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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Well i've just learnt something new! I always thought it was pap-pill-ion, my parents used to own one so that was what I was used to hearing them called. I'll be saying pap-pee-on now. I also didn't know the correct way to pronounce dachshund so i'd just say sausage dog to avoid the embarrassment. I'll be saying "darks-hund" now too. Can anyone tell me how to pronounce dogue de bordeaux?? Dogue is pronounced like in play dough and Bordeaux the same so like bor-dough.
  2. Oh god, I have loads of these from working in a pound. I had people call and tell me they had lost their...... Maltese Shizitsu Pomerarian Bull mustard??!!!! The old favorite-Rockwheeler Bull Pit lol I could go on....
  3. Fuzzy, Mosley is the same, he wants to be friends with everyone and everything and can get very excited round other dogs....it's just a tad embarrassing having a huge gangly dog squealing out of excitement and trying to jump out of his harness....were working on his reactions....still....
  4. Don't know if I've told this story before but my OH had an Amstaff back home in Ireland that ate a sock....embarrassing part was when he decided to...errr... get rid of it in the park, right in front of a bunch of people enjoying a picnic.... Extra embarrassing was when he couldn't get it out and looked to OH for some help...he had to put his foot on one end so the dog could walk forward and get the rest out lol
  5. I'm terrified of bloat If Mosley even looks a little bloated I'm on the floor listeing to his stomach, tapping his belly to see if it sounds hollow....I'm a bit over the top but only because it can happen so quickly. So glad your boy is ok lilli
  6. ETA: Suggested something that had already been suggested
  7. Oh no I'm so sorry Sway, very sad. RIP gorgeous girl
  8. As the title says, out of interest, (I know, I'm strange) how often do you do a poo patrol? We normally do ours once every couple of days but due to a ridiculously busy week we didn't get a chance so I did it yesterday..... Too much poo. I will never leave it that long again!!
  9. Kepala is great! They have a few different fenced off runs, in either sand or grass and one with a pool. Basically you pay a certain amount to have your dog/s in there. Totally private and fantastic, you can also use the runs for meetings with other people. I'm not sure if that's how this place works though... it seems to just be a park that people have to register for, which is a good idea, but just because the rules say dogs need to be under control doesn't mean they will be, I don't like using any type of public park as I can't trust that other owners have the same interpretation of "under control" as I do. That's why I use Kepala.
  10. I guess the other issue to me is, even if you can afford to do it now, how much will you have in superannuation etc to live on when you retire, that's something I never thought about till I met my OH who works in super. He is seeing a lot of people who didn't put towards their retirement that are now in lots of trouble with the way the financial market is.
  11. Tiff, I did the same but had to give it up. I was getting a little over $16 am hour as a trainee and was told that was good..... I couldn't pay my mortgage now with that. I was also over office work and went down that route but they definitely take the piss, the wages are shocking for what I think is a difficult job at times. By all means go for it, but do up a budget first and see if you will be able to live on it. Also keep in mind there's lots of after hour and weekend work in vet nursing, at least on most places, and you feel a little undervalued!!
  12. Steve, you're spot on. We would have people come in saying they wanted their dog PTS and they would not have to give a reason....let lone go through all the "Requirements" for debarking. Totally hypocritical.
  13. Wow! I didn't know poultry kept snakes away, may have to get me some guinea fowl!
  14. I know, what a ridiculous, redundant law
  15. I second the rattle drink bottle idea. Maybe also some treat toys that she can smell and roll round to get treats out of? Obviously make it easy, don't want her getting frustrated! Some kids toys may be appropriate, you can get teddys that will sing songs etc if you turn them on. What breed is she Kirty?
  16. We used to live near a river and always had somewhere between 2 and 5 cats at the house. They all used to hunt but one of them, Chopsticks, a little tortoiseshell was ridiculous. She brought in blue tongues, all sorts of birds and then began bringing in bats After that I decided not to keep cats anymore as I felt terrible!
  17. Even at age 3 my dogs will "kill" any bed I buy them. We had some like CW EW that lasted quite a while but eventually went the way of all other beds. Was considering getting some from Aldi.....at the moment they have a shed out in the back yard with big couch cushions in it in case it rains or they want somewhere soft, normally they lay on the grass. They sleep either in bed with us, on the couch, or on the carpet next to my bed, and yes one of them is almost 100 pounds My dogs are spoilt.
  18. Sure he enjoys it, that's what cats do! I don't have cats but if I did they would be inside or in a run for that reason. He isn't a problem cat, he's just a cat.
  19. Hahahahhahahaha I don't think there are enough in the world for this thread
  20. Wow, I might check that out! Thanks for posting about it poochiemama
  21. OMG! He's adorable! Glad to hear he's back to normal.
  22. No more cruel than desexing. I think if you have tried everything and cannot stop the dog barking it's the best thing to do. Better than the dog being PTS or baited by an angry neighbour.
  23. Aggressive, dangerous, out of control dog. From my experience anyway ;) Yep. ETA: Just ignore her fuzzy, at least the small dog syndrome label isn't something that could get your dog declared dangerous.
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