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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Horrid little bastards. They've always put me off moving further North.
  2. I wouldn't worry, dogs eat much mankier things than that and get away with it. Just keep an eye on them, I hope you don't have 3am vomiting!
  3. Yes, this! SO many times over!
  4. :laugh: oh dear. Yeah, so I have to reply to this. Not once did I say I am anti rescue, if you knew anything about me you'd know this couldn't be further from the truth. Not once did I say all rescuers are nutters, I was referring to one example only. Are you saying there are no people in rescue who don't do things properly? I made a throw away comment, I could have said overzealous, would that have been more acceptable? Let's just say that's what I meant. On with the discussion...
  5. How bloody rude. You don't know anything about me or what and who I know and for the record I'm not sticking up for them or any other shelters. No wonder people dislike the rescue forums :laugh:
  6. Oh god, that's gut wrenching I'm so, so sorry. Take care of yourself RIP girls
  7. I have had a Boxer and 2 Chihuahuas, and now have an Aussie Shepherd and an Anatolian Shepherd X so no breed loyalty here :laugh: Our next dog will probably be either an English Bull or Amstaff.
  8. I understand how you're feeling but try not to blame yourself. These things happen. As Tazar said, just act as though everything is normal and take him back to the same spot as though there are no issues. Do you have any friends with friendly, trustworthy dogs he could have a play date with to keep up his confidence? Try not to worry, they are pretty resiliant and I'm sure he will be fine :)
  9. One of our guys had similar issues from an underarm harness.
  10. Only way we get around it is by leaving NOTHING where our countersurfer can get to it.:laugh: Ours is so big he comes up to the bench height anyway and only has to lift his head a bit to get whatever he wants.
  11. From what I know they used to work with rescue but some rescue nutters ruined it and so now they don't. ETA: to clarify I was talking about north melbourne. I know nothing about Brisbane.
  12. I hate dogs tied up unattended. Poor woman
  13. Omg she is mad!! That bully is beyond adorable
  14. Take photos. Call the police. This. Who does that?! Little serial killers in the making
  15. That line right there would mean I would never go to one unless there is no other choice at all - scary! Yep. You wouldn't ever even catch me dead in one of those places. Me neither and I worked for one for a short time.
  16. I prefer people not to approach as one of my dogs can be a bit scared of strangers. My other dog is the opposite and loves the attention so as long as people ask first I don't mind them petting him. When we walk past other dogs I usually say "hi, lovely dog" or something along those lines, but I don't assume they want to stop for a chat and pat the dog.
  17. Well how exactly would you like me to relay the story, they are people I know and I was telling it how I heard it. I fully realize the pounds/RSPCA have a tough job but sometimes things go pear shaped and someone loses a dog, apparently it's not unusual. I don't know why the vet told my cousin he could only read the microchip number, he said something about different types of chips are implanted, different brands and his scanner couldn't read all of them. Does that ring true? This could be the case, yes. Some scanners don't pick up certain chips.
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