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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Mine LOVE yoghurt. I just mix it in with their dry occasionally, usually they have a raw brekkie and dry dinner and we mix in something, usually either sardines, tuna, egg or yoghurt. In regards to the amount I just pour in a slurp, I don't think you can give them too much, being reasonable obviously
  2. Unfortunately I don't trust vets at all and would always get a second opinion if it was something major.
  3. Yikes, I couldn't bring myself to do that. Its a factor but only one of them. I do agree finding out at the end they wand $3000+ a pup changes a lot of plans. It might mean budgeting another year (or more). I think I'd freak out breeders staring with that question more than I already am! Isn't that one of the first things you need to know when you're buying something though? If I'm looking to buy a car, one of the first things I do is check the going prices for the make and model I'm interested in and if it's out of my budget, I cross that one off the list. I know breeders don't like to put puppies in the same category as other "purchases" but the fact is that they need to be paid for and the person thinking about buying one needs to know they can afford it or are prepared to pay that amount. I really don't get the reluctance to advertising prices. It would save breeders having to deal with those "How much?" emails they all seem to hate and it would save potential buyers having to ask the question. I have to agree here, when we were looking at pups barely any of the websites/ads etc listed price. I always hear breeders complain about people asking about cost but if it's not there then of course they're going to. Excluding people who only say "How much??" of course To the OP, I basically emailed our breeder with a short run down about us, our life and what we wanted in a dog, I asked if she thought the breed would be suitable for us etc. She replied with most of the details you are asking without me having to ask a lot of them.
  4. Yes, the old, "Oh look Honey, a new puppy! Where did he come from?!" works pretty well. Once they see said puppy they are in love and it's all over. :D
  5. Oh he's freakin adorable!!!! Lili was an absolute terror when she was his age. VERY bitey and would actually lunge at our faces, tug on our clothes till they ripped etc. She is now absolutely gorgeous and gentle, so don't despair!! I think time out is a good idea, it will force him to settle as he won't have you there to provide stimulation. Adorable!
  6. A teenager ... whose life needs to be full of exploring/l experimenting/learning and eating. Sounds perfectly normal. lots of meals 'on the bone' to give him textures and chewing and fun... and keep the bagged dry stuff out of reach! I'd agree, Mosley was an absolute freak with eating when he was a pup, we had to scatter his food and he was constantly scavenging. Now he's older he is actually quite a fussy thing! You wouldn't believe it was the same dog!
  7. We used to keep our two inside on yucky weather days but they are absolutely MENTAL by the time we get home, they have a big shed with cushions and beds so plenty of shelter. They are usually outside when we aren't home as Mosley is a destructo dog, he has eaten carpet, two couches, a mobile phone, a remote, ALL of my bras and a coffee table. They never pee in the house, always just hold it till we get home buit I feel bad about that so would prefer them outside. If we were in a snakey area though I'd probably keep them inside over summer.
  8. Doesn't sound that unusual to me, my two are best mates 90% of the time, but every now and then they'll snarl and growl and be silly. As long as there is no real fighting going on I woudln't worry too much.
  9. I'm the same. I have real trust issues with vets due to some total freaks. For example: Took Lili to the vet for a vaccination when she was a pup and the vet attacked me for docking her tail! I just told her that was natural for an Aussie....what the? Isn't the vet meant to be the knowledgeable one?! I also get sick of being pressured into vaccinations. My dog, my choice, just because Australia is so far behind the rest of the world with their vaccination protocols. Another one (at the same place) told me that it was very unusual that one of my dogs was a bit nervous at the vet....riiiight.... I am still searching for a good vet...any recommendations? I'll travel!!
  10. sorry a bit off topic, but talking about house training its along the same theme at least are you in the chi thread i can't remember. but just to address this, we've had some buyers come back after giving them a pup or young dog and they've come back with, "the dog isn't toilet trained". basically doing what you described up top. my advice to one person was, don't stand there with the dog they never do anything when you are with them as they would see you as their one way ticket back inside the house and because they are dying to go they will wait until they are back inside then go. so what we do with our young pups is either have an area that they can always use that already has their own smells there or don't stand with them leave them for 5-10 mins outside by themselves. usually works better when you have other dogs around going too though. this lady that told me that, only had the one bitch but it did work what i told her to do. we usually have a word like outside now or out and they know its the toilet break, so we do that every hour or so after them being inside, works like a charm for us. but then again our dogs are trained from day dot to do this and also the young pups do follow the adults and learn that way. bit more difficult when you only have one dog. or puppy. Last night Heidi was not happy being outside because it was cold and the grass was wet. A while after I brought her back in she went on the pee pad inside which is fine. I don't like leaving her outside at night because there are owls and she is very small, so I have to stand with her. I am in the chi thread - Heidi is the one with patchy hair if you remember . I have also PM'd you before re: patella luxation - I have changed my display name from Arielle to Kiara&Heidi. Sorry to the OP for going off topic. I'm sorry too, but OMG your Chi is gorgeous, she's sooo tiny
  11. That is a long time, he may consider the play pen his "area" where he eats, sleeps etc and not want to go to the toilet there. Can he be put in a bigger room maybe so he feels he has more distance between his business and his play/sleep area? Or is there an option for him to have access to the yard?
  12. Ok, I know nothing about thundershirts, what are they? How do they actually work??
  13. I'm no expert but it looks like a heat rash, could just be a reaction to a plant in the garden or the grass itself maybe.... If it isn't bothering her I wouldn't worry too much but if it stays I'd take her to the vet and get it checked out.
  14. What is wrong with people?? I would NEVER feed someone elses dog.
  15. I wouldn't think 3 walks a week would be enough for a Shetland or a Cocker. You could probably get away with it with a Whippet as Pav Lova said. I would go for the Whippet from what you have said as you would probably need to commit to more brushing with a sheltie and I think a cocker would go mad without more exercise. Whippets are gorgeous too
  16. At least you know you're not the only one!
  17. Thought maybe this thread needed some humour.... huskies, I also think they should check out the rescues and agree that $1500 wouldn't be the bottom of the price range, was that what they have been quoted by a breeder? I've seen cheaper pups than that from quite good breeders. Maybe try and remind them of the possible health issues and how paying that little bit extra now might save them in the long run. Good luck with it , I know how hard it is to change someone's mind, especially when money is involved!
  18. I would tell her that they are on a strict diet and she cannot continue to feed them bread. I would also extend the fence in the hope she might get a clue.
  19. I let my dogs up on the bed so I'm no help
  20. Kirty, it does sound like Corona to me, it is like a mild case of parvo, there can be blood but not always. Did the vet test for Corona?
  21. Yep! We're a toe licking household. Both my dogs will try, OH won't let them but I don't mind Lili nibbles aswell hehe. Least I know I'm not the only strange one here
  22. I have a 45kg dog and a 22-23kg dog so I buy large and give them both large. As long as they're both in the weight range. As has already been mentioned it doesn't kill fleas all throughout their cycle, but if you have an outbreak, Dog forbid, you can administer Capstar (pretty cheap and easy) to kill any fleas on the skin.
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