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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Most likely if she has bitten someone How sad.
  2. This was also my experience when I worked at a pound. People would say that they couldn't believe noone had claimed a dog...ummm no cause it was in their back yard the whole time! People who lose dogs look for them at the pound so that is where they should be, but do people listen? Do they ever? Feels like you're fighting a losing battle.
  3. The old tongue in mouth trick eh? Yes that ones a regular at our house.....vomit. My mums chis are good at getting their tongues up peoples noses!
  4. Sounds just like our place, we always give them kisses I agree, I wouldn't freak if my dog licked a scracth but would draw the line at something bigger just cause it would hurt mainly!
  5. I usually don't even notice my dogs are licking me We have foot lickers in our house, OH doesn;t like it but I let them do it, it's like a massage :p
  6. No, that doesn't seem normal to me, I would not be paying anything more.
  7. OMG that quote made me laugh!! (not the fake LOL kind- the real dogs jump off the bed and peer crazily at the human trying to work out what they are doing kind) Me too bahaha
  8. Little buggers! Ours have a clam shell pool, neither of them will set a foot in it the precious dears, they use it as a massive permanent water bowl :rolleyes:
  9. Yikes! Mosley, luckily, hasn't grown ridiculously huge, he's sitting around 45kg at the moment.
  10. My Anatolian x Maremma is also shedding at the moment, for the last couple of weeks I am having to brush him out every night when I get home from work, I could fill a doona once or twice a week. It's hectic. We usually wash him either in the bath, he just fits or outside in the clam shell pool. Have you thought about getting a dryer? That can help to blow a lot of the undercoat out, meaning you won't have to do so much bruching. I feel your pain! ETA: We have burrs EVERYWHERE this year :rolleyes:
  11. Interesting how many OH's don't like cats!
  12. I've never had a gundog so can't really help there sorry. But in my house I have a Working breed: Aussie Shepherd and a Utility (LGD mix): Anatolian x Maremma. I would say from my experience working dogs like Aussies etc are loyal, eager to please, highly trainable, very clever, very energetic, reserved with strangers and absolute clowns at times. My LGD is head strong, stubborn, can NEVER be let off lead, dominant and obviously very protective. He is also the biggest sook on the planet and is very, very sensitive to my emotions/actions.
  13. I think cats are beautiful, but I don't have any. The OH is not a cat person, he doesn't dislike them but doesn't want to own any. If I had to choose it would be dogs all the way.
  14. Yep, we've got that more than a few times, the other day someone shouted out of their car window "Get a bigger dog"........pretty original huh.
  15. I think they would be as naughty as one another only different kinds of naughty... Aussies are smart naughty! Labs and any gundog really are just total silly goober naughty! ETA. My friend added another aussie baby when I added another pointee baby and they were (and lets face it still are) a naughty duo but was funny watching them she had it all over him cause she is just way smarter!!! Yeah they are very clever even as pups, and very manipulative. They know how cute they are
  16. It's weird to say no to someone wanting to pat a puppy so it's no wonder people get offended. I intentionally take my puppies to busy places so they'll be smothered by strangers wanting to cuddle them. Oh sure I agree, I just mean I wouldn't have a go at someone for not wanting me to pat their puppy. I don't think anyone has ever told me no before though.
  17. I think it's pretty natural for people to want to pat puppies, I know in the past I have seen puppies and said hello and didn't feel as though I was being rude. Maybe I was. I do however agree that it's your dog so you get to say what happens and the hostility is strange . If someone told me no you can't pat the pup I'd say no worries and walk on.
  18. A lot of people have the same worry redial and it is a possibility but in my experience it is quite rare. Do you know what area your dog was found in as a stray? The shelter will tell you, it may be nowhere near where you live.
  19. Honestly? I'd probably tell them I'd had it since a pup. If they didn't get off their butts to look for their missing dog which had no current ID, it's better off with me. Most shelters will have you sign something which says the dog/cat must be returned to the owner if they show up, so I'd say they were mistaken and it's always been mine. ETA: Just saw your next post. It would have to be a pretty good reason and I can't think of many.
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