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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. She's an Australian Shepherd, thanks for the link, very interesting!
  2. Just went down the park for a stroll and a bit of fetch. As we were about to leave we walked past some kids playing football and as we did, one of them saw Lili and tried to run away, must have been scared of dogs as she wasn't that close. Anyway, as she ran Lili kind of trotted after her. At this point I moved over to grab her and put her on lead and the tot ran further away and Lili actually tried to herd her! She didn't touch her but she bent down and zig-zagged around her I grabbed her and popped her on lead and she didn't even look at the child again, but it scared me, I don't want people to think she is a threat and I'd die if she hurt a child accidentally by knocking them over or nipping at their feet!! I'm also not sure what i can do about this behaviour. I know it's natural as she's a herding breed but I don't want her to herd kids. Our two are rarely around small children as we don't have any kids or many friends with them. She herds our other dog Mosley and is ball crazy but I've never seen her do that to a kid before! Any advice?
  3. Interesting reading Gayle When I got my Aussie a year and a half ago we paid $600. Some of the breeders I had been in contact with were asking $800 or $1200. Lili was a bit cheaper because she was part of a large litter (13 I think!) and there were a few pups left at 11 weeks old. I would have happily paid $1200 though.
  4. You said it better than I could have Steve, great post.
  5. I thought exactly the same thing. Me too....nothing in the world like the smell of anal glands in the morning :rolleyes:
  6. Did someone say puppies??? Congrats on the little ones! Can't wait for photos!!
  7. I ignore my pups when they bite, I turn my back to them and ignore them. I also do the squealing and that is usually effective. if he is actually 9 months I would maybe get him into some formal training.
  8. I think the trend will continue, just like it has with eggs - now that more and more people are wanting to buy free range eggs rather than caged, I've noticed them becoming more and more available in the supermarkets round here, which I think is great. Very true, I've noticed that too, you can get free range eggs at the supermarket for pretty much the same price as some cage ones so it's a step in the right direction! I'm just glad my thread hasn't turned ugly
  9. Could it be a UTI? That causes them to pee more frequently I think
  10. The naughty bugger! One of my Mum's 13 yr old Chi/JRT's steals food ALL the time, especially from his sisters bowl He's a fat wee thing in his old age too
  11. Yeah I am, Huski. And I dont care about whingers who want to boo hoo about feeding their dogs meat. Feed your bloody dogs meat! They dont care about your stupid tree hugging hippy lifestyle!!!
  12. I'm a vegan and I think your question is bloody ridiculouus. Does that answer your question? I agree! I wouldn't do it, just wondered if anyone on here did..
  13. My thoughts exactly. It may "work" but it's not in the best interests of the dog.
  14. All of the above IMO! I respect vegans/vegos for making that lifestyle choice for themselves but they shouldn't force that onto their pets. I agree
  15. I've been a vegetarian for 11 years for ethical/health reasons and recently became vegan. After a conversation with an aquaintance, I got to wondering what peoples opinions were about feeding dogs a vegan diet? I would never do it, but was speaking to someone who does and says if done properly it's fine. So anyone here know anyone who has their dogs on a vegan diet? What do you think about it? Is it wrong?/stupid/possible/irresponsible?
  16. Oh Jed, I'm so sorry for what happened. I'm sitting here crying my eyes out after seeing that picture of your girl May they all rest in peace and know that they were so special to you. I'm so glad you're getting well and it's wonderful to see you back
  17. I haven't heard of this either! Just add it to the list of possible side effects we don't get told about by vets
  18. I often wonder how our two would react in a situation like that. One guy surveying the yard next door asked me to put him inside for a minute as he was near the lower edge of our fence and he said Mosley looked like he was going to jump over at him To lick him to death maybe! *Glances over at the big lump of sookiness attached to the couch* No better deterrant than a big dog in the yard!
  19. If you learn yourself how to do a basic exam and you know what is normal you can by pass the vet visit as long as if you do pick something up which is out of whack you take em off for a check up. I don't vaccinate anything past its first year booster - which I give them myself. This was the recomendation from my girls breeder, they don't vaccinate past the 12 month booster.
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