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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Yeah be very careful about dog daycare businesses. Personally I've hard so many bad reports about numerous places that I would never use one
  2. How lovely of her :) that's a keeper right there! Maybe get her a box of choccies and a card? How's your little man doing after his appointment?
  3. THIS! The amount of people that would go on and on to me about 'How ridiculous' I was by waiting for so long for a puppy I 'Don't even get full choice of', before I even got Nova was astounding. Now that I have him I get "Wow no wonder you waited he is beautiful and so lovely, he's going to make some great puppies for you". When I tell them that he will never be making any puppies you should see their faces. Oh and not to mention, being an Aussie Shep and most people around here looking at them think he is a Koolie cross, then go on about why would I spend so much money when I could've gotten one of What's His Names koolies x kelpie x border pups for a carton of Extra Dry. A guy on my block has Koolies and whenever he sees my Aussie he comments on the 'Koolie' even though weve told him she's an Aussie. His Koolies have pups that he sells via a sign in his front yard. Quality.
  4. I dont get it either. OP, it could be a heap of different reasons, from the way she acts or plays, to the fact she is on lead and the others aren't, very hard to say what the cause could be.
  5. My point was that those organs are involved in the correct development of any animal. I prefer not to remove them unless absolutely necessary. You were the one who brought people into it.
  6. Absolutely. Convenient as in less possibility of trips to the vet for mammary lumps and no risk of pyometra. I'm sold. Hell, if they'd desex me I'd be all over that as well. Desexing early as someone has already pointed out prevents accidental matings. Nothing affects a bitches development quite like having pups while she still is one. Sorry but rubbish. I have had bitches desexed younger and older I do not have to take them to the vets checking for mammry lumps any more than I need them to go for checking of any other sorts of lumps. Pyo is a risk yes but extremely rare after the first season. It is a surgery of convienience if done before 12 to 18 months of age. I am not necessarily saying that is a bad thing but it is what it is. I have recently had my nearly 6 you bitch done. she has had her litter, she had some issues so I didn't want her to have more and yes Pyo in a bitch her age is a higher risk. I also cannot understand why altered growth of a dog/bitch is not an issue if it is a pet? I would want my pet looking as it should and as it parents and siblings look. Agree. Its like having your reproductive organs removed as a child. That would affect your development quite a bit, no?!
  7. Oh Ollie, gorgeous boy. Thinking of you SL
  8. :laugh: OMG Frodos Mum, those are absolutely hilarious!!
  9. Dogs with stuff on their heads :laugh: love it. I don't think I could get either of mine to sit that still :laugh:
  10. We might end up as neighbours. Crazy farm animal ladies.... I can see it now. And I'll make my own cheese and bread... Oh the dreams I have. :laugh: since my last post I have decided I would also get two cows :D
  11. Yes! I'd love to have hamsters! This is one of my boys, Pip :D
  12. I would LOVE to have some cows one day, they're soooo beautiful
  13. We had a free range guinea pig, she was awesome. Used to freak people out as they'd walk ibto the yard and see this tiny thing racing across the yard meep meeping madly :laugh:
  14. My ratties!!!! Theyre hilarious and adorable and clever all at once :) Like you Steph, I can't wait to get some more land (next few years hopefully) and adopt some goats, pigs and chooks :)
  15. They're still around but due to our stupid laws have been either forced underground or as melz said, kept away. Because they are banned, good breeders can't breed good examples and instead idiots are breeding what they call APBT, but what are really mutts. It really sucks as there are good reasons why people speak of them as such great dogs, they are.
  16. Oh MUP I hope he's found soon. I hate fireworks too, wish they'd just ban them altogether.
  17. It's hard for me to say what I would do as I don't know the dog, but if he has more good days than bad Id be inclined to wait and see. I think as soon as the bad outweighs the good it's time. Really hard situation
  18. She's gorgeous Jules and I'm so happy you have her there to brighten your day :)
  19. Plenty more kids in hospital who have been abused by family members, but hey, dogs are the real problem. Solution could really not get any simpler.....supervision. Until people understand this, we'll get nowhere.
  20. :laugh: I am frequently utilised as some type of living play equipment for their frivolities.
  21. Good to hear she's home, I know how it feels, you just wish you could make it go away for them Poor muchkin.
  22. My Aussie is perfect so I wouldn't do anything to her. My Anatolian is almost perfect, I'd probably edit some of his barking :laugh:
  23. I agree. What you have described sounds a lot like bloat symptoms so just be careful. Sounds like she probably just had some gas though. ETA: Just read the last few posts, poor girl, all the best for a quick recovery x
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