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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. RubyStar, I've never owned a Lab but I have had experience with Lab pups through work. If you can handle a Lab you can handle an Aussie It also depends on the puppy, I've seen some Aussie pups who are really chilled out.
  2. Depends on the council but most near Melbourne require you to get a permit for a third dog/cat, this includes a fee (of course), asking neighbours if they mind and a yard inspection. Then they decide whether you get the permit or not, the other option is not telling them in the first place, not that I would ever recommend that ;)
  3. Yeah it seems pretty common! Mosley greets with toys, well anything really, he will pick up whatever is in reach and stand there wiggling and roo-rooing till you play with him Lili and her toys, well that's another story, we cannot bring any "Elmo" toys into the house. No idea what it is about them, she's funny with anything fluffy really, but long story short, he is HER baby and NOONE else can touch him. :rolleyes:
  4. cowanbree, Lili was the same, absolutely feral. It took her a while to sleep through the night also.
  5. Yes, Lili was a feral child. She was the one in puppy class trying to start play fights, stealing toys and treats, one of her nicknames when she was little was Lili-gator due to the incessant biting. She would literally rush at you and try and bite your face, never mind the clothes you were wearing or trying to put on, everything was a game of tug to her :rolleyes: A wrecked lino floor, two chewed phone points and numerous underwear/shoes later she is now quite a lovely well behaved dog, but they are a lot of work as pups. They are very rough in play and quite demanding of your attention, my only concern would be the size difference. I'm sure you'd be finebut it's just something to be aware of.
  6. We used to live near an older man with a couple if greys, one of them, his girl, he treasured as he believed she saved his life. Years ago he was attacked at night while walking her and she attacked the offender, driving him away! She was a gorgeous dog too
  7. I was terrified of him when I was small. I used to hide under chairs and tables and scream blue murder Mosley would LOVE Santa, he loves going to the vet for dogs sake Lili, I wouldn't put her through it, I think she'd freak.
  8. Me. Mosley is an Anatolian x Maremma,so he feels the need to bark at the hint of an ants fart :rolleyes:
  9. OMG, this is possibly the cutest thread EVER.
  10. So I was just sitting on the couch when I saw movement outside one of the windows, almost had a heart attack thinking one of the dogs had got out but when I looked, what did I see but the most gorgeous wee SBT wiggling around outside my window! Went straight out and got smothered in staffy kisses but no tag on her collar so I grabbed a lead and went walking the street, luckily a woman down from me saw her and told me where she lives, apparently she gets out quite a bit during storms We had some thunder earlier. Anyway she's back at home now all safe and gorgeous Pointless little story but I was just so glad we could find her home, she was adorable!!! And I'll be keeping an eye out over New Years as apparenty she doesn't like fireworks either.
  11. Mosley does that too, the other day he was doing some mad zoomies and as he rounded the corner he picked up a stuffed toy and flung it out of the way, then continued on like a wild beast :rolleyes: God this thread is making me laugh, aren't they weird creatures?!
  12. Yes, these can be bought fairly cheap and are not permanent so wouldn't bother the landlord.
  13. Be careful what you wish for Saturday morning 6am, and a wet mingin ball is dropped next to my face on the pillow :rolleyes:
  14. If it were 1 dog? 2 dogs? 3 dogs? You wouldn't rule out a breeder because one of their dogs had a health issue, would you? Aesthetics I'm not really concerned about - something that affects the health of the dog is more my concern. No I wouldn't rule out a breeder due to a health issue in 1 dog as there will always be bad luck, but if it were 2 or 3 then yes I probably would.
  15. Mosley is very self concious when pooing If he sees you out in the yard while he is doing his business there he will try and move away, looks like a T-Rex walking along still squatting :rolleyes:
  16. It would depend on the severity and type of problem. If it was a major health issue, then no I would avoid the breeder. If it were something small and of a more aesthetic nature, then yes I would still consider it.
  17. If they are registered with the other council then you shouldn't have to pay the fine, at least that's the law in VIC but I'm not sure about other states. I would just go in and tell them that the dogs are currently registered and you would now like to pay the new rego, hopefully they will agree. Good luck with it.
  18. Lili is a fetch fiend. She is absolutely obsessed with balls and we always have quite a few lying around the place, but I have noticed she is quite particular about which ball is used. Any ball is ok, as long as it's a tennis ball, but say for instance I go outside and throw her pink ball a few times, she's happy as Larry, but if I then pick up a green ball and throw it, she will fetch it, then stop dead in her tracks, spit it out and go and get the original pink ball to play with. Even if I put the pink ball away she will NOT fetch the green ball. The next day however if I throw the green ball, she won't touch the pink one. WTF? Does anyone know why a behaviour like this would come about? I think it may have to do with her personality, she is quite a serious dog and likes routine. Who knows!? Does your dog have any weird little rituals/behaviours?
  19. I'll buy as much useles stuff for my dogs as I like thanks . I donate all year round to different groups/charities, and have done all my adult life and there is nothing that turns me off more than people begging/guilting me into donating. That's not what it's about.
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