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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Yes, seems something isn't right. It's not normal for the dog to be in so much pain for 4 days, could be a stitch catching like someone said, make sure they check her out properly and not just give you extra medication. Good luck.
  2. Yeah straight back to the vet. It didn't sound normal to me and after looking at that picture, I would have her down asap.
  3. I agree. She just had major surgery for dogs sake. Guarantee if any of us had the same surgery we'd be pretty bloody miserable. If it were my dog I'd take her to the vet to be sure. Good luck I hope she is feeling better soon Just saw your post, did the vet not consider giving you some stronger pain killers?
  4. That's something I think about too, a lot of people don't know how long it stays in the yard so I doubt they'd say anything. Parvo can be spread by birds etc so effectively yes could be airborne.
  5. Good work sas. It's nice to know these kinds of people don't always get away with such atrocious behaviour.
  6. What she said. I think a concrete run would be good for quarantine and if you can get your hands on some F10, it's by far the best for cleaning when it comes to parvo etc. Also be aware of corona, similar to parvo.
  7. I know :laugh: Lili had a bout of Colitis a few months ago and we were trying to get fluids into her as she was dehydrated and she wasn't drinking on her own. The moment she took a drink on her own, OH and I were jumping around like idiots :laugh: same with the first solid poo. Good to hear Zig is back to normal :)
  8. Agree, I thought the OP was saying that there was nothing on the record but that she had been charged for it, but if it says he got it and she was charged then that's different.
  9. I can understand him not recalling that day, however there should be a note on the dogs file to say if he was given any type of injection/medication. If there is no note stating he recvd the injection ask for a refund of the cost charged to you.
  10. I have an Aussie at 22kg and an Anatolian x at 50kg, thwy have some craxy playfightd and we've never had an issue, touch wood :) I would supervise though as a frenchie is much smaller than an Aussie and so more delicate.
  11. Yes, if my dog went missing I would asusme it got out, not was stolen, so I wouldn;t report it to the police.
  12. Haha what a surprise he sells the stuff. Personally I'd tell him to stick it and find another vet, it's one thing to recommend a certain food but he sounds pushy and rude.
  13. Glad to hear he is ok, poor munchkin.
  14. Hope everything is ok SL. Hugs for you and Zig
  15. His tummy could be distended due to gas, poor Zig. I agree just keep an eye on him but if he starts trying to vomit and looking really uncomfortable whisk him up to the vet. I hope it's just a bellyache/gas
  16. I'd move the cats and let him sleep in your room to see if that fixes it. Also agree with a vet check.
  17. From reading this it turns out that all the non shedding breeds are all breeds I wouldn't have anyway, so I'm lucky I don't mind hair :laugh: I would go for long or medium hair over short spiky hairs though, easier to clean up as it balls up in tumbleweeds.
  18. Both my guys have medium hair, they get a bath once every few months and a brush every now and then...that's it. I wouldn't have the time or inclination to have a dog I had to groom regularly. Luckily none of the non shedding breeds are breeds I want to own, not at this stage anyway.
  19. I agree RSA, I think people miss out too with this requirement. I don't care that my dogs shed.
  20. God my dogs would kill me if I put leggings on them :laugh: I can't even get Lili to wear a coat! Maybe I'll get a Rotti next...
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