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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. My OH lifts weights and used to eat loads of whole eggs. After a cholesterol check he now eats mainly egg whites! :laugh:
  2. The yolk and white cancel each other out anyway so I don't think it needs to be cooked. Sure they won't mind though! :laugh: My guys get eggs every now and then and I just give them raw.
  3. Brilliant news! And she's gorgeous too!
  4. I haven't seen anyone here say they would punch or kick an approaching dog? I certainly didn't.
  5. I don't approach. Both me and the dogs are snobs Same here. If my dog is on lead it's because I don't want it to interact with other unknown dogs, which is why I rarely, if ever, go to off lead areas anyway.
  6. I'm not comfortable with my dogs being off lead around other unknown dogs and my Anatolian doesn't understand the concept of recall *rolleyes* so they are always on lead unless we have an area to ourselves. If other dogs are around, they go back on lead. I don't appreciate being approached by unknown dogs, however if it happened and said dog was friendly, I'd get over it.
  7. I wouldn't have beaten him up for it, but it's not ok for him to let his dogs rush other people and their dogs barking and growling. Maybe now he might keep them on lead or at least under control.
  8. Agree it could be mixed with Kelpie or GSD, but mainly Dingo. Beautiful pup!
  9. I think it's a great idea. Sure there are lots of particulars to iron out, but why not give it a go? It is only one day after all. Good luck with it, and welcome :)
  10. Lili has one amber eye and one merled amber/blue eye and her eyes are orangey red at night, Mosley's however shine bright green, he scares us on a nightly basis running in from the back looking like a beast from hell :laugh:
  11. I want a greyhound. Actually I want Stan but that ain't happening :laugh:
  12. I'd cook his meat to see if that helps. Does he get bones?
  13. I just wouldn't leave an unwell dog alone at all I would forgo the trip.
  14. I remember being worried about a second dog changing the dynamics and not getting along with the first dog, but no I haven't felt bad about getting a dog. As Kirislin said, maybe it's just dawning on you that it's a big responsibility?
  15. Mean to the core? Sorry I don't believe dogs can be "mean". That's something reserved for humans. Other animals dont go around holding grudges and having motives, they don't go out looking to hurt someone.
  16. I wish vets would be a bit more open about how common this is after desexing. Sorry I don't have any advice, but good luck with it, it must be frustrating for both of you.
  17. :laugh: probably the pen ink
  18. Me too :) and when I call them when they're down the back yard and they come up straight away without me having to yell out to the neighbourhood "quick, inside who wants some cheese" :laugh: Recall is not their strongest point Same :laugh: I'm proud if Mosley does anything I say :laugh:
  19. This! I wish my Anatolian would chill, he barks enough for every dog in my street :laugh:
  20. Poor wee man Thinking of him, Sneaky Face and you T. Fingers crossed they both come through with no issues :)
  21. Great post Pailin, I agree completely. We should be far more worried about other humans!
  22. Yep I reckon BC/Kelpie mixes. Maybe even some Cattle dog in there, a bit of a working breed mix. I also like Sneaky Face, but they are all divine Just saw the last post, I hope it clears up quickly.
  23. Totally normal. Our old Chi x had a turtle toy that he used to hump ALL THE TIME :laugh: My Aussie humps my Anatolian when they play too. They have never humped another dog or person so I don't worry about it, but if Tank starts doing it to people you may want to discourage it :laugh:
  24. Yes, I agree. I know of two dogs who had a diet of Pal and freddo frogs and lived till they were 15 or so :laugh:
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