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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Someone entering my property certainly IS trespassing, I have signs up to say door kncokers etc are not permitted on the property, if someone enters my property with those signs up it is trespassing.
  2. I always dream about my dogs, normally they're anxiety type dreams and something bad happens to them Not nice!
  3. This describes me to a T. I have one rescue and one purebreed and while I love certain breeds, I kind of like not knowing exactly how my "mutt" will end up. My current mutt is one of the most sensitive, funny, loyal dogs I've ever known. Having said that I do not show my dogs or compete in sports etc so they're just members of the family to me. I am sure I will get another rescue mutt in my lifetime
  4. WIth our ridiculous laws you'd probably be liable. Total rubbish but hey, that's society for you.
  5. Hi Ness1409 Yep. Its all very confusing. What you have to do is register you dogs with your local council. They will update the microchip details on the Qld registry. If you move to NSW then you will have to register the dogs again with the council from the area you are living in and they will update the microchip details. However, if you are travelling then the last recorded registry will need contact details. This is how it works in NSW, but here in QLD the council registration has nothing to do with the microchip, you actually have to do it separately I wish there was just one national register, that would make life SOOOO much easier In Vic council rego has nothing to do with the m/c either. Best thing to do is register with one company, I would recommend either Central Animal Records or National Pet Register, anyone in Australia at a pound etc will be able to check all 5 registries.
  6. Mosley gets red swollen eyes at least once or twice a year, they go away and every vet has said it's allergies. Cold tea usually clears his up.
  7. So sorry to hear this, will be thinking of you both tomorrow. You're doing the right thing
  8. Hmmm.....just looking quickly I have about 8 different harnesses, 7 different collars, treat bags, dog walking bag, about 6 leads, an elizabethan collar, 2 doggy nail clippers, 4 brushes, and LOADS of toys
  9. Sick bitch. Hope someone throws her out of a freakin window.
  10. Thanks perse, I'll grab some today I don't think there's any standing water at the moment Kirislin, but I'll have a wander round the garden and make sure later Thanks guys!
  11. I have to add another vote for smiling cattle dog....GORGEOUS!!! Hope the pretty girl is back home soon.
  12. We have an abundance of mosquitoes the size of your head this year They have the dogs tortured. Does anyone know of anything we can either feed them or put on them to keep the mozzies away? I know ACV works in their water for fleas but does it work for mozzies too? The dogs appreciate any help
  13. I was telling a friend that Mosley will creep into bed with us on occasion, said friend was horrified, to be fair... he is massive But it made me think about how many people let their dogs sleep in bed with them. Normally when we go to bed, Lili will lie under or next to our bed, and Mosley usually sleeps either on the floor next our bed or on the couch. By morning, one or both of them will be up in bed with us :rolleyes: I like it so couldn't care less but I'm wondering how many people are like me
  14. This is just out of interest Christina, why do you like them to be totally indoors? Is it due to their size? or moreso that they need to be with their people? I don't mean that the dog is never to be allowed out in the garden/yard. They are happier being part of the family & following you around inside or outside. Leaving dogs outside when there is no one home is something I would only do with a large dog. At least the size may intimidate any would be thieves of the dog or property. Snakes are also an issue in some places. My dogs would never deal with a snake, they would want to play, get bitten & die if they were outside with no one home. Thanks Christina
  15. We've given our two stuffing before with no issues, but only a small bit each. I guess the worst it could contain is onion/salt.
  16. I read a great book about a war dog a while ago....I'll see if I can find the title, it rocked!!
  17. This is just out of interest Christina, why do you like them to be totally indoors? Is it due to their size? or moreso that they need to be with their people?
  18. All sounds great caraboose!!! I would tell his owners he was PTS, they deserve to feel bad for what they did, but then I'm a bit mean
  19. This is a dangerous thing to do. So many children get bitten on the face by the family dog because their parents allowed them to get close to a dog that is eating a bone. I'm not sure why you are here? You ignore what dog experts are advising and tell us you know better, even though you can't even train a dog not to jump. So you seem destined to repeat all the mistakes you made the first time, but with a dog that may be snappier and even more energetic. I feel sorry for the dog and your kids. You don't need to ask us what crate to buy, go ask at the crate shop where at least they are paid to deal with people like you. Totally agree, you don't come on a public forum and pick and choose the comments you get, sorry but it doesn't work that way. You came on asking for advice, you got it, if you don't want to take it fine, but if you know so much, why ask in the first place?
  20. Good thread GM so many dogs end up with pancreatitis at Christmas time. The only thing I can think of adding is Macadamias.
  21. I'm not a breeder but just wanted to give my two cents.... When we bought Lili we were renting and our breeder didn't have a problem. We own now. It would seem unfair to refuse a puppy due to the buyer renting, but, I can see why some breeders may do this. The most common reason for dogs beeing surrendered I found when I was working in a shelter, is that the owners are moving/can't have the dog in a rental property. It's getting harder and harder to buy your own house these days and rentals are few and far between, so while I don't think it should be the only consideration, I can understand why it may be one.
  22. As much as they love her, I think the twice a year coat blow puts them off. I am so over all these people that want a dog but cannot be bothered brushing it. There are so many lovely long coated breeds that simply get overlooked because of the current fad to get a non-shedding dog. The long coats are so much better shedding wise than many of the short coats. I will never again own a Lab or anythign with a similar coat because that is just too much shedding for me but my BCs, Aussies, Collies, Shelties and many of the Spitz breeds are easy care long coats and when they shed it comes out in easy to pick up lumps, not one hair at a time that gets into everything. So true. My OH's SBT would shed like mad, little tiny prickly hairs that were impossible to pick up, my Aussie and Anatolian x have medium length double coats and the hair just forms its own little clumps so I can pick it up, that easy! I love brushing my dogs, it's bonding to me, relaxing and nice I would maybe suggest a CKCS, or a Whippet, just saw the updated post though. IMO all dogs like to be with their family, and keeping them outside away from everyone is unfair, and I don't understand why you would even bother, but each to their own.
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