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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I wouldn't do it, I think dogs look beautiful the way they are! Don't have an issue but I think it's a bit ridiculous.
  2. When I first thought of it Ifelt it was harsh to change something about a dog for our benefit, but so is desexing! I think as long as it is done by an experienced professional vet, and all other avenues have been explored with no success, I don't have a problem with it.
  3. No, but they can be very, very inhumane. I have a friend serving in Afghanistan at the moment, he asked a local why none of the dogs have ears, apparently it makes them more aggresive having their ears cut off. The dog fighting problem s endemic in many muslim countries and in Afghanistan it is a public holiday for the biggest dog fighting day of the year, apparently by the end of the day 100,s of dogs are killed and maimed. Religiously sanctioned animal abuse is stil abuse. When the taliban came to power in Afghanistan, the pets were rounded up and taken from peoples houses and burned on a large pyre by the religious zeolots. I read a book about a family who managed to smuggle their dogs out just before the dog killings began. The koran however has a subclause about dogs, it says about all dogs being unclean except Salukis, who are classed as the hound of Allah and not really dogs but something very special and quite okay to share a tent with. Err, no. You're friend is putting the cart before the horse. The dogs'ears are cropped off because (as your friend would have noticed) there are no vets within cooee; cropping the ears prevents injury and infection. NB: There has always been dog fighting in Afghanistan. From the time there were shepherds with sheep there were fights between dogs. Common sense would indicate that severing a dog's ears is most definitely not to prevent infection esp. dogs with prick ears. Feeble excuse I'm afraid. Common sense and research could also prove that circumcision of little boys does nothing but it still goes ion in "civilised" countries! there is not a lot of common sense in the world wherever you go!~ I would love to know what kind of research has taken place to prove that circumcision of little boys does nothing? I think it goes a long way towards cleanliness - that is my experience, not on a personal basis as I don't have anything hanging between my legs but via....well, you know what I mean Even as I type I know I should just leave this alone, but alas, I cannot. If parents teach their children how to clean their genitals properly there is NO reason to remove the foreskin. It reduces sensation and must be a horrific experience for a baby. If we are born with it, there is a reason for it to be there.
  4. Yep, whenever Mo sits for a treat/his dinner drool drips from both sides of his mouth into a wee pool on the ground, I think it's adorable
  5. LOL! I do that, feel sorry for them so leave them in and then sit at work worrying about what damage will be done....
  6. I don't like the look of their dogs at all. And I love Amstaffs
  7. Ours don't bark back but Lili will run right up to the TV and sit there with her head tilted listening. She is very sensitive to noise, if there is someone screaming on tv or a baby crying she gets very upset!
  8. I agree here. I would probably just pay the bill, unless of course her dog started the fight on your property or something! It does sound a bit weird, but I also don't think a vet would open up a dog like that just to help the owner get some cash...well I would hope not anyway!
  9. I wouldn't feed anyone elses dog, I wouldn't like it done to mine so no worries there. Had a peek and the culprits look to be 2 Corgis a JRT and a Maltese, also found out there is a Goldie next door...surrounded by dogs! It's kinda good as noone can complain if my two bark I think I'll get some hessian/plastic and cover any peep holes first, that should calm things down, hopefully as someone said they will get used to us after a while and settle. Thanks for all the suggestions guys
  10. Thanks SBT, I've already heard them turn on each other a few times just from the frustration!
  11. I like it Thanks for the suggestions guys, we'll go round and introduce ourselves and just let them know their little ones are losing it
  12. Looks normal to me. Sometimes people are shocked at the size of a surgical site but as GM said, there would have been a reason for it that they probably discovered when the dog was on the table.
  13. We've just moved into a new house and the property behind us has a menagerie of what we think are Corgis! Seriously there are about 5 or 6 of them Anyway, everytime our two go near the back fence the Corgis go OFF! Barking, growling, attacking each other....our two haven't barked back but just run along the fence line thinking it's a great game. Theres even what we have taken to calling the "Snarl gap" a tiny triangular part pf the fence that is missing, the Corgis owners have put some mesh on there so they can't fit their muzzles through but we are thinking of blocking it completely with some wood just for peace of mind. Anyway, I'm just worried about when we're at work, I dont want our two to start up aswell and bug the whole neighbourhood! Has anyone had a fence wars before? What can we do??
  14. Whenever we're in the kitchen preparing food they both stand right behind us so when we step back we go over . I don't know how long it will be before we learn to look before stepping back! Mosley also lies across doorways and when you go to step over nhim he wants to play, jumps up and trips you over :D As to what to do...no idea, that's why I fall over all the time
  15. I think normal working hours are fine 8-12 hours or whatever, I wouldn't leave mine unsupervised overnight though, I'd get someone to come over and keep them company.
  16. Lili has a penchant for Elmo......I can give her any stuffed toy and she'll play with it, but give her an Elmo toy....oh boy..... Mosley....well he pretty much destroys anything he can get his mouth into
  17. Does seem strange they wouldn't take them, if you hand them in as strays they should have to accept them?
  18. It is normal behaviour for a herding breed. You just need to make sure she has a perfect recall before letting her off lead where there are kids or anything else she may decide to herd. Definitely, until now she has! Normally when I have the ball she is right by my side, but when she saw this kid she dropped her ball. I'll not be letting her off lead anywhere around kids after today trust me
  19. Yes it is an off leash oval, so not really a dog park, but dogs are allowed off leash. It's very large so usually there's plenty of room for people to keep to themselves but this one little girl ran out to where we were just as Lili was returning with her ball. The kids had no parents with them and wee quite young which isn't really the best but hey... That's my worry too! Tday she wasn't even that close to the child but now I'm paranoid she'll start chasing kids!!!
  20. Look at those fat wee bellies!!! Squeeeee!! I can smell the puppy breath from here
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