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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. If it was to enforce the laws already in place I'd be there too. Yep I'd be all for enforcing what currently exists... But I know that's not the case and supporting such events is just helping to bang the nail in my own breeder coffin. When the RSPCA and the likes can come up with something that is not to my detriment, or anyone who breeds dogs with due care and consideration, then please let me know about it. Re the quote in red above, to put it in context you need the rest of the quote.... It actually says "Now is your chance to be a voice for the dogs living a life of misery in Victoria's puppy factories. Join the RSPCA along with many animal welfare organisations on the steps of Parliament House to advocate for tougher laws and regulations to be put in place. Help us send a strong message to the State's political leaders that factory farming should not be tolerated." Not once anywhere have I seen any intent of changing laws on how dogs are currently kept by breeders or establishments just the intent to change legislation to outlaw large scale/mass production of puppies. But if I'm wrong I'm happy to stand corrected. From Oscars Law "Now is your chance to be a voice for the dogs imprisoned in Victoria's puppy factories. Help send a strong message to the State's political leaders that we will not tolerate the factory farming of our companion animals. Join us on the steps of Parliament House and stand up for all the dogs on puppy factories and support Oscars Law" The only legislation Oscars Law itself talks about changing is Quote: "•Abolish the mass production of dogs. Make factory farming of dogs illegal •Ban the sale of animals from pet shops, online and in print media" Each of these campaigns describe puppy factories as mass producing facilities. People are even saying they don't want regulations changed... From Debra Tranter herself on Prisoners for Profit website: "How is increasing the fine going to help the dogs Joe Helper? $2400 the cost of one litter of puppies-so what! Mr Helper, we do not want more regulations that the local Council ranger simply refuses to enforce or doesn't have time to enforce. We want puppy factories abolished. Stop telling us how our pets can be kept, bred and sold." From what I've read throughout these campaigns "ethical" breeders have been supported and even promoted..... people are being told to go to shelters, rescue or ethical registered breeders to purchase their dogs. I'll be at the rally with my ex puppy farm breeding girl and hope to see as many likeminded people there as possible I want to say this - and please - this is important. The proposals being tendered do not - I repeat - do not specifically target large scale commercial breeders. The definition of a puppy farmer for the purposes of proposed changes is and I quote from the RSPCA roundtable conference. Recommended way forward: 1.1 A puppy farm (also known as a puppy factory or puppy mill) is defined as an intensive dog breeding facility that is operated under inadequate conditions that fail to meet the dogs’ psychological, behavioural, social and/or physiological needs. Puppy farms are usually large-scale commercial operations, but inadequate conditions may also exist in small volume breeding establishments which may or may not be run for profit. OK now I see where you are coming from as far as breeders, not looking after their dogs could also be affected as far as the RSPCA are concerned, but help me out here..... What's the issue if they are are trying to stop anyone that isn't providing adequate conditions? Not sure that I can see this as a negative thing regardless of who isn't providing adequate conditions. I don't see the issue either, if you are breeding under good conditions then you are not included in that definition?
  2. A childhood friend of mine had two lovely German Shepherd x sisters and her Father would always walk them off lead saying "Oh they're perfectly trrained..." Yeah, until the day one ran out onto the road and got hit by a car. The dog survived, but I still remember thinking how stupid it is to do that. No dog is 100% reliable and I wish people would get that!
  3. Personally I could never give one of my dogs up it would break my heart, so I can understand how you must be feeling! I see no problem though rehoming Odie as it sounds like he would be going to a great home and if he is with your sister at least you can still see him and check up on how he's going! Good luck with your decision
  4. Ummmmm, I didn't say anything about the breed, I was talking about the owner who put two dogs of such different sizes together and then had issues because of it.... I did not say anything about anyone elses dogs or a particular breed, I only referred to this mating. Read posts a bit more carefully maybe?
  5. And well, as they say... someone has to graduate bottom of every class! yep. Most vets I've met don't have a problem with irresponsible backyard breeding such as this. The poor bloody dogs.
  6. I don't care how sick she was, that's disgusting.
  7. I'm free on Saturday if you need anyone else guys
  8. but how many joe public know about the MDBA? Much fewer then those who even grasp the concept of pedigrees and what the ANKC is about. THey have to start somewhere. in encouraging the public to walk away from backyarders and farmers dont they? Because information has to start somewhere. Complicate the whole page and the average person throws it all in the too hard basket. OK so not everyone shows or just has one breed, they said that because thats what they consider an average guide. The average pet puppy purchaser who would chase a farmed/pet store pup is after just a pet, not a show prospect or working dog obviously. So it's aimed at them and hence has to be simplified. As for picking this apart why dont knowlegable, ethical ANKC breeders contact and help those at Oscars Law post out what it 'correct' then. They're trying to help, and instead of simply focussing on the bad why not join and educate as well as use their high publicity to an advantage? As you can see the website is trying to go on the right track, buy from a registered ethical breeder or rescue a pound dog. I have to agree, we have to start somewhere. I can understand what Steve and others are saying, of course, but I fear if we don't do something soon this will get even worse. We have to stop people buying from pet shops and farms. I'll be there on Sunday, looking forward to meeting some Dolers
  9. Mosley does this. Sometimes he wants Lilis' spot on the couch, sometimes he wants her bone/toy, sometimes he just wants to be a PITA. He will stand there and lower his head down and pant at her, then the pant turns into a bark, then Lili gets sick of it and attacks him Ah the joy....
  10. I'd be going to the media, TT, ACA Herald Sun, whatever, they would love to pick up a story like this and it would create a sh*tstorm for them.
  11. I agree. I see a lot of terribly matted Lab/Poodles, Schnauzer x Poodles and Cav x Poodles, people just think that it stays nice on it's own Another problem is people who assume their cross is with a Toy Poodle or Mini Poodle and not a Standard....then get all surprised when their dog is bigger than a pure Lab! I have a real issue with all the "oodle" and such names. If you really want to start a new breed give it it's own name.
  12. I would come except I have to work till 4pm . Will see if I can find anyone to help out. Will let you know how I go. I am free after 1pm on Sunday if needed.
  13. she;s looking for more Chihuahuas, any sex, coat or age. Nice....
  14. One would hope so, but then has any of this been done by the book? It's so disappointing when we try to promote registered breeders and educate people, and then things like this happen. Just shows being Registered doesn't mean much. I shudder when I think that before I knew better I would probably have bought off someone like this withough knowing what they were really like, trusting them because they are a registered breeder.
  15. If everyone is on the wrong track then why not clear it up? Honestly not trying to be smart at all, but if I were you and none of this was true I'd be clearing it all up straight away, if you haven't done anything wrong why leave everyone thinking you have? Just how I'd react I guess.
  16. uh huh. Along with the other litter they plan to take to the pet stores? There's another one???
  17. Puppy farmers. I cannot imagine any responsible ethical breeder selling their babies to a pet store.
  18. Agreed. At first I told myself it would be fine...it wasn't.
  19. Sounds positive Robbi, sending hugs to Yogi and you
  20. I ate a snail....and a friend used to sit at her flyscreen door and eat all the dead flies off the floor I wouldn't let a dog constantly lick at a wound but I don't really stress if they lick a cut or manage to slip their tongue up my nose or something :D
  21. My two LOVE their nanas. They always get a bit when we eat one
  22. Jesus Christ. I wouldve chased the @$%&*# down
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