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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. An Aussie is all those things.... But seriously, I love Collies and would love a rough coat one day My grandparents had a beautiful rough boy called Benji when I was little and he was so soft and gorgeous.
  2. Genetics mainly, other than that I think it comes down to quality of life.
  3. Anyone who likes bull breeds or has a bull breed is a bogan, didn't you know?!
  4. Thank you, you stopped me from having to respond to this. Also, I agree completely with Wobbly's post.
  5. Yes, mean is a human word/description, dogs aren't mean.
  6. Another easily avoidable incident. When will people get some common sense?
  7. That's what I thought they were, thanks Sandra.
  8. Have you ever seen a lagotto? They are a medium sized retrieving breed. According to the last article, the dogs were on Council's "companion animal" register as American Bulldogs, which I thought they could have been. Maybe a bit smaller than some, and maybe the second one into the truck was a boxer, but really, who knows? They were 3 savage dogs which escaped their premises and attacked someone. They could have been anything over about 10k. They formed a pack, and behaved badly. I think Cattle Dogs are still on the top of the bite register. Hope the poor jogger heals well. So sad. Glad you pointed that out Jed. inez, try educating yourself before spouting nonsense...killer breeds...really? Jeeeesus :laugh:
  9. Quite right. Canberra's RSPCA has a good reputation. And I saw the CEO at the 'Ban Live Export' march on Sunday, walking his pretty pit bull girl. That's awesome
  10. I think this is pretty normal behaviour, as in Bonnie getting a bit older and trying to assert herself, but I don't know if desexing will fix it. I would probably try and address it with training instead. Not sure where to start though to be honest! Maybe remind them both that you decide when they get your attention, not them, some NILIF or something might help a bit? And 1 on 1 time might help too, that way they both know they will get your attention and don't feel they have to fight over it.
  11. Yup. I feel the same. Sure, every now and then it would be nice to be able to just spontaneously go away and not have to worry about pets, but then I look at the adorable munchkins and forget about all of that :laugh:
  12. I agree, I don't think the OP and husband should get another dog. Rehome these two and be done with dog ownership. Probably like many people these days, life is way too busy anyhow. I agree with this as well and with what Wobbly has said. So do I.
  13. Doesn't matter what breed they are. They are dangerous dogs and should be dealt with accordingly,as should the owner. Well tell all the people who's dogs have been seized and killed for nothing more than looking a certain way that. It DOES matter, for all pit bulls and their owners. Also I never said they should be dealt with. Huh. You never said they should be dealt with? I don't, in all honesty feel it matters what breed was involved. These dogs should be dealt with accordingly. I do sympathize with with the fact that innocent dogs are being taken away from their loving owners merely because they look like a pit bull type, but it can be said that this has come about by owners who couldn't give a continental what their dogs get up to, and so the it seems most pit bull types are tarred with the same brush. That was a typo. Should have read "shouldn't be dealt with". I never once condoned what these dogs have done. I don't think claiming ignorance is acceptable either, but I'll give up now because people don't seem to see what I'm getting at. If the name of the breed is such an issue why don't you change it? Drop the 'Pit' which makes people think of aggressive fighting dogs in a dog pit and call them American Bull Terriers or ABTs? Because the name isn't the issue, people's ignorance as to what the breed looks like is.
  14. Doesn't matter what breed they are. They are dangerous dogs and should be dealt with accordingly,as should the owner. Well tell all the people who's dogs have been seized and killed for nothing more than looking a certain way that. It DOES matter, for all pit bulls and their owners. Also I never said they should be dealt with. Huh. You never said they should be dealt with? I don't, in all honesty feel it matters what breed was involved. These dogs should be dealt with accordingly. I do sympathize with with the fact that innocent dogs are being taken away from their loving owners merely because they look like a pit bull type, but it can be said that this has come about by owners who couldn't give a continental what their dogs get up to, and so the it seems most pit bull types are tarred with the same brush. That was a typo. Should have read "shouldn't be dealt with". I never once condoned what these dogs have done. I don't think claiming ignorance is acceptable either, but I'll give up now because people don't seem to see what I'm getting at.
  15. Doesn't matter what breed they are. They are dangerous dogs and should be dealt with accordingly,as should the owner. Well tell all the people who's dogs have been seized and killed for nothing more than looking a certain way that. It DOES matter, for all pit bulls and their owners. Also I never said they shouldn't be dealt with. ETA: Typo
  16. Well the public is wrong. They look nothing like put bulls and the public should educate themselves. Would you say the same if it was your breed being misidentified and blamed for an attack?
  17. The 3am vomit is a regular occurrence in our house. Usually it's because they need to get rid of a bit of bone, sometimes puppies and dogs can get hungry too which can make them vomit.
  18. If these are the dogs I saw on the news they are NOT freaking pit bulls. They look like some type of American bulldog cross. I am so over these "witnesses" calling any attacking dog a pit bull.
  19. I'd say it's a combination of them being terriers, small and nuts!
  20. So sorry to hear this GG RIP Tess.
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