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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Thanks for the responses guys, it's interesting to see the differences between people
  2. Speaking with a Vet recently we got onto talking about checkups, they recommend 6 monthly ones. It got me thinking, how many people actually do this?! I thought especially of DOLers that don't all necessarily go along with the yearly vaccination recommendations....do you still take your dog for regular check ups, even if nothing seems wrong? And if you do, how often do you go? ETA: Spelling!!
  3. One I heard on an American dog site scared the hell outa me. Apparently the Stafford's skull needs to "be" split.....eg, you split its skull yourself.....or it can die as the brain grows too large for the skull. God I hope no one took that on board and bopped their dog over the head! What What Whaaaat???
  4. My two both have medium length double coats so we've never bothered, should we?
  5. I'm with Nekhbet, not everyone is as obsessed with dogs as DOLers For the RSPCA to act things have ti be very bad.
  6. My previous kerry would sit to 'suigh síos, tú bastart', which is Irish for 'sit down, you bastard'. love it. If a dogs eyes are blue they MUST be part Husky
  7. We always aim for a large yard but only so we can play fetch with Lili. Otherwise they sleep or are inside. I think with 2 walks a day and only 5 hrs alone each week you will be fine
  8. 100% agree. And i don't like being considered not suitable for a puppy because I have young children, but I have had it happen and seen people write that they will not see to people with young children - so what exactly is the difference?? No difference, but again, I meant no offence to anyone!! I hate to see anyone who is a responsible pet owner miss out.
  9. Registered Reputable breeders are above board as people AND breeders and HEALTH test all their dogs and CAN supply CERTIFICATES for all tests completed upon request! As stated in ANKC ethics they provide LIFETIME service and advice with their puppies they sell. I suggest you FURBALL have a look at the ANKC website. there is a lot of great information there1 Good luck in your search (if in fact you are looking for a new family member) Breeders who have nothing to hide will in fact provide people who have had past puppies and are happy for you to make contact with them ( all parties agreeable) I in fact have contracts for all my dogs that are rehomed. Referring me to sites and information I have seen over and over again will not help. My question is how do I know that I'm getting what I think I'm getting. I know from experience that getting a pup from a registered breeder does not mean a healthy or ethically bred dog. Research the breeder well before you make your decision, that's all you can really do.
  10. I'd try for an account at the vet, otherwise probably get a loan. This is assuming I didn't have a credit card with enough on it.
  11. I don't think anyone thinks that being a SAHM is a bad thing! I think people just get upset because most people don't "choose" to work full-time, it's just that they can't afford not to. I know I'd love to be able to stay at home with my dogs more often (and be a SAHM if I had kids) but our mortgage eats up nearly one of our salaries :rolleyes: We started off with an older dog from rescue because we didn't want a puppy while we were working full-time. We did get a puppy later on, but she has had the older dog to keep her company while we're gone Exactly. I would never judge anyone based on whether or not they work, I just hate thinking I would be considered not suitable for a puppy because I have no choice but to work full time, that's all. My apologies for going OT.
  12. I didn't read anything saying anyone was evil and horrible?? My question was an honestly inquisitive one as I and most people I know work full time and could not afford not to. I certainly wasn't meaning to imply that people who don't work full time don't look after their dogs! Should never have said anything.
  13. It upsets me when breeders say they won't sell a puppy to someone who works full time. How else are people supposed to pay for vet bills, food, training etc??? I'd much rather sell a pup to someone who works?! Anyway, JMO.... We both work full time and both ours were kept inside as young pups, with kongs and toys etc. Never had any problems and they are both well adjusted dogs now. Just out of interest for all those who don't work full tim, how do you pay the bills??
  14. I think people just do it because they honestly don't see anything wrong with it. A lot of people who are not very knowledgeable about dogs would compare it to people of different races breeding, yes we know that's silly, not everyone does though. Also a lot of people just want to breed their dog because they think it's the best dog ever. They don't understand about bettering a breed or the health tests that should be done, they just want a pup just like their beloved dog I think a lot of BYB's really don't mean any harm and just don't realise the issues with what they're doing. Education is the key. ETA: spelling!!
  15. Ivy loooks great! What a beautiful coat
  16. Wow That's not good! I would be scared too, is the owner at home at all during the day? I don't know what else you could do other than speak to him.
  17. I got my first dog when I was about 18 months old. A friend of my parents used to breed Boxers and his beautiful girl Grace had a litter, and he let me choose a puppy. I chose the pick of the litter :D . A beautiful boy, Max. He was mainly an outside dog but definitely a member of the family. He died of a brain tumour when he was 11 and we were dog-less until I was about 14 when we got 2 brother/sister Chi X JRT pups from an aquaitance whos dog had pups. They slept in our bed, ate off our plate, and were generally spoilt rotten. They still live with my Mum, they are 13 now and still spoilt little buggers . My Mum wont even speak about either of them passing it upsets her so much. Now I have my two who are DEFINITELY a part of the family. The love, trust,loyalty and fun each of my dogs has brought to my life is unmatched and I could NEVER give that up. Small backyard, new baby, divorce,overseas trips, behavioural issues, whatever, we work through them, the dogs are with us for good. ETA: I agree Trisven. Some of the dogs I have seen surrendered were far better off away from the people who owned them. I just don't understand those people.
  18. Definitely makes a difference, mine used to sleep on the bed with us but after a few mornings while she was blowing coat, waking up with hair in our eyes, mouths and nose, she was banished to the lounge.....it's made a BIG difference I do the shoe along the rug thing too
  19. *We just had a baby *My old senile grandfather keeps hitting him with a cane *My Dad doesn't like the dog *He escapes *We're going on holidays *Were moving overseas (less than 2 months after getting the dog) *My rescue boy Mosley was surrendered at 12 weeks because he was nipping the owners child.... Maybe I'm just bitter, but I just have no time for anyone who comes in wanting to surrender their pet anymore.
  20. Well yeah..........the majority do find it ok in my opinion. Those who eat the meat are supporting the industry that is responsible. By eating it, people are accepting that "a cruel and torcherous slaughter" is ok. Exactly my point
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