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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Exactly. Why make what is already perfect into something gaudy like that?
  2. Except that people can choose to participate, the dogs don't get a choice. I don't think it's cruel, I just think they look ridiculous and don't think living animals should be used as a creative medium.
  3. Yes, it just seems a big overdose, I could understand a little bit over, but 4 times? Maybe his sight isn't great?
  4. Yeah maybe, that's the only reason I could think of too. Crappy situation all round
  5. I don't believe the vet should have prescribed something that could be so toxic, however they can only do so much over the phone, late at night. If it were me I would have told him to take the cat to an emergency vet for pain relief. Also, he did give the cat four times the amount prescribed. Why?
  6. Lili is the same PD, she molts these big chunks of hair but when I brush her I get nothing Mosley just sheds constantly, it's hectic.
  7. It's not out of the question to wake up in my house with a hair halfway down your throat or protruding from an eye....this is with daily vaccuuming/sweeping. Unfortunately all the breeds I like are crazy shedding machines so I just have to deal with it :laugh:
  8. I would probably manage them, I don't think I could put my dog down, maybe I'd think differently if it happened to me, I don't know.. I wouldn't judge someone for doing it, only you know your dog and your situation. All the best, horrible position to be in. I hope your baby is ok.
  9. Neither am I, but I didn't see anything in my post that deserved to be laughed at. Some people think bull breeds are an issue, some don't, both are entitled to their opinions, even though only one was backed up with actual figures.
  10. Who has shouted people down? You just said yourself everyone has the right to an opinion?
  11. Just because theyre a banned breed doesn't necessarily mean they'll grow up to be man eaters. Why have a whole litter killed for no reason other than the government don't want them here?
  12. I wouldn't take them too seriously people :laugh:
  13. Both mine dream but not like you've described PD, poor Bear "Bears baby" made me laugh though :laugh:
  14. Be very careful, I'm sure it's possible but I wouldnt risk it. I don't keep birds but I keep rats and even though the dogs have never tried to hurt them there's no way I'd trust them together. You just don't know until it happens and then it's too late.
  15. But there really isn't, when you take into the account how many 'bull breeds' [we're talking about a few breeds and, I assume, crosses here] there are that are never a problem and don't make the headlines. I'd love to see accurate statistics that show this country has a major problem with bull breeds, as opposed to a major problem with education and community safety. Every dog, of any breed, attracts incompetent and irresponsible owners. Yes, bull breeds are very popular in general. And the fact they're not in the news multiple times a day attacking someone or something just shows how the majority of owners are capable, educated, and well equipped, and how the majority of dogs are not a problem. We have to remember that bull breeds and their crosses [again, so many breeds in that] aren't some magical unicorn species of the dog world that need extra special ownership. They are dogs, first and foremost. What people need to look at is individual dogs within breeds that may need specific environments and owners. There's no point looking at the pounds to tell us where there's a problem. A huge percentage of dogs in the pounds are crossbreeds of unknown genetics. And then there's the fact a huge percentage of crossbreeds in the pounds are happy, friendly, well-adjusted dogs that go on to find homes, which clearly shows the problem was never with the dog in the first place. So no, I don't believe we have a major problem with bull breeds in this country. I also don't believe we have a major problem with dangerous dogs, considering the percentage of attacks across the board is so low.
  16. Those dogs are ridiculous looking and I hate that somebody who has never met an APBT or well bred Amstaff might think that's actually what they are supposed to look like Theyre such beautiful dogs.
  17. I'd try an easy walker harness, they go horizontally across the chest and under the belly rather than needing a strap in the middle of the chest
  18. Our next dog will be an Amstaff, only because we can't get an APBT as we're in VIC.
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