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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I was really anxious when we got Mosley, I was worried Lili would be jealous or that they wouldn't get along....well....the day we brought them home they played for about 10 hours straight She hasn't changed at all, now I look at them together and have no regrets whatsoever, they love each other and are practically inseperable She cleans his eyes and ears and he is so protective of her, he also keeps her on her toes cause he's very cheeky
  2. I think this thread was all about the broom. Yes that's it. I've got one and it works great ie when I remember to use it Another costless option if you are feeling energetic that works for me is put on some rubber soles shoes or slippers, I use ugg slippers/boots and slide your foot along the carpet. You'd be surprised how much comes together in a ball of hair. Also, I recently bought a bottom of the range Bissell carpet cleaner on eBay for just over $200. I was sooo amazed at how much cat hair it picked up and how clean it got the carpet. Works a treat. My cleaning lady couldn't believe how well it worked and is getting one for herself. We do this
  3. Yeah, I'd start calling the council every half hour, and I mean literally, just keep calling and calling and calling until they do something, you could also call the police and ask them to come out with the ranger as you fear for your and your neighbours safety.
  4. How beautiful Thank Dog you have been there to give Chi such a lovely life Jed, she deserves nothing less. I've fallen in love with her and want to give her a big hug and I didnt know she existed till 5 minutes ago!
  5. We were walking our two the other night when a little Pap x bolted over to us like a mad thing, may I add that it bolted ACROSS THE ROAD, and the owner just kept walking..... the bloody thing got right in our dogs faces and we were calling for him to come and get his dog, well he ambles across the road and says "Oh he does that all the time" I told him he neds to be careful as his dog doesnt exactly look both ways before crossing Our two are fine with other dogs, but one of them is around 45kg and if he was DA....it could have been no more Pap...and this guy wasn't even concerned...some people are just stupid.
  6. I'm so sorry this happened, I hope your pup doesn;t sustain any long term problems due to this. I probably would have slapped that owner. However, as others have said, it isn't the breed. I don't want to imagine trying to get any medium to large dog off a puppy if they are in that state of mind. Do you really think a bull breed is that much stronger than any other medium to large breed??? I understand you're upset but please don't blame it on the breed.
  7. Thanks sas, I'll get onto it, they LOVE yoghurt too so I'll get some for him tonight.
  8. Yes!! That's exactly what it looks like, in the same area too! Thanks sas I'll get onto it. We used to have metal bowls but recently changed to plastic so I'll go back to the metal!
  9. The dog got out of the yard Aussie. Edited my post, half asleep today :D
  10. ETA - sorry misread your post. no there is no way to teach a dog road sense, they don't understand the concept of road vs footpath. How did she escape?
  11. Yesterday I noticed that Mosley has two little pink spots underneath his chin, very small, like the size of a mini m&m . It looks like maybe he has scraped it on concrete or something, they are slightly round and quite pink and don't seem to be bothering him.... I'm going to take him in to the vet but just wondering if anyone has any idea what they could be?? Could it be localised mange or the beginnings of a hot spot or something?? He has a history of being allergic to dust etc resulting in eye irritations and being a generally scratchy dog sometimes. He and Lili are both given Sentinel Spectrum each month and have never had fleas... All ideas welcome!!! I'll let you know the outcome when we've been to the vet!
  12. Arent you meant to have your dog under control at offleash parks regardless. If my dog jumped all over someone else walking their dog I would be embarrassed. Not everyone has that option. I am a responsible dog owner and a responsible parent. My children will continue to accompany me to the dog park like it or not. Maybe I am lucky as were I take my dogs children are welcome and dogs are relatively well behaved Good for you Shells, I don't think anyone here would try and stop you, we're just saying that you shouldn't be too surprised if one of your kids gets knocked over, I wish the dog park near me had well behaved dogs .... I don't go there anymore for that reason.
  13. Ours have been on premium and supermarket brands and to be honest I've not noticed much of a difference. The only food that has ever caused a problem with our boy was Eaglepack, gave him the runs. I find Optimum a good one if you are buying a supermarket brand.
  14. I don't have kids but if I did I wouldn't take them to a dog park. I think the parents have to be aware that when dogs are at a dog park they can get a tad excited and silly, I have a 45kg boofer who loves everyone and everything but if he was in the middle of a zoomie.....he could knock a kid down very easily. I don't think it's fair that dog owners may feel as though they can't let their dogs zoom around because there's a toddler in the way when there are plenty of other parks that would be safer. If the child was safe in a pram I wouldn't have a problem.
  15. I reckon both my dogs would eat a rabbit if it came into our yard, not exactly surprising behaviour? I agree, fence off the furries from the dog.
  16. It was suggested that I post in here as well as General so here goes.... My girl is a fetchaholic...Started picking things up and bringing them to us when she was about 3 months old....I just want to know what exactly drives this behaviour? All my other dogs, Anatolian, 2 Chi's and a Boxer, couldn't give a bugger but Lili is mad for it so I was just wondering...... Is it related to their prey drive? Herding instinct? (She's an Aussie) Personality? Sheer amount of energy?? What makes a dog a "Fetch" dog???
  17. Ah yeah, I can relate to that! Lili drops it back right into my hands every time, beacuse she wants me to throw it again!
  18. My girl is a fetchaholic...Started picking things up and bringing them to us when she was about 3 months old....I just want to know what exactly drives this behaviour? All my other dogs, Anatolian, 2 Chi's and a Boxer, couldn't give a bugger but Lili is mad for it so I was just wondering...... Is it related to their prey drive? Herding instinct? (She's an Aussie) Personality? Sheer amount of energy?? What makes a dog a "Fetch" dog???
  19. I don't vaccinate for kennel cough, I dont see the point, it's like trying to vaccinate for the common cold! There are too many strains. It's disappointing that vets aren't accepting the recommendations.
  20. Fingers crossed, I hope Tilba is feeling better, let us know how the hair growth goes
  21. Mosley lost a nail and had his foot bandaged, when I tried to take it off he got a bit grumpy so we just left it half off and he chewed it off in a minute or two
  22. She looks just like a lot of dogs I saw when I worked at a shelter. I'd guess Kelpie x Staffy but I agree she doesnt look like either of her parents would have been pure. She's beautiful
  23. Yep, once or twice :D They're fine though the spoilt buggers
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