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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. OMG she is STUNNING. My OH would steal her off you if he got the chance What a beautiful girl.
  2. She is beautiful I love the name too, reminds me of when I was little.
  3. Ahh interesting, I feel much better now
  4. Thanks Rebanne, I am known to be a bit of a drama queen
  5. So every month my dogs get Sentinel Spectrum, on the same day each month. Things have been extremely hectic at the moment and I just realised I forgot their last dose!!! It was due on the 17th....so now I'm not sure if I will be ok just giving it to them now or do I need to get them tested for heartworm?? Fleas are not a problem, they've never had them anyway but it's the heartworm I'm worrying about. I feel like such a bad mum, I'm always so good with this stuff
  6. I started a thread about our next door neighbors kids throwing rocks at our window....we did the same thing, went over and spoke to them, but on the 4th occasion we told them if it were to happen again we would be calling the police. To me, knives are much more serious. I would be calling the police immediately. Sorry, but this isn't just about the dogs, you guys could get hit too! I found a shoe in our backyard the other day which does not belong to us....wonder where that came from?? I wish people would keep their feral kids under control. Why have so many if you can't look after them?? :D I hope it stops and you don;t have to take it any further...fingers crossed!
  7. This is Mosley, he's an Anatolian/Maremma - 18 months - 45kg He doesn't really eat THAT much more than Lili (22kg). The main difference in costs is heartworm/flea treatment and if heneeds vet treatment/medication he needs more of everything so that can add up. To be honest though, the cost is not much different to any other dog, and the big boofhead love is totally worth it
  8. I've never heard of that happening!! I had a pet rabbit on my lap once and all of a sudden he started running round in circles and I ended up with bunny gravy on my pants Doesn't matter what species boys are gross
  9. It's funny, that's one of the most common crosses I see and it always baffles me! I find they normally just look like skinny staffies!
  10. I agree, I have never had either of my dogs actually cower and try and get away from me, but onto the OP....It does sound like a calming behaviour.
  11. Because they can. I'm shocked that people still think blue staffies are rare, I would have thought by now they'd know the so called "breeders" were just taking the piss.
  12. I know how you feel deelee, even when they annoy me I never take for granted how special they are and how lucky I am to have them. Whenever I'm upset Mo will come over and pop his head in my lap, Lili will just jump on me and not let me ignore her, after I've given her a scratch I've forgotten what I was upset about! I'm so glad you have such a beautiful girl to love
  13. I also believe they have broken an agreement and you should be able to just break the lease. I'd be contacting everyone I could to find out! I hope it all works out, you poor thing, how stressful
  14. She sounds like a moron....people should try and keep their dogs in ideal condition at all times, pet or show dog.
  15. Next time do not get a dog that is so big when he sits on the remote he's too heavy to move, too stubborn to want to and too peaceful to disturb Goddammit, my tv is turned on to "Secret Life of the Annoying Ritch Kids"... Anyone else have a dog that consistantly sits on the remote???
  16. No you're completey justified. That is appalling behaviour.
  17. When I worked at a pound we got it all the time. They would whine that the digs were desexed....some people would even call up and tell us proudly that they had some puppies to "donate" to us
  18. I'd lie, beg and steal to get the money, and I agree I don't think that is a lot at all. So sad Let's just hope this person doesn't go out and get a new dog
  19. Ok thanks for that Lottie's at 18kgs now, and not overweight, I was more interested in when she'd stop/keep growing till!! She wants soooo desperately to go for a run and play!!! She keeps picking up toys and bringing them over to me!!! My Lili will be 2 in June and she has stayed the same size for the last 6 months or so, she is 22kg, in perfect shape, I actually have trouble keeping weight on her, she's mental She isn't speyed yet and after reading Gayles post I'm wondering...I LOVE her coat it's the softest cleanest dog coat ever...she actually smells nice....and I've only ever had dogs that smelt like nothing or doggy This is my girl
  20. Gosh your girl is beautiful...although I am a little biased having my own Aussie spunk She will be getting done soon and I'm quiet worried about how I will keep her quiet!! I hope she feels better very soon and heals up nicely
  21. I got a large one for $18 on ebay with free postage - in the shops the same one is around the $80-$90 mark - crazy. Go ebay all the way Oooh nice, will do
  22. How much does a furminator set one back these days?? I have to get me one of them
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