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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Well I'm here with my two boofers to see how Jed is going. Great to hear there has been some improvement! Ohh.....my dog just stole a muffin :p ....sorry guys Hold strong Jed
  2. We don't visit dog parks, I think anyone who does is taking a big risk, especially those with small dogs. That risk might be worth it to some, but not to me. I hate the places. Hope the little dog is ok
  3. Our dogs have had canned food maybe 5-6 times in their life. They LOVE it, so we have bought it about 5 times and mixed in a wee bit with their dry. They go off tap Normally they get dry food and raw meaty bones/hearts/necks etc. I agree, it's kinda like doggy junk food.
  4. No pup of mine would have been allowed to go! That's disgraceful. Any decent company would put safety and hygiene first.
  5. So good to hear the pups and Cavs are doing well. Our thoughts are with you and your family Jed.
  6. Did someone say "puppies"???!! I always just think of it this way.....Staffordshire is in England so it would be like calling them English, English Bull Terriers ...yes I know, I've had a couple of vinos on a Wednesday night
  7. Jett lifted his leg the other day in the lounge room and peed on the bean bag! :D Mosley did that when he was a puppy. It's the only time he has EVER peed in the house....what's with that??!!
  8. Neither did mine, I just stared at him in shock An icecream sandwich is like a Maxibon or whatever theyre called, ice cream between wafery chocolatey goodness ...and yes I did keep eating it :D
  9. I think a staffy would be perfect. OH's Mum lives in Ireland and we are going to visit her soon and will be buying a pup for her while we're there, a staffy. His dog back home, Amstaff, died recently and his Mum is lost without him She walks every day, works part time and is 65 and the Amstaff she had was ideal. A staffy is fairly small, active but very loyal and people oriented, also a great little protector I think :D
  10. Naughty!!! He just craned his big fat neck over while I was looking the other way and took a big lick :D It's not just my dogs that are naughty is it?? What's the last thing your dog did that deserved a slap??
  11. OMG i didnt know they came in Tri!! :D Me neither...must have one!!!!!!!
  12. Happy birthday Penny....she is gorgeous Kirislin
  13. How annoying. One of ours loves to bark I worry about how much he barks when we aren't home but if he does when we are, we bring him straight inside and he is always in at night. I would just go and talk to them, maybe if you tell them you're worried about the dog as it sounds distressed their reaction might not be as bad? It's a hard one...good luck!
  14. No I didn't think so either, can't wait to see the pics!
  15. We could be at the coolest bar or the best party and I still cant wait to get home to see the dogs :D They're so unconditionally loyal and never get grumpy or have a bad day, they're the eternal optimists, I think that's why they have such a physical and psychological calming effect on their owners I love my doggies
  16. I found the breeder we bought Lili from in the Trading Post, they were advertised here and other places but the Post was the first place I saw them , and I have noticed increasingly more ads in there from registered breeders, which can only be a good thing?!
  17. I only just saw this, absolutely heartbreaking. Will be donating tomorrow. I hope Jed pulls through this ok. So so so sorry to hear this
  18. Our two old chi x's howl if the phone rings and noone answers it Soooo cute
  19. My ideal breed is an Aussie but I already have one of those Other than that.... Airedale Bull Terrier Burnese Mountain Dog Great Dane Saint Bernard Staffy Lappie Irish Wolfhound American Staffy Rottweiller
  20. I have two dogs. My boy was a rescue and was desexed before he came home. If I had the choice I would not have desexed him. My girl is from a breeder and she is not desexed. I doubt I will desex her. A lot of the time I feel desexing is done for OUR convenience, not the welfare of the dog. For every cancer etc that desexing avoids, there is another that becomes more likely. I am responsible enough to keep my dogs safe and do not intend to backyard breed, as at least one person has suggested all pet owners who don't desex their dogs do??
  21. Great post Jed, I agree entirely and also voted No.
  22. You're doing it again I genuinely and stupidly thought that BSL was only a law which worked towards eradication of certain breeds of dogs hence why I was adamant that I was not advocating BSL. Somewhere in the middle of the night, my mind went back to this little gem. Classic
  23. Sadly, I think yes. It breaks my heart as they're one of my and OH favourite breeds. Unfortunately there are a lot of a**holes in the world who either don't do their research or have no personal experience with this beautiful loyal breed.
  24. Abigail, you cannot say that you know the damage inflicted by a staffy would be worse than any other breed, actually I don't even know why I'm bothering to argue with you. That is a ridiculous statement, so many factors come into play in an attack. Staffys should never be allowed off lead? What are you, the dog god?? If I had a staffy that was friendly to other dogs I wouldn't be letting you tell me it could never be off lead. You do support BSL.
  25. I think it's a cute idea, I'd eat from the basket, I get licked on the face so much I couldn't catch anything I didn't already have!! :D
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