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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Playing, when we brought our second puppy home to our girl they were ten times worse than that Marcus was being extremely tolerant and looked like he was enjoying the play too
  2. My mums two Chi x's have always slept in our beds. Never had an injury, I agree that they seem to move with you.
  3. The whole attitude about cats being aloud to do whatever they want makes me mad. If my dog were on someone elses property they'd call the ranger and I'd get a fine, but cats are allowed (supposedly at least, as nothing seems to be enforced) to go wherever they please. I would also be taking all associated bills to the neighbours.
  4. Idiots. Hope you and Kate are ok Christine.
  5. My dogs are both obsessed with bras...honestly I think I went through about one a week when they were babies He looks very spunky ;)
  6. To be fair to my vet incontinence was mentioned as a side effect and also other reasons for desexing were discussed. If you do your own research before this is quite easy to find as a side effect. Maybe some vets are more open to discussion than others. That's what I'm saying, I always do my own research and it seems to be very common, yet when I have asked vets about it, they say it's rare. Maybe the vets in my area are all part of a conspiracy...
  7. A lot of people have no idea what a healthy dog should like like, after working in a pound I cannot tell you how many fat dogs I have seen, some to the point of the poor thing not being able to walk without panting. It's disgraceful and I think you did the right thing by showing her you weren't going to listen to her crap.
  8. Incontinence related to desexing seems quite common. I know it's happened with a couple of friends dogs. It makes me wonder why I've NEVER heard a vet mention it as a side effect or risk??
  9. No flaming here!! That's what you want your dogs to do! Well done Sophie & Vader
  10. doesn't sound particularly big for a cross of giant breeds? Granted, I am used to heavier-set giant breeds so happy to be corrected. No, it doesn't sound very big, our Anatolian/Maremma cross was about 12 kg at 11 weeks.
  11. My Australian Shepherd is named Lili after my grandmother, plus she looked like a Lili My Anatolian Shepherd is called Mosley (OH's choice) after Sugar Shane Mosley, a famous boxer.
  12. Our two are out of control!! They wrestle like maniacs but have never actually hurt each other. Every now and then one of them might crack it or freak out and snap at the other but that's the end of it. I love watching them play. When we first brought Mosley home Lili wrestled with him allll day, and I MEAN LITERALLY :laugh There is quite a difference in size with our two, Mo is 45kg and Lili is 22kg, she can actually run underneath him, and does it all the time.
  13. I have an almost identical photo with my naughty Aussie sitting in the middle just like that, tilted head and all...they're so evil!!
  14. Mo is sitting on OH's feet getting attention and Lili is up on the couch snuggled into me...as usual
  15. A friend of mine had a Beagle x that came into season at around 4 months so I guess it's possible. Good luck at the vets
  16. This just happened to my boy, he's 43kg and also has the last word. We took him to the vet and thery cut it, then he somehow tore the rest off (or it fell off) and now he's been bandaged up and on antibitotics. It's really painful for them the poor buggers, good luck at the vet!
  17. Morons. The first time we took Lili to the beach she didn't like the cut of its jib I'd never dream of forcing her into the water!! Some people are just plain stupid.
  18. My girl had the same thing after one of her vaccinations, hers was the size of half a golf ball. It's a common reaction. Vets don't seem to say that but I've heard of it happening soooo many times. Check with your vet but it should be fine. If it's not causing her any discomfort just wait and it should go down. Our girls took almost 2 weeks!
  19. One of my mums wee chi x's has little lumps all over her. We have had them checked a few times, sent off and all, and no vet can say what they are. They dont bother her and shes a healthy little bugger so weve just left it. The vet called them "Old dog lumps" Shes 14 now and going strong. I hope Kenny's is the same. I know what it's like to not have money for the vet trust me, so frustrating, but if you can't do it right now, you can't do it. Good luck ETA: Just saw tdierikx's post, sounds exactly the same as this little girl.
  20. Thanks for all the replies guys. Rappie-that's exactly what our vet did He isn't too worried about the bandage so were going to take it off in a day or so (that will be 4 days) and have a look. He's on antibiotics also so I'm hoping that will curb any infection, and hopefully the nail grows back!
  21. About 2 weeks ago Mosley broke one of his nails, they aren't long and we don't know how he did it but anyway, we took him to the vet where they cut off the hanging bit and gave it a clean. All was good...until last night....somehow the nail has now actually fallen off revealing raw nerve He has been to the vet and is bandaged up and on antibiotics. We are to leave on the bandage for 4-5 days but I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea how long before the nail will grow back, or if it will at all? (OH didn't ask the vet). The poor wee man, he was screaming when the vet was cleaning it. It looked sooo sore
  22. We had a shocking experience at a dog park with an old man and his Malamute. It kept rushing at one of our dogs, biting, snarling, he wasn't coming to get it so OH kicked it. We would never kick our dogs and we both looove animals, but if a dog is attacking my dog and the owner is not doing anything about it then yeah, I'd kick it.
  23. Our Anatolian boy had them, he was a rescue and they were taken off same time he was castrated.
  24. Mosley snaps at the air but from what I've read that's a breed thing with Anatolians, he does it all the time, when he's playing with Lili even when he's just sitting outside in the sun He fleas us too....alllllll the time
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