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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Each day when I walk from the station to my car I see a little Poody x on a balcony waiting for her owner to come home. She sits there quietly watching all the people walk past and when she sees her Dad she cries and gets all excited. It just got me thinking, how does she know it's him when he's still so far away? How do our dogs recognise us? Is it all due to smell? Or can they differentiate between different features such as big/small noses, long/short hair etc?? The way we walk/move? Do you think it is a combination of all these things?
  2. I just read the thread and agree that the person in question was way out of line. Disgustingly nasty is how I'd put it. Very sad
  3. Mosley sits in front of me and if I touch his muzzle he will give me his paw Lili loves getting kisses and it's got to the point that if we make a "Mwa mwa mwa" kissing noise she will sit down put her head down and close her eyes till we give her a kiss, it's hilarious If they run out of water Mosley brings me the bowl and started doing it at around 12 weeks and if we say "Where is it?" to Lili she will find a ball, toy...anything that we can play fetch with.
  4. Poor Renae I hope she's feeling better and home soon Jules. Not at all good that she got out of her cage, she could have hurt herself or gotten into something
  5. I totally agree, and made to pay damages to the victim's owners. Souff Agreed
  6. I have no words......
  7. Mosley does that, if we scratch anywhere along the top of his back he goes off Neither of my two have ever had fleas and he only does it when we scratch him. I wouldn't worry
  8. That's gorgeous! No way would I try and stop that!
  9. Awesome thanks Aidan, I'll give that a try! And PF - Why didn't I think of that!
  10. There are different registries but getting the details is only a click of a mouse away and all pounds when scanning dogs keep in mind (or they should) that chips move. The pound I worked at did. We would have contacted the owner only half an hour after the dog came in.
  11. Our two rarely wear their collars. I'm worried about them getting caught when we're not home and they're both microchipped.
  12. Ok, Mosley is our Anatolian boy, he's not even 18 months yet and is still very immature and silly. We had a problem with him jumping when he was little and he's been doing really well, had almost stopped completely, but just recently he has become even worse. He doesn't jump on us so much, but on visitors when they come to the door. He loves everyone and everything and is an extremely excitable dog. What makes this worse is that he's 45kg I'm just wondering if anyone has any methods we can try to get him to stop this! We have people turn their backs on him if he jumps, and we do the same, we tell him "No" but he just doesn't listen, it's too exciting for him! He is actually quite obedient, will drop things when told, knows all his sit/stay/shake etc...it's just that he becomes so excited about new people he's almost uncontrollable. I sometimes just lock him in the bedroom if people are coming over and let him out once they've been here for a while, he's a bit better but not great! Does anyone have any tried and true methods to stop this?? Thanks guys
  13. I have to agree....Mosley is now 18 months and just the other day I lost my favourite pair of shoes ...my fault, I didnt put them up high enough. If you catch them, it is a good idea to give them a toy instead and show them what they are allowed to chew on, but never trust them
  14. I think it's just her personality Fran. Lili was a bit like this when she was younger but lately she has turned into a limpit....follows me around everywhere and always wants cuddles. I think all dogs are different and she just sounds independent. I don;t know that much about the breed but maybe they are like that by nature? You haven't done anything wrong, she sounds like a happy, well adjusted puppy I have heard people saying females aren't as sooky and cuddly as males, not my experience but it does seem to be a lot of peoples.
  15. I can't believe they're a year old!! Happy birthday spunks!! Can't wait to see photos
  16. Whils I lost a lot of sleep with Lili I would go back in a second, I absolutely LOVE puppy hood!!! They're so cheeky and naughty, I love it
  17. I fully intend to give them these details and if there are any other incidents with these particular dogs they will also be receiving details of them. Thanks everyone for your support and sharing - scully - your info was very informative - I feel a bit better prepared now if it happens again Excellent Hopefully your information will keep this idiot off the street
  18. Kick it, if there is no owner in sight and a dog was attacking one of mine I would kick it until it backed off. This is why you see people walking their dogs carrying sticks or poles, sad, but unfortunately if people don't keep their dogs on lead, necessary.
  19. What a gorgeous boy, glad to hear his teeth have improved, I can only guess but it could be that he has matured and now the ears are ok? Whatever the reason he's beautiful
  20. Thank Dog she's back with you sooner rather than later! Some people blow my mind...it's a puppy for goodness sake!! I hope you find a lovely home for pup
  21. What issues have you had at Footscray? We've only been 3 times. We'll try Clayton tonight. Do you go to any others? The same Malamute x tried to attack one of our dogs on two different occasions and every other time we went there a guy with his Bull Terrier x was sitting round on his phone while his dog followed us around trying to hump mine...we just gave up ;) We don't go to any off lead parks anymore and just take the dogs out for long long walks
  22. I've had so many issues at the West Footscray off lead park we dont use them anymore. Clayton reserve is ok, right across from The Lost Dogs Home so there is always a few dogs there
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