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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I don't blame or hate snakes for just being what they are, but I think it's understandable to be scared of them or upset/angry that they killed a pet. I know if it came down to a choice between my dog and a snake, the snake wouldn't win. I just try and avoid them by keeping grass short and not leaving food etc in the yard.
  2. Nice to hear of a good outcome! :)
  3. Just reading this thread makes me anxious :laugh: so many ways for things to go wrong. I couldn't relax in an environment like that.
  4. I can imagine :laugh: at least he seems to be receptive
  5. He's obviously aware of the issue and is open to fixing it so yeah, you may need to give him a bit of time for the pup to adjust. It would be different if it was going on 24 hours a day.
  6. My Mum is the only one other than us my Anatolian x Maremma will behave for :laugh:
  7. Good idea, passionfruit is a good climber too.
  8. Is a grape vine all that dangerous? Could you not fence it off? Seems a drastic measure and no guarantee a replacement won't be just as bad Because some dogs are so sensitive to grapes that a mere handful can be fatal, or at best cause long term kidney damage. Not worth the risk. Yeah I wouldn't risk it either. Lemons are good and pretty safe as most dogs won't eat many! We have an apricot tree and the dogs love it :laugh: especially Mosley. He doesn't eat the pip, just nibbles around the first layer and leaves the rest. He also nicks any veggies I grow. He has a penchant for cucumbers.
  9. I knew a guy who used to trap animals and bring them to the pound I worked at. He had a cattle dog, a red girl, who would sit in the back of his ute and attack anyone that went near it, including him! he was ok with it! She was crazy :laugh:
  10. I saw this too. What a great dog.
  11. God I remember trying to get dressed All of a sudden land shark would have my pants and there'd be a fight to get them back. Little bitch. She was a shocker. My Anatolian never bit as a pup
  12. They did a study recently which showed that magpies will attack people they see more often before people they don't know/haven't seen before so I'd believe it!
  13. My Aussie was like this. Nothing worked other than ignoring her. Yelping hyped her up even more. If she bit, we would get up and walk away every time. No interaction if biting. Eventually she stopped, at around 4-5 months I reckon. You could also try holding the bottom of her mouth with your thumb and pressing down, not too hard but they find it uncomfortable and that can work sometimes. I remember Lili running full speed at me and jumping up and biting my face. Some pups are just land sharks :laugh:
  14. We also don't know that she has a mental illness. Either way, she still needed to be dealt with.
  15. I understand that but it still doesn't excuse assault.
  16. If my street was closed off with cops everywhere I would assume something important was happening. As would anyone with half a brain? Sure it may be a pain but throwing poo isn't going to help! I'm not sure what else the cops were supposed to do? They get enough crap in their jobs as it is and her reaction was far from normal.
  17. Yeah I don't quite understand why people are defending her. She threw shit at a cop. What did she expect. Lordy.
  18. Personally I wouldn't risk it. I either wouldn't look after her or at least keep them separated. Obviously your dog isn't happy and it sounds like this could escalate
  19. They didn't need 4 men no, but she still threw shit at him so I don't know what she expected would happen :/
  20. Yeah, seriously, just go sit down somewhere and wait or walk the dogs for a bit longer.
  21. I have a noser too LG. The kids call it 'boofing.' Bruno happily boofs all manner of things over with his nose. Schoolbags, drink bottles, etc. And sits outside the toilet door when I'm in there, boofing the door every now and then for good measure. :laugh: My Anatolian does this. Walks up to the table and noses whatever he can reach onto the floor *rollyeyes* I imagine an Anatolian can reach most things too DA. :laugh: The kids bedside tables are most attractive to Bruno. Tissue boxes, drink bottles and books are all fun to boof over. Doesn't help that they laugh at him. He wags his tail and does an encore. Yep not much is out of his reach :laugh: Then he looks all shocked when the thing he nosed bangs on the ground. Umm that's what happens! Big eejit.
  22. I have a noser too LG. The kids call it 'boofing.' Bruno happily boofs all manner of things over with his nose. Schoolbags, drink bottles, etc. And sits outside the toilet door when I'm in there, boofing the door every now and then for good measure. :laugh: My Anatolian does this. Walks up to the table and noses whatever he can reach onto the floor *rollyeyes*
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