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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Most of the GSD's I see are the same. I think it looks terrible and if I were looking for one Id go working line.
  2. I don't have a heart dog. All my dogs are individuals and I love them all more than anything, but for different reasons :)
  3. I don't really care if people want to walk their dogs off lead, as long as they stay away from me and my dogs. Although for people who do this, please be careful, I've seen a friends "extremely well trained dog who would never run into the road", do just that and be hit by a car.
  4. Is that darker area something on the site or is it all blood? If its blood I'd go to the vet as soon as you can, looks too much blood to me. I hope it resolves quickly for you.
  5. I think it's like anything, theres always a small risk the dog could choke or something but I think the benefits outweigh that small risk for me.
  6. But they should be and they are, if purchased from a registered breeder who breeds for type, temperament , structure and soundness. The "pedigree dog" is the superior product. If it weren't there would be no dedicated registered breeders who believe in the dogs they produce. I agree with you for the most... but that kind of "attitude" displayed by those with pedigeed dogs can also be a put off for the average person... T. Agree. Even if it"s correct, people who have had and loved cross bred dogs will see that attitude as snobby and it will turn them off purebreds.
  7. I'd agree that this is very common. I'm not sure how we go about changing perceptions though, other than educating people we know.
  8. I know! :laugh: You're right though, it is misleading and I agree, if people had a better understanding of how vaccines work they would be making more informed decisions.
  9. Yeah sorry, by booster I just mean they get their puppy shots, then one more 12 months later.
  10. I think that's quite a good explanation of how the breed/type developed and the other breeds that are messed up in all the BSL business. Not that I'd call myself an expert! :laugh:
  11. Yes when I saw her I wondered the same Kirislin. Beautiful looking dog.
  12. After reading this & Odin-genie's comments, I wonder if its common for Goldies to have fast growing nails? Honey & I jog on footpaths often & her nails never get worn down. Maybe dee, I know Lili is jogged every night on the footpath and it keeps hers really short. I guss it would depend on the weight of the dog too? Lili is about 23 kg.
  13. Yes, Lili has always "disciplined" Mosley, ever since he was a baby, a growl and a grab around the muzzle when he did anything naughty :) good girl :)
  14. Completely agree T, I'm the same. Any vet that tries to push me into buying the food they stock especially loses my business. I agree too that owners are more knowledgeable than they give themselves credit for sometimes, no one knows your dog like you and I think some vets sometimes forget that.
  15. I honestly couldn't even say what we pay for a consult. We only ever go to the vet if something is wrong so it's very rarely really. The way I see it, whatever it costs, I have to just pay it to give my dogs the best care possible. We don't make a lot of money but I just wouldn't compromise on my dogs health and if that means paying a lot, then so be it. Of course shop around, but I wouldn't forgo seeing a specialist because of the cost. Having said that, the last few times we've been I've found the prices pretty reasonable, even when we had to go to emergency early one morning.
  16. Don't know about siblings but my Aussie always seeks out and prefers to play with similar breeds like BC's and Kelpies etc.
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