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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Weim is pronounced like the word "why", so why-ma-rah-ner, although Weimaraner and Rottweiler should technically be pronounced the German way where the w is pronounced like a v.
  2. I did :laugh: we've only lost a bird in this house.
  3. It's interesting that some councils see the importance in off lead areas, and others just couldn't give a toss :laugh:
  4. One of mine has snapped at me but it was due to a very sore injury he had at the time. His teeth touched me, no mark, it didn't hurt. Neither of my dogs have bitten another dog but my Aussie killed a bird when she was only about 16 weeks old she snapped it out of the air when it was down near the ground and broke its neck.
  5. We don't have anywhere near us that is fenced so very rarely
  6. Awwww look at him :) bless. He looks much more comfortable.
  7. I'd spend more time focusing on what you want to do rather than worrying about what some breeders may or may not be doing. There will always be dodgy breeders, in every breed.
  8. So is he being charged???? I don't find it very funny at all.
  9. I just ordered an Edgars Mission calendar, it's absolutely gorgeous :) Guide Dogs usually do nice Christmas cards.
  10. Lili is constantly losing her tennis balls, I find them under the fridge, in the bed, under furniture in every room, she also hides them which entails digging a tiny ball shaped hole and putting them in, reeeeally hard to find Lili *rolleyes* :laugh: She also has "Sharky" a stuffed toy she sleeps with and we find him all over the place. I often find balls and toys in trees too.
  11. I have the same problem and because I'm a ridiculous softie I feel bad too :laugh: Does the one who can't keep up get anxious when away from the other dog? I'd just take the one that can keep up and try not to feel bad!
  12. Same here, although one of ours is huge so he usually sleeps on his bed or on the couch as if he's in the bed noone can move :laugh:
  13. I'm not sure where you're coming from but it sounds like a really crappy space. Wtf? Wondering that myself, max. I thougt ruralP's post was really interesting. Me too. I was about to say the same thing, health and temp should come before colour. This place is getting ridiculous :laugh:
  14. We get stopped at last twice every time we take the dogs out. It's our Anatolian x. People want to know what he is and everyone wants to pat him, which he loves. The best was out walking one night and a police car went past and did a u turn, put their spotlight on us and asked what kind of dog he was :laugh: by the time they drove on they were holding up traffic!
  15. In all honesty I think some people just need to take a chill pill. The big bad pit bulls aren't going to eat you all up.
  16. Even when the attacking dog was minding its own business and was approached without warning by another dog? IMO, it's not always the attacking dog who is at fault. If I've got my reactive dog on leash and under control, and someone lets their "friendly" dog run up to say hello, it's the friendly dog who is fault. And this was the case in the other thread. Big, friendly, well trained dog was allowed to approach a small, fearful dog. And yet it's the small dog's fault? Doesn't make sense. Are you actually serious?:laugh: Please show me where he ran over to the small dog??? He just turned his head and sniffed. Anyway that's another thread and this whole experiment thing is pretty ridiculous so I'm done.
  17. It was pretty obvious what this thread was. I couldn't say why the difference in reactions as my stance is still the same, onlead or offlead, park or event or street or footpath, it isn't acceptable and the attacking dog/owner is at fault. Although I would be less surprised at an attack while dogs are in an off lead park due to my own experiences and I do think they are very different environments.
  18. This. A lot of people can't imagine themselves in this guy's position but Sandgrubber has given a good example with a few bad driving decisions which are a little closer to home for some. What does that change? I don't see anyone in here claiming they've never made a mistake? What I do see is people saying they wouldn't take their dog out there in the first place and that if the guy couldn't even last a few days he was unprepared.
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