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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Both my two have double coats. Very easy to brush and look after. Their double coat insulates them against cold and hot so I'm not going to mess with nature.
  2. Could you install a doggy door? That way he can go outside to the toilet but also have the option of being inside, in whatever area you confine him to. Re the whining/screaming, if your neighbors are approachable maybe you could tell then you have a new puppy and he could be a bit noisy for the first week or two as he gets used to the new environment. Maybe buy them a box of chocolates to apologise in advance :laugh: I would have him sleep as you intend to continue. If you want him to sleep in your bedroom in the future then do so now too, if not then get him used to being away from you now. Pictures please :)
  3. Staffy ridgie mix would be my best guess.
  4. There is no instance I would ever have my ASD or CAS off lead, they have no recall and have extreme drive. I don't care how well you think people know their dogs, once they are in drive mode it is almost impossible to recall them. Posts like yours Robbi make me fear for the future of my breeds Edited to add by drive I mean whatever they are focused on - running, playing etc not being protective. Once Azure is focused on anything she goes and there is nothing I can do to distract her, I swear she chases imaginary rainbows half of the time Yes. My ASD X is NEVER off lead.
  5. We were rushed by a SWF that escaped its yard. Owner saw the whole thing and did f*** all. It bolted across the road snarling and snapping and was quite surprised when it copped a kick. No way are my dogs getting into trouble for reacting to that. Neither of them did luckily.
  6. Oh Stan's mum, a fractured skull?!!? I hope he is ok.
  7. Mauled? Hardly. Yet again a bigger dog being blamed when the little dog is at fault.
  8. I, too, find it quite extraordinary that someone who has admitted they have become too frigtened to walk their dogs should be told to get over it. I'm still shaking from an experience this evening whereby a large dog rushed the fence of a children's playground while I walked past with my five little dogs. The dog was illegally in the playground (notices on all gates) and there were only two small children in the playground with the dog. A young boy had the dog by the collar trying to hold him (no lead of course) and the boy was being dragged along the ground by the dog. The boy was not harmed, was grinning his head off and obviously thought the whole thing a great lark. I was terrified that the gates might not be secure. I am in the process of writing to the council. Was the nuf nuf parent not around? :laugh:
  9. If I was a breeder and this happened I would keep the puppy and see how it went as it grew. I would never just kill it on the off chance there might be issues.
  10. This. If you're getting that anxious you may feel better having a weapon.
  11. Agree with this! :laugh: Being a vet would definitely make me feel more comfortable, although I don't really trust anyone with my dogs
  12. Yeah my Anatolian would literally devour anyone who broke into our house or yard, however in a normal situation he loves everyone and everything. Situation is really important too.
  13. Only dog that ever bit me was a little terrier cross that was roaming stray at my primary school. Got me right in the face too
  14. Same here. I wouldn't enter anyone's yard without permission regardless of whether there was a dog or not.
  15. Yeah well just because some people think cross breeds don't deserve to exist doesn't mean it will ever happen. Who gets to decide one dog is better than another? No one I think you'll find. I really don't think the breeding is what needs to be focused on.
  16. Could he have a UTI? I hope the belly band helps!! How frustrating
  17. I'm changing my circumstances (thank Dog) and will be at home during the day now, but till now I was working all day and no-one was checking on my dogs Not everyone has the luxury of being able to afford to pay people to check on their dogs, and not everyone has friends close enough or neighbours trustworthy enough to check on their dogs multiple times a day. I don't think people should feel bad about this.
  18. I don't know why they're whining, people are alloowed on any beach, whats the problem with having just one for dogs?!
  19. That's why I have a sign telling sales people to stay off my property. They're great.
  20. Lili is pretty good, I'd say she has about a 99.9% recall. Mosley however? I'd give him a .2% recall :laugh: which is why he is never off the lead.
  21. All dogs are potentially dangerous. You took the words out of my mouth.
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