, we are tossing up whether to desex her, if we do it will be this year, but definitely not pregnant. She is in a secure yard and is kept inside if in season anyway. Her last season was probably about two months ago. Is his just something that can happen with entire females? Could it be a false pregnancy? She is perfectly happy and healthy otherwise. Thanks for any advice :)
  22. He's so beautiful SM :) and his coat looks so silky and gorgeous, I may have to come over there and steal him......once I get a lock on my fridge.
  23. I only use sentinel for my Aussie, she has had both the 10-22kg and 22-45kg with no issue. She is about 23kg
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