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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Our guys are always really barky in a new house or when a new neighbour moves in. It usually lasts about a fortnight and they get used to all the new noises etc. I would bet that the person who complained (if it was her) will be pretty satisfied with how seriously you're taking the problem and might even feel a little petty for writing such a nasty note instead of just talking to you like a normal person :)
  2. Me too. There is something completely abhorrent about them.
  3. Yeah I agree. There should be nothing to comply with because the bastards should be locked up,
  4. I do that with gas and elec too. If you threaten to leave they will give you a discount. Credit card retention people will also give you deals on repayments etc if you threaten to leave, so will Foxtel. I also got a discount on my home insurance because I have dogs so if your home insurance don't know you have dogs tell them too. It's extra security.
  5. Where have they been condemned? I don't think people should be allowed to steal or keep found dogs. In a case like this if the owners had genuinely lost the dog and had been looking for it etc then yes I would return the dog. Yes it should have been chipped but not being chipped doesn't mean it wasn't a loved pet. I usually put myself in the other persons shoes, plenty of good owners have had dogs escape.
  6. It does we would get lots of dodgy people surrendering or just dumping for ridiculous reasons, but the people who were genuinely unable to afford the dog any longer broke my heart
  7. This kind of thing is so bad for all groomers. I would never go to a groomer after all the horror stories I've heard. I know there are brilliant groomers, a heap on this forum, but I'm just off on the whole idea now and know many others who are the same Those poor dogs
  8. Yep. Sorry but WTF? They can't be that surprised something went wrong. Poor dog
  9. I imagine there are a lot of people in similar situations LP, when I was working at a pound the most common reason for surrenders was either not being able to afford the dog due to a change in curcumstances or not having anywhere where they could live with the dog as they were renting or in government housing It really sucks I would also be devastated if I couldn't have a dog but you are right in that you need to make the most responsible decision for the dog. I think a big part of the issue is living costs just keep rising and rising so you just get no relief.
  10. I'm exactly the same. If I'm worried about someone being dangerous, I act even more mental and dangerous than them, in the hopes that they will avoid the crazy lady :laugh:
  11. I agree. As you said too Clyde, even if there is no evidence they may talk to him and make him think twice. I just couldn't ignore it. I've seen dogs abused and it's a horrible feeling
  12. I would imagine it's certainly possible, might depend on the dog though.
  13. That could be a good thing, maybe if he knows he has been seen he'll give it a miss in the future!
  14. Yeah there are loads of little cameras around now, quite cheap too.
  15. I wouldn't be too sure. To enter someone else's property and kick their dog in broad daylight is pretty extreme!!
  16. If I thought someone had been kicking my dogs while I was out I'd be reporting it to the police. Dog help the offender, I would lose my sh*t. I'd also be keeping my dogs either inside or in a locked run.
  17. Yes, this is one of the biggest issues, the "I want a dog today" attitude.
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