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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Morons. Definitely report it. I hate seeing tiny kids walking dogs they cannot control, it's absolutely stupid. I'm glad Toby is ok. Take care and get yourself a stiff drink!
  2. Same. When we get home Lili gallops around the yard three or four times, ball in mouth and bum wiggling madly. Mosley bolts around like a maniac "woo-wooing" at us and giving his paw for a treat. If you don't want her to do it just ignore her, I like watching my two go nuts though so don't stop them :laugh:
  3. See I have never once considered rehoming any animal I have and I have never not bonded with one either. I don't know how you can't like a dog, that seems very human to me? I worked in a shelter for years and can honestly say I did not meet one dog I didn't like, no matter the personality. This isn't having a go at all, I agree the best thing is to rehome sometimes and i know noone hates their dog, I just genuinely don't understand not getting along with a dog.
  4. I also would cut out the weetbix and milk, he doesn't need it. I probably wouldn't feed the canned food either as it's mostly water but that's just me. I would feed dry rather than canned. Other than that it sounds fine, just follow the guide on the bag for the correct amount of dry food and divide it by 3, plus his chicken wing :)
  5. I definitely will if it happens again. My dogs are highly socialised with children, but even so I would never allow them to approach a strange child. It frustrates me that people who try to do the right thing with their dogs are still victimised. Thanks for your input. It's ridiculous, it's like the lady that tells my colleagues off when they park on the street in front of her house (my work doesn't have off street parking). We keep telling her the council owns the street....does she get it? Nope. Very frustrating, and there's just no reason to act that way towards someone, whether you like dogs or not. We used to take our two to an offleash oval that sounds similar, two ovals about 200 metres away from each other. Lili is normnally 100% with her recall, but once ran into the middle of a game and went for the ball , our bad and of course we apologised profusely, but everyone just laughed it off. Why do people have to be so aggressive and intolerant these days?
  6. What a bunch of pr*cks. I would have told them to go and **** themselves. Report them for harrassment.
  7. Have you done it? I believe they are loking to see if other people looking at our dogs photos see the same attributes we see in our own dogs, could be wrong though.... who knows. It also seemed to ask a bit about whether you find having dogs stops you from doing certain things, and I think a lot of people who love their dogs (probably not from DOL :laugh:) feel this way.
  8. Done :) Almost impossible to find a neutral expression, this was the closest I could get :laugh: She still looks mental :laugh:
  9. Was just thinking this :laugh: I agree that dogs bred for work/performance are usually the ones I am attracted to, rather than dogs bred for their looks or conformation.
  10. Hi, do you have an insurance plan for your puppies that you sell ? I am looking as a breeder to find something to cover my puppies that are for sale. Thank you in advance for any information you may be able to give me. I breed toy poodles. I don't believe donatella breeds dogs, and was just talking about her two.
  11. Glad to hear she's feeling a bit better. Also agree with letting this vet know why you aren't happy, maybe in writing.
  12. Same here. I prefer to put away my own extra money and keep a credit card in case of a really expensive issue. No advice on the kitty crunchies sorry :p Aaaaand just read the rest of the thread
  13. SQUEEEE! A pile of baby Aussies
  14. Good to see there are some positive stories of recovery. You must be so worried
  15. Jesus, that's a lot. I don't have any stories, sorry, but this is one of my worst nightmares. I hope she's ok. I don't keep any type of poison in my house as I'm so paranoid they might get into it. Keep us updated, sending good thoughts.
  16. I don't see what she would be getting out of the way she is behaving, she looks absolutely miserable and in a lot of pain. I know dogs can feign limps etc to get attention, but standing up constantly like that? I don't see what benefit she could be getting out of behaving that way, and the vet seems very dismissive. If you hadn't gone down would he have even called you back I wonder? It's obvious you are worried and doing all the right things, but if that were my dog I would be getting a second opinion. Did he actually examine her or just tell you he thought it was behavioural?
  17. Totally, I just meant that I wouldn't go along with sedation only. Sedation and exploration is all good.
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