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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. What it means is that the siblings are probably even worse and you may have gotten off lightly! True ellz, must keep things in perspective
  2. It's interesting isn't it. I picked Lili at the breeders because she was a little less mad than her siblings Little did I know that meant NOTHING I have a wonderful bond with both of my dogs. We call Mo our Buddha, he is so calm and has this wisdom about him....
  3. I'd also like to add that as someone who has worked in a pound, 95% of the dogs surrendered are from pet shops. This is not an exaggeration. If you have bought from a good breeder they will take the dog back, pet shops will not, so goofy I don't care what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, but you're wrong. And yes, I do believe that pups in a glass cage surrounded by strange people will develop issues, I know I would! But hey, you were in business for 18 years so it's all good...good on you!
  4. well you should be ashamed of yourself. Anyone who says they have sold thousands of pups has no cedibility whatsoever. Actually I am damn proud of that fact. Some breeders are smart enough to know that there are a few pet shops out there that can actually do a good job of vetting potential customers. Nothing like keeping an open mind is there! As far as knowing most of the sales have been successful, that's easy. The number of return customers and those that come in on recommendation. There are a few that we sell that are given away, I would be telling porkies if I said otherwise. However I believe the numbers are small.... and yes, people do come and say that they have just bought/been given a pup that came from us originally. As far as dumping them at the pound, I am willing to have a large bet that very few of the pups we sold went that way. Yes, I agree it is a problem with many pet shops, but it was not a big issue with mine. Now how can I state that so categorically? The answer is easy. The local pound support people put up flyers in many of the local shops. The vast, vast majority of those pups listed are not the sort of pups I would have sold. eg. Staffie or X, Rotties or X, GSD or X, Malamute or X, Ridgeback or X, Bull Mastiff or X, Cattle or X, etc etc etc. Now all this aside, no matter what is said, the accreditation program had the blessing and was run and overseen by Dogs NSW, the state governing body that represents breeders. Ever think that maybe the pups you sold which were then dumped didnt make it to a flyer and were just PTS immediately as they were not socialised or brought up correctly......
  5. Sorry you've been screwed around so much. It seems that people are becoming more and more incompetent, everyone from the gas and elec companies, to phone providers ,they need to learn what customer service is.
  6. Or in my case, like a crime scene. There are plush toy animals strewn from one end to the other. Yeah, that'll be my place. Little dead bodies of teddies, flattened ducks, headless rubber chooks all over the yard. But I have to admit for having three active dogs, our garden is surprisingly nice and aside from a few broken plants due to zoomies, they leave things pretty well alone. Puppy loves the fishpond though so my plans to fill it with fish are on hold. We have a bungalow in the middle of the back yard, there is a permanent "zoomie track" of mud right around it. Other than that it's not too bad at the moment but it has looked like a desert before. Oh and as for dead stuffed animals....I won't even go into detail... They last approximately 5 minutes in our house.
  7. Indigo who's the boss you or the dog. You are the pack leader and the dog does as you say. You also say this....she heels when I insist. Well insist she doesn't dig. You also say she isn't destructive in the house....of course not, you can get to her quickly to correct her. Now nobody tell me I don't know what I am talking because I do. 1. Instructor at obedience 2. Titled dogs in obedience 4. Passes at Best in Trial level 5. Held an obedience judges licence. When you find the dog digging, run towards her making loud noises. Push her to the ground and roll her around manhandling her. This is what the pack leader would do if she disobeyed. Let her know it is wrong to dig. If that fails think up things that are displeasing so that when she digs she will blame herself for it. It's also very easy with electric collars. Put one on her and let go out side and when start to dig zap her. If you are not standing close to her and do this every time she starts to dig she will soon blame herself. Make the dog blame herself for digging. She will soon learn that digging brings bad results for her and she will think she causes it and should stop. :D Just make sure you are well away from the dog when she gets zapped in this case you want the dog to blame herself. If you want the dog to blame you and see you as pack leader, try the first method. I agree with this post. You can stop wrong behaviours, the dog will associate digging with your displeasure. Tell the dog what to do...(or not to do) and it must comply. So how is manhandling or shocking a dog telling the dog "what not to do". It's just an assault for no reason that's clear to the dog. If the dog is already digging, it probably wont' even know why you did it. There's no command, no cue, no required behaviour being taught. Indeed, the poster who recommends using a shock collar you shouldn't be near the dog at all. Pack leader dogs don't beat up other dogs for doing what is natural, non-confrontational undirected behaviour. The analogy doesn't wash with me. How does "leadership" get involved when you want the dog to "blame itself" for doing something wrong. I agree with this.
  8. Perse you make me laugh, Gert looks beautiful
  9. The 5th time??? I'd be taking them straight to the pound, maybe a fine will motivate her to keep them in.
  10. Now do you see why people have been complaining about their treatments as tenants all these years. You are just experiencing what the rest of us have to go through as tenants, doesn't matter if you do everything right there are so many property managers and agents who screw us over.
  11. Mosley whined to go out the other night for toilet.....OH called him but he wouldn't come in......it was freezing and approximately 3am..... So OH runs out in his socks to get the little bugger and what's he doing? Yeah, that's right.....eating poo
  12. This is why I don't bother with pet insurance, I would prefer to put the premiums I'd be paying into a seperate account in the case of illness and injury. Insurance companies are horrible to deal with, I used to work for one :D
  13. So, please, cease pushing this wheelbarrow of you're totally right because this thread has already shown that you're not.
  14. I love your random behaviour threads corvus I have one passive dog, Mosley. He only gets up if asked to, he usually won't play unless we instigate it and he is generally pretty easy going and not fussed as to what's happening. Lili however, is up everytime we are, always involved and interested. Mosley is much easier to deal with
  15. I've been thinking the same thing, BARF is a commercial food, it is processed and packaged?? My dogs also get kibble but only as about 30% of their diet, they also get vegies, raw meaty bones, raw meat and fish.
  16. OMG LP she is gorgeous, how about Amelie (French movie)? So cute!
  17. I would call Mosley stubborn. He is very independent and sometimes can be quite naughty in regards to not following commands from us like coming inside when called. Sometimes we need to ask him to sit a few times before he will eventually give in and do it, whereas Lili will follow commands first time every time. But you're right, where do we draw the line between being stubborn and just being naughty?
  18. Lili was SHOCKING with biting when she was little, drew blood on a couple of occassions. She would grip onto us, our clothes, anything. She used to rush at you and try to bite your face Squealing or yelping didnt work with her as it revved her up even more. We found turning our backs on her and walking away wrked best. We also put our thumbs under her tongue and squeezed. At about 5 months she just stopped, thank Dog. Good luck.
  19. +1 Orbit has only ever had his puppy vaccines and minimal flea treatments etc and is on a raw diet. Yet he's still very allergic. Yes, he gets cortisone and other immune drugs, but only because they are the only thing that bring him relief. To say this is an absolute 'no no'?! How can you say this about a drug which provides comfort and quality of life for an animal? The RAW vs Kibble will always be an ongoing argument, but I think the subject is like religion - do your own research and make your own decision, but don't preach to other people. Not all dogs will do well on raw. Those who improved on raw were not 'cured' of their allergy, but merely relieved of their symptoms when the culprit allergen was no longer being fed in the dry food, eg a grain, storage mites etc. I know of one particular dog who was fed a raw diet all her life, only puppy vacc'd, never given oral treatments/chemicals/drugs, yet died at 2yo from cancer. My own family Golden Retriever was fed supermarket dry most of her life, had cortisone for flea allergy dermatitis here and there, vaccinated at times yet lived till till she was 16yo and was only pts because of joint disease. Dogs are all different - like people. Their digestive systems function the same but are not all the same, as with their bodies. If one dog thrives being fed a raw diet, then that's great, but I don't think it's fair to tell people something what they're doing is 'not the best' for their dog. +2 If the dog needs Cortisone to live then the dog gets Cortisone! Not all dogs do well on a raw or BARF diet either. We fed our Boxer Chum all his life and he lived to 12.
  20. Moi Elina! I would be open to that for sure! I am half Finnish What states are you looking at staying in?
  21. Sounds to me like she was just putting pup back in his place.
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