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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. My Anatolian x was 10kg at 10 weeks. I can't remember what my Aussie was at that age. I would prefer a chubby puppy to a skinny looking one.
  2. Oh perse, sorry to hear this RIP Mr.Wilson.
  3. I think it depends on what the indicent was. If a dog attacked my dog, whether there was vet bills or not, I would be reporting them. If a dog got off its lead by accident and was friendly, no I wouldn't report it.
  4. Yep. Dodgy through and through. Vet shouldn't have signed that certificate and owner should have stayed with dog while it was PTS. I have had many animals PTS and have NEVER been told I couldn't be there to see it done. If I ever was, I wouldn't leave the animal.
  5. I got bitten on the face by a little scruffy dog when I was a kid. I had leant over it as it had seemed friendly. Sounds exactly the same! I hope you're ok!
  6. Yeah I'd say if council tell VCAT the whole story and back you up, they will probably just tell her to deal with it. I'm sure they come across lots of weirdos. Sounds like a nutter. I'd probably keep the dog inside when you aren't there to be safe.
  7. I'm not sure to be honest as I am not involved anymore, but I would have thought that as long as he can pass a temp test, he could be rehomed to an appropriate situation? I would do some ringing around and maybe get a feel for rescues reaction to the incident and go from there. I hope he can be rehomed, very sad situation.
  8. I can't see why he couldn't be rehomed to a household without cats The grandmother was most likely bitten because she stuck her hand in the way, not because the dog was trying to hurt her. I wouldn't PTS without investigating rehoming first. Maybe contact a breed resuce?
  9. Oh trust me when I say I've dealt with crap and I am under no illusions to the fact I could be in a very different situation than I am now very quickly. Doesn't change the way I feel though. Anyway theres no point going on about it.
  10. Sorry but some of the things I have seen have made me judgemental, and in my experience the majority of people who dumped their animals were NOT good owners. I have seen animals dumped because they were too old and the new puppy was cuter. I have seen animals dumped because they were "found", only to find the finder was the actual owner. I have had people tell me over the phone to "Just kill the bloody thing, it just keeps getting out." I have had people threatening to and then actually abusing their dog right in front of my eyes. I have turned up at work to find animals left out the front in boxes. I have seen animals surrendered because they were "too clingy", "too affectionate". So if my opinions offend others I apologise but this is my experience and its all I have to go by I'm not saying it's ideal but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
  11. If you have no access to money to pay for your animals then you shouldn't keep animals.
  12. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it a puppy always makes these things better though :D Both our dogs were left alone for the whole day right from the start as babies. The only issue for us was toilet training but even though we were out all day we never had too many accidents. I would leave pup in a secured area where he can't wreck anything valuable or hurt himself. You could use pee pads or just newspaper to teach him to go to a certain area to toilet. What breed is he?
  13. Netting? There was nothing about netting in the story? Where was the info re netting? I didn't see anything about netting either
  14. Lili does my head in. She LOVES to lie out right in the sun with her pink nose :/ I have to go out and move her into the shade :laugh:
  15. Yup. I just call Lili by her name and she comes running. Mosley doesn't know what recall means :laugh:
  16. I use this one on my Aussie who has a nose just like your boy :) She does lick some of it off but I figure all I can do is apply it as much as possible.
  17. I agree. It's why I don't work in that area anymore but I can't change anything now unfortunately. I wish I could have as much compassion for these people as others do.
  18. I don't agree with Nancy. I don't have much sympathy for people who dump their dogs. Those who put in the effort to rehome or hand over to rescue because of dire personal situations, or if they are too old, PTS, I can sympathise with. But to dump at a kill shelter is unthinkable. Yeah, unfortunately my experiences have made me this way too.
  19. This is why I stopped working where I did. Unfortunately people like this dogs owner are a dime a dozen.
  20. This is how I like to approach it too. Neither dog is treated differently to the other. If they behave they get what they want. If they don't, they miss out.
  21. Yep, both ours chase birds and Lili has caught and killed them before
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