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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I agree with everything you've said shapeshifter. Unfortunately Joe Blow just wants a dog, preferably cute, preferably cheap and preferably now.
  2. Fact is….many people just don’t think buying from a registered breeder is important. People have been getting pets out of the paper, from BYBs’/people in the neighbourhood for yonks, and plenty of these dogs are happy and healthy pets......which then makes the owners wonder what all the fuss is about buying from a registered breeder? Their BYB mutts have been great, why pay double just to get a dog from a registered breeder? I think there’s also the impression that breeders and purebred dogs are for “showing” and are “snobby” and I’m not sure how this can be addressed? Unfortunately, I don’t believe much will change.
  3. I remember our little chi scared us once. She was just lying there and we were calling her name, prodding her, nothing. My brother and I were both positive she was dead when she slowly opened her eyes...bitch! :laugh:
  4. Good luck! This is something I've worried about as we want to get a third dog and would have to get a permit. We're putting it off because I doubt we would get one approved where we are. I guess worst case scenario if they say no you could always just ignore it and if they ever ask say its a friends dog that's visiting..? All the best, I really hope it gets approved, you have lots of experience and knowledge behind the application which should help :)
  5. Agree. The whole "Kids will be kids" thing does my head in. Kids will act the way they are taught to act.
  6. I never trespassed as a kid! Would always knock on the front food if I needed a ball or something back.
  7. :laugh: you don't! I was really paranoid when we got our second dogthat they wouldn't get along, so I totally understand. Keep us updated on how it all goes :)
  8. Firstly don't stress, I'm sure it will be fine :) As the others said give them time apart, ensure pup isn't bothering/annoying Taj and give it some time.
  9. One of the couples on The Block have bought a greyhound statue!
  10. I'm so sick of laws that have to be made because some people can't raise their kids properly. A child has no right to be in any garden other than its own. Is that really so hard to understand?!
  11. Corie, can you please put Lhoks picture of Raiden before mine please? I hadn't seen the thread
  12. Dame Aussie


    I've only just seen this I'm so sorry Lhok I don't know what else to say, how horrible for you all. RIP Raiden
  13. I'll post my pic tonight corie! Sorry for the delay I couldn't find the one I wanted but have located it! :) The drawings so far are gorgeous!
  14. Thanks for the clarification wildthing.
  15. We don't use supplements. I would only use them if they were actually needed as others have said. It's like humans paying for vitamins and just peeing them out because they aren't deficient in the first place.
  16. Wouldn't the vet have lost her license if she was so dangerous?
  17. Poor mites I hope they're found soon.
  18. I found my Aussie in the trading post, from registered breeders :)
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