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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Hard to say, I think you're doing the right thing taking her to the vet though, owners always know when something is up
  2. We feed twice a day, partly becasue one of my dogs is a deep chested breed and I try not to feed too much at once to avoid bloat. I've always fed twice a day.
  3. I got an Elmo doll for christmas and as soon as I unwrapped it Lili was OBSESSED. Now, she has a tendency to suck on cushions/toys etc but her relationship with Elmo is something else. I keep him in the wardrobe and she knows if I say Elmo that she gets to play with him. I will get some video footage if I can but I just wanted to see if anyone has had their dog behave this way! Basically, she treats Elmo like he is a puppy, carries him around the house, sits and suckles on him on the couch, cleans him , if my other dog goes near her when she's having "Elmo Time" it's on for young and old. If you press his tummy he speaks and SHE GOES CRAZY! She goes into "wigglebum mode" and she starts licking him like a mad thing.... I can only let her have him every now and then to avoid fights between her and Mosley! Does anyone elses dog have a favourite toy....to this extent......
  4. Pixie, I have been confused before by this blue Merle Border above and thought it was an Aussie. See any difference to my blue merle Aussie below? The do look similar in those two photos, I bet now that they have grown they would look very different from each other apart from the colour. Oh look at that! Stunning, so is that a BC?
  5. Thank Dog he's ok. You poor thing, please don't feel too bad, you're a good owner and both your dogs are lucky to have you. Now get yourself a glass of wine and try to relax :D
  6. Lili used to need to go once or twice a night when she was little, it was a pain in the butt, but now she can last all night. Sam&Saki - my boy was the same, he NEVER once did #2's inside. I was pleasantly shocked :D
  7. She looks part Basenji, their tails are like that
  8. She actually said that? Nutcase! What a bitch. I hope Sonny is ok, the poor wee man Some people are unbelievable.
  9. This is our Lili, just under 2, red merle I never used to be able to tell them apart but now I have no problem Bonnie-I've had people ask if Lili was a Husky cross too, especially because one of her eyes is merled.
  10. I've never crate trained and both my dogs are perfectly toilet trained and to be honest it was actually very easy. All I did was the usual, take them out every hour or so, after they exercised/ate/drank/slept, when they did their business I praised them. Between both of my dogs we had around 2-3 accidents-not bad.
  11. Awesome, take a person that has a phobia of dogs and BARK at them... that's terrific... you are such a compassionate being! Just because she is afraid of dogs that does not make her a 'crazy lady' Aussie3, why is it "out of hand" for your neighbours to be afraid of dogs? Because you are not? I was referring to the woman huski was talking about, and the fact she carries a pole. I understand people can be scared of dogs, but I think it's out of hand to raise metal poles at them
  12. Ahh, thank you Makes more sense now!
  13. Ah bugger I'm so sorry, I logged on to see how he was and when I saw "Sad News" my heart sank. You did such a good job indigirl, if you hadn't have been there his owner may never have had the time she did with him over the last few days.
  14. I have a red merle Aussie and always get asked if she's a Koolie?? I thought Koolies only had short hair....? Anyone know?
  15. Our two LOVE ice. We give it to them all the time. They act the same when we have ice as they do with their treats
  16. What a nut. Sorry but come on, that's just ridiculous. We have an African family next door and the kids are TERRIFIED of our dogs. We just tell them they're friendly, but they still keep their distance....this however, is just out of hand. I guess you just need to try and avoid her, but I tell you what, if she raised a pole at my dog (when it was doing nothing wrong) she'd probably see the end of it herself
  17. Gosh, how scary for you I really hope he recovers well, keep us updated. And well done at getting him seen to so quickly
  18. They sound great but I'm not too sure to be honest..... I know of one which had some strays turn up and they just let them in to play with the dogs there for the day Umm parvo/fleas/kennel cough anyone?????? I think you should speak to people who have used that particular one and see what they say before using them.
  19. Classic :p I know exactly what you mean about Aussies learning the "bad" stuff
  20. Our boy has scratched his eye and needs to have ointment, granted he's big and lazy so doesn't run away, but we have one person give him treats while the other comes from behind (so he can't see) and quickly pops it in! It's a work in progress but we manage to get a bit in each time
  21. We were just at the vets today and they said something about their resident cat, I freaked! I hate it, it makes me nervous Neither of our dogs have ever hurt a cat but I wouldnt want to test them!!
  22. Surely it is only a regulation, I don't think state governments can enact that type of law. As far as I am aware, it is not legal I suppose, as with the councils seizing dogs suspected of being put bulls which aren't, the council will probably need a wake up call in court, to the tune of a few hundred grand for costs etc. when someone calls them on it and they lose. Is it only the unregistered dogs the council neuters? If the dog is entire and registered, what happens if it is roaming and goes to the pound? I know with Brimbank Council who brought this same law in last year, if the dog is registered it does not need to be desexed, only if unregistered.
  23. Lili has an Elmo toy and a couple of cushions designated as suck toys She does it all the time, sucks and kneads and falls asleep that way
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