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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. This report says the little poodle did not put his nose through the fence but that there was a hole. That's interesting. This is why I just think fences should have no holes, whether someone sticks something through in stupidity (which we know they do) or whether your dog sticks its head out and bites someone on the footpath, why risk it?
  2. Fences are there to keep the resident dog in and if the bars and wire are sufficient to do so, then that is all that is required. A dog sticking it's head, paw or leg through or under someone else's fence, is likely to suffer an injury if the resident dog doesn't tolerate other dogs. Oh I agree, however I would prefer to avoid any possibility of my dog being declared dangerous or hurting another dog, so I make sure no-one can stick anything through my fence.
  3. Fences shouldnt have gaps in them to start with, that way noone gets hurt. Pretty simple really
  4. Yep, there are some near us where you literally have to walk right up near the fence. Not to mention that there shouldn't have been gaps in the fence with an aggressive dog behind it anyway, this is not the fault of the owner of the dead dog.
  5. ^^ This.. When at home, none of my dogs have worn collars. They only get 'dressed' if they are going out :) Same here.
  6. Aaaaahahahahaha you're hilarious Stan. Happy birthday! Did he enjoy his pie?
  7. Why wouldn't they release her if the chip was in your name?
  8. To put those costs into perspective too ... I'm given a $10 voucher for every $500 I spend in Pet Barn. I get those vouchers nearly every 2 to 3 weeks! What do you spend it on? I probably spend about $20 pw on dog food for 5 dogs. I might be a little bit more but not much. I'm curious as to how dogs can cost so much. Same, my dogs don't cost much at all.
  9. I don't think you did anything terrible, asking for the price to be reducedbecause of a vaccination might have got the breeder off side a bit, but I would just call and have a chat and try and clear it up. I think the whole "you can't ask price" thing is ridiculous, as long as you dont ONLY ask that :laugh: Not everyone is loaded and most people need to know how much something is, yes even a pet, before they can commit to purchasing it.
  10. They're such weirdos sometimes, Mosley ate a whole packet of bird seed when he was little?! Who does that, it can't have tasted very good?
  11. Depends on all kinds of things, whether dog is registered or not, how many days it's been there, whether it's desexed or not, what council area you fall into etc.
  12. Sadly, dogs have actually died from carbon-monoxide poisoning traveling this way on the Spirit. Yes. Horrible, I wouldn't take my dogs over on it. I'd prefer to fly them if they had to go.
  13. I've been finding mozzies are round all bloody year lately so wouldn't risk it. I know people in Melbourne who don't treat for it though.
  14. My big boofer is sometimes afraid of puppies, one time at the park two lab puppies bailed him up and he looked absolutely terrified! My Aussie doesn't take kindly to rude puppies and has growled and snapped at pups which have been in her face before, I don't think it's an issue, just an older dog telling a puppy off. If you are worried about your dog I would consult a trainer.
  15. Lili does this, if I am upset she will stop whatever she's doing and come and sit next to me and lean into me for cuddles :) it makes me laugh and cheers me up :laugh: sorry
  16. There are quite a few products available, I have used both Joint Guard and Sashas Blend. Both good.
  17. :laugh: My OH had to "help" his dog pass a sock once, in a posh area of London at a park full of people having picnics :laugh: He couldn't get the last bit out so OH had to step on the sock while the dog walked away
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