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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I thought this too, can you have them in the ensuite while you clean the bedroom and vice versa? I remember cleaning pens of puppies
  2. Not every owner shares your opinion and there are some that like their dogs have correct ears for the breed, even if it means taping or gluing in order to achieve it And did I say anything to the contrary? People can like whatever look they want. Am I not allowed to share my opinion?
  3. That's my view now - sometimes her ears correct for a short moment and I find it weird because it just isn't 'her' :laugh: My dogs aren't show dogs though - I'd be more worried if they had crazy ears in that case! :laugh: true. If I showed I'd care more :laugh:
  4. I couldnt care less what my dogs ears look like, I actually like the wonky ones, I think they have more character :D
  5. Totally agree with the last bit, we need to be respectful and friendly in order to ensure people feel comfortable to contact a breeder. So many people still think that's "only for people who show etc".
  6. Oh no Im not on FB but I hope he's found soon.
  7. I agree they should have been rehomed if they passed the test. However, what is the shelter supposed to do, hold the dogs indefinitely while this person sorts themselves out? I've worked in a large shelter and trust me, if they did this for everyone that walked in the door saying they have no money to get their dogs out, there'd be no room left. The owners fencing and the way they contain their dogs is not the responsibility of the council or the shelter So while I don't agree with what has happened, the owner is 100% at fault.
  8. They were repeat offenders, obviously this woman had issues containing her dogs. If she had done so they would never have been at the shelter in the first place.
  9. I've noticed that since I got Lili, Aussies seem to be growing in popularity. I saw one near my place the other day and actually had to look twice as I thought it was Lili in some guys car! :laugh:
  10. Lots of bull breed crosses where I am. Also lots of small dogs like SWF and Pom crosses. After those it would probably be herding and working dogs like BC, Koolies and Kelpies. Im in a pretty rough neighbourhood :laugh: saying that though EVERYONE has dogs which I like.
  11. If quality breeders don't advertise where "normal" people look, how will "normal" people ever find a quality dog? I doubt many people who want a pet dog would be looking through online pedigree dog ads, but they might look at gumtree/etc, so if a pedigree breeder is advertised there, perhaps they have captured someone that might have otherwise only seen ads for BYB dogs? Yep. There was a recent thread about someone getting no response to their email about a puppy. It's all well and good to promote purebred dogs but if people don't even get a response can you blame them for going elsewhere?! I certainly can't.
  12. Ummmm....... No. So even though your actions could lead to dogs being banned altogether because of owners breaking the law you don't care? It's not just rushing at other dogs, it's the whole I'll do what i want attitude that affects us all. That's a gross over exaggeration. Really, I remember when we didn't have as many restrictions on where we could take dogs, laws are getting tougher. What do you think council will do if they get complaints about off lead dogs? Do you think they'll spend money on extra staff to police the area or do you think they'll just do what's easiest and ban the dogs. There is a lot of anti-dog sentiment out there due to selfish owners. I just don't understand why you are proud of breaking the law. Some people only care about themselves, obviously.
  13. This sounds totally different to this Not every big dog wants to eat Fluffy. It really is all about the big dogs being demonised and it isn't your defence I have a problem with, a swift kick should be enough but in the latter instance where you've assessed the situation and feel it's GENUINELY required, not as in the latter because a big lolloping playing dog runs at you wagging its whole back end. Genuine question though, do any of you not feel that lashing out at dogs who are off lead, although shouldn't be, might create reactivity if you do it enough? That big lab x who just wants to sniff and can get out of his owners gates gets enough kicks and it could well fulfill your prophecy of doom and gloom? It's just all so contradictory and depressing, with one member saying they wished they had a gun for roaming dogs and in another post saying how hard it is to see dogs killed on the road, that is a huge leap there. I was totally on board with this thread to start with, and we can all relate but people are letting this fear run and ruin their lives and the lives of others. There are so many posts on here declaring their dogs bomb proof, but then going on to say they wouldn't stand for any dog, friendly or none approaching you. This sounds like something I would be seriously thinking about rectifying. Incredibly stressful and damning. And for the record I said the actions were all kinds of crazy, which I stick by. Again, hugely contradictory. People better just hope their friendly dog doesn't gallop up to a non friendly dog.
  14. This is just going around in circles. For all those who seem to have issues with their comprehension. PUT YOUR F***ING DOG ON A LEAD. Noone gives a toss about your "bond" and news flash: people can't read your mind and know your dog is "bombproof".
  15. Yes accidents happens. But we don't need to go and drive on the wrong side of the road just because we're confident drivers. If people want to live on the "wild side" they should do so in their own little space and shouldn't be putting the public at risk. Now I know people who've witnessed off-lead dogs tear up an on-lead dogs in front of it's owners. Guts flying everywhere. I've had many close calls myself. Little dogs rushing at us. My quick thinking has saved many off-lead dogs lives. So yes I do scan a head and I am aware of my surroundings. So I'd rather be aware then ignorant. I agree wholeheartedly, aware and alert beats the hell out of panic stricken. I can not personally justify carrying a maglite or a stick or cattle prod no matter how many unfriendly dogs we've come across. It honestly stinks of all kinds of crazy to me and I really have to bow out of this ridiculous thread now. It's infuriating from both sides of the argument, you should not have your dogs ambling free off lead, there's not any real need, however if shit happens and my dog happened to say get out after a break in, or snap his collar or something else happen and some loony beat him or sprayed him I would be beyond furious and as much as you have a right to defend your own, so would I. And I would. Friendly off lead dogs don't bother me in the slightest, but it's law as the majority are troublesome or less than controlled, but from the other side of the fence you really need to assess the situation at hand before losing your mind and whipping out a cattle prod. Perhaps if you really are considering arming yourself because walks in your neighborhood are so traumatic for you, it might be best to think about a dog treadmill or an acreage or something. I really would be more concerned about some unauthorised person carrying a concealed weapon than a dog. Oh and I'll just leave this here too, from www.police.vic.gov.au So what do you suggest us crazies do if a loose dog is attacking our dogs? Imagine I'm walking my 12 year shih tzu and some bigger dog rushes at us and grabs him and shakes him. What is the non-crazy thing to do in your opinion? I guess we're supposed to just stand there and watch our dogs get ripped to pieces. We'd be hysterical and crazy otherwise after all.....
  16. Our Goldie does the same thing - he eyeballs the people in the car behind us :laugh: That's what my boofer does too :laugh:
  17. :laugh: greedy bugger. My Aussie is the same, most food crazy dog I've ever had
  18. I do agree with that aspect KL, for sure. I'm still glad he got his willy chomped though.
  19. Personally meat in a can freaks me out :laugh: but some brands aren't too bad. I think the mix you've made sounds fine for the time you have them :)
  20. You want to use a cattle prod designed for 400kg or more cattle on a 10 to 30kg dog I'm pretty sure it's going to do more than slow the dog down and you're likely to end up with a lawsuit on your hands I would be interested in the legalities of that, if I am walking my onlead muzzled greyhounds and an unrestrained dog is attacking mine (I'm not talking in offlead areas, I don't use them) I will take whatever steps necessary to protect them. The attacking dog owner has broken the law first haven't they? I do sometimes walk with a stick and I will use it, if they want to sue me they can have everything I've got which is two fifths of sweet FA. Spot on SM. I agree.
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