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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. NO dog can ever be 100% trusted and many dogs with signs of aggression can live happy fulfilling lives with behavioural intervention. If your dog toilets in the house do you decide it will never be toilet trained no matter what you do, and hey, may aswell put it down?? I'd hate to be a dog in your care. To the OP, I agree with most posts, don't let this go untreated, a good behaviourist will be able to help you look at the causes and how to deal with this. Good luck, let us know how you go. ETA - spelling! well lucky you wont be. kids are the most important thing, TT thats your agument, i have never heard of children or adults being severly hurt, or killed by a dog not TT properly. get a grip., this dog is agressive not peeing in the house and as Other Posters has shown all the help in the world wont make u feel anybetter when your dog has ripped into your childs face. I agree no dog can 100% be trusted by the way my dogs are 100% well treated trained and he was loved til he passed away but my children are THE THE most important thing in this world and i will not risk them for a dog that is agressive, regardless of what you or anyother person thinks. Wow, talk about missing the point....nowhere did I say that an un-toilet trained dog would attack someone . My point was, would you give up so easily with a different unacceptable behaviour. It's not as though this dog has even bitten anyone, the poor thing, give it a chance.
  2. Breeds I wouldn't recommend for a 1st time owner: GSD BC Beagle Dane Kelpie Maremma Anatolian Shepherd (We have one and he is the sweetest most easy going wee man you could meet. Having said this he is very independent, stubborn and cheeky. Destruction can be serious so not for the house proud ) Rottweiller Husky Mal
  3. NO dog can ever be 100% trusted and many dogs with signs of aggression can live happy fulfilling lives with behavioural intervention. If your dog toilets in the house do you decide it will never be toilet trained no matter what you do, and hey, may aswell put it down?? I'd hate to be a dog in your care. To the OP, I agree with most posts, don't let this go untreated, a good behaviourist will be able to help you look at the causes and how to deal with this. Good luck, let us know how you go. ETA - spelling!
  4. I know, just annoys me to think someone thinks it's ok for my dog to be at risk Kind of pointless with me though, we don't use dog parks for this very reason. It's fine to say "Oh his recall is great" but how many times have we been to dog parks and seen absolute mayhem
  5. I said no to both, if the dog had a great recall and a muzzle then I don't really have a problem with someone else doing it, but I wouldn't do it myself. Interesting that results show people are more likely to put other dogs at risk than other humans, I would have thought if the dogs recall was good enough for dogs why not people also?
  6. They don't look that bad to me? Whilst it should be checked out, both ours had red eyes as pups and it was mainly at night cause they were tired! Hope it's just that! ETA: I have an Aussie and they can have the same issues with Ivermectic. Unfortunately I've never met a vet who knows anything about it which is very disappointing. We use Sentinel Spectrum on Lili, no Ivermectin.
  7. God, both mine were feral pups. Lili was unhinged, unstoppable and even got into the habit of rushing at me trying to bite my face....nice. She would grab onto my clothes and fight when I tried to get them off her, she wouldn't be brushed, she pulled a phone plug/cable from the wall and wrecked a remote control and 2 pairs of shoes-this was in the first 2 weeks of having her. Mosley ripped up the carpet in our rental....nuff said But I loves them!
  8. I think people are looking at it from an ethical perspective? Yeah true, I just get caught up with health issues, but that's OT sorry
  9. I think it's interesting people say "I wouldn't go to a BYB but my next dog will be a rescue", when this is where most of the rescues come from originally. With this being the case, are the health issues in BYB dogs more prevalent than those in dogs that have been rescued?? Just got me thinking...
  10. We call it poo patrol too....but no mine have never done that
  11. How bloody ridiculous This kind if thing really gets to me. Noone should be in your yard or near your gate/fence, or trying to touch your dogs, simple as that, yet again, Councils/Government protect the people in the wrong. Absolute rubbish.
  12. My feral child (Japanese Spitz) does that too... Just add in a few growls and a cute bark into it too. She once did this to a feather ;) Just reminded me....Lili hates plastic bags and will actually interact with them, creep around them, attack them etc
  13. Why would you get flamed? No flaming here I would desex him. Whilst it may not fix the problem, it's worth a chance, and I imagine it would be easier to keep two desexed males rather than one of each, especially when neither had behavioural problems before now. He isn't an old dog and has finished developing so there wouldn't be too many downsides to desexing, so I'd give it a go. Good luck! ETA: Just saw GMs' post and I agree! Seperating them until you've fixed the problem, through whatever means, would be sensible.
  14. So true Staranais, "Oh he's fine" muttered whilst said dog proceeds to try and eat one of mine
  15. At least Mo finished the damn thing. Ted "buried" his treasure - a maggoty dead rat - under my lounge cushions. And we won't talk about the beheaded pee wee that was left under my bed. Hope the blood comes out Nehkie - at least with a rug you can get under it. Better than carpet!
  16. Sorry, I just thought it would be obvious her dogs would go to the vet if needed.
  17. SOLD to the sucker lovely lady on the forum he's on his way to you now post packed Rottie cuddles!!!
  18. so she never leaves your property? She never goes to the vet? What should those of us with tiny yards do? I'm sure she goes to the vet All that is being said is that if you have an aggressive dog, you have the reponsibility to keep it away from situations where it could cause harm. Such as off lead areas. ETA: Of course if the dog is under effective control, it can go where it likes, but how often do we see this at dog parks??? At the one near me...never, which is why we don't use them. I also think it's unfair to imply that dogs who don't go to dog parks dont get enough exercise?? Mine don't and they are very well exercised, to the point where we struggle to keep the weight on them.
  19. Reminds me of the time Mo dragged in half a dead Blue Tongue....full of maggots....and finished it off on the loungeroom rug......nice. Good luck Nekhbet, hope you can get it out ok! Oh and I'd take your Rottie
  20. No mine don't do that, they will pick things up and thrash them around like maniacs, but no backwards jkumping here that sounds gorgeous
  21. I would have thought it common sense not to take your dog to an offleash park if it is aggressive. If I had a dog that was DA or HA it would never be off lead full stop, unless of course on my own property or an area I had complete control over.
  22. There is only one size. Clover's Breeder now breeds Mini Australian Shepherds. Not AKC ANKC or ASCA registerable, but yet she wants to breed them. WTF? Aussies are perfect as they are
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