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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. We've been looking at these too! The mozzies have us and the dogs tortured this year, plus my OH is obsessed with BBQ's :rolleyes: It would be great as another source of shade for the hounds too. For those that have had them a while, do they last well? I worry that the weather will destroy them too quick! Might have to go to Bunnings on the weekend :D
  2. Me too it does everything and is safe for MDR1 dogs too. Heartguard isn't heartworm only, it also does round and whip worm (not 100%, I know it does 2 other worms though). I use interceptor, just coz it's all worms (heart and gut) in one (and my dog loves it)
  3. What is the 1st picture of SecretKei??! I want one whatever it is! ETA: Tibetan Mastiff?
  4. You may disagree but if it says that in the PDS, which it does with medibank pet insurance, then unfortunately that's the way it is.
  5. That's what I was thinking, at least it makes some kind of sense. It does suck though
  6. This is why I dont have pet insurance Too many exclusions, I'd rather just put money away into an account for emergencies. I guess though if you are paying by the month, in order to cover your claim you need to have paid the full year out, that's the same with any insurance, is this what they were getting at?
  7. This is very bizarre, I have NEVER heard of a pound just not calling owners??! If the dog was seized that may be different but a stray? Never heard of it. Even if chip details don't show up due to privacy you can retrieve them by calling the database they are on.
  8. Sorry to break the flow. But good on you for putting the much maligned Pit Bull on your list. A lost female Pit Bull once turned up at our place (along with her sweet, ditzy spaniel friend). She was a beautiful looking dog, glorious colour & healthy coat. Also biddable, intelligent and very affectionate. One of the nicest dogs I've met. That's been my experience too mita. Obviously I cannot own one living in Vic, but if I could I'd be out getting one tomorrow. I love the way they look and have never met a bad one
  9. It was the Pound who made the statement..... No that isn't correct, I don't know why they would say that. When a dog is scanned for a chip the details on the chip are used to contact the owner. I worked at a pound for 3 years and not once did we decide not to call the owners, that's madness. I think maybe the person you spoke to doesn't have a clue.
  10. So who said they weren't contacting the owner? The pound? Or the Rescue lady? Pounds certainly do contact owners of microchipped dogs, why wouldn't they?
  11. Aussie Shepherd Pit Bull Airedale Bull Terrier Rough Collie ETA: Bernese Mountain dog, Maremma, Anatolian Shepherd, Rottweiller, Dobermann, Great Dane and Boxer are all breeds I absolutely love the look of also......meh, I just love dogs
  12. Hi Clyde Sorry I only just saw this! I keep my current one inside before sunrise and after sunset - these are her prime barking times. Otherwise I just yell "No!" a lot LOL. Actually it helps a lot if I go and look at what she is barking at, once it has been acknowledged that it is not a threat she calms down a bit. I don't know as much about Pyrs but I have an Anatolian Maremma x who we rescued from the pound as a baby so I can give some info on LGD's in general, or my limited experience anyway! Mosley is dealt with the same as above, is inside overnight, I agree with espinay that when he barks, "No" wont stop him, but if I say "good boy" and praise him, the tail starts wagging and he stops. He is a bit of a barker but luckily there are a lot of dogs in our neighbourhood so no-one seems to mind....at least not that we know of ;) When he is shedding his coat it is like living in a snow storm, so much hair He can NEVER be let off lead, he just bolts and won't come back :rolleyes: and obedience training is slow and frustrating. He does not aim to please But that's the bad....the good is that he is extremely loyal and affectionate, not just with us but with everyone he meets. he leans on you, lies on you, anything to get petted. He is great with other dogs also. Very protective, if I am home alone he will sit across the doorway into whichever room I am in and not budge. He has the most beautiful eyes, that I swear stare right into your soul, he's beautiful. Oh and pretty lazy, he does copious amounts of zoomies but afterwards needs a good rest So if you can deal with the former not so good qualities go for it! LGD's are beautiful dogs.
  13. I have mine in a little metal trinket box, I actually am not sure where it is since we moved, but it'll be there somewhere
  14. They do just disappear . I found one of Lili's, that was it.
  15. I know of a few doggy day care places in Melbourne with questionable practices, I would never send my dogs there, nor would I recommend them.
  16. I'm surprised that someone who has apparently been reading these forums for years would buy a puppy from a pet shop. Take the puppy back and take your dog to the vet, and give him more exercise.
  17. She is beautiful Kirty You wouldn't even know from watching that video that she can't see. Well done All the best with her.
  18. He's beautiful staffyluv, he has found a great home with you and I'm so glad he's making you happy too Happy story!!!
  19. Thanks hesapandabear We took her to the vet and he thinks it's just dermatitis so we have some cream to apply, fingers crossed it goes away, it isn't really crusty, just dry, and it still has the cobble street pattern, not smooth.
  20. It's only against the law if they are on private property unless you can see them from a public location (eg you can photograph someone in their front yard provided you are on the street when you do it). The law is the same for both adults and children. It is not illegal to use surveillance cameras on your own property provided they are not set up in such a way that they also film neighbouring properties. Thanks Snook, I have previously worked in child care for many years so that's where I was coming from:-) different situation, although I am still surprised you can photograph a 5 and 2 yr old.. Edit sp Other countries have different laws but in Australia the law is basically written in such a way that people (regardless of age) don't have the right to not be photographed in a public place or on private land that is visible from a public place. So change rooms would be illegal but the beach isn't. Makes sense when you consider we're all being filmed on CCTV anyway these days.
  21. My Aussie never smells but my Anatolian x can get a bit doggy, not what I would call smelly, but smellier than my Aussie. That's only a few days after a bath, I think it does depend partly on the breed/coat.
  22. I've noticed over the last week or so that Lili has had a dry patch on her nose, it doesn't seem to be bothering her and I've put some paw paw balm on to try and soften it but it's still there. I've been googling, very dangerous I know, and have come across Collie Nose, or Discoid Lupus, I did a bit of a search and found a little bit of info, but I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this? We have a vet appointment on Saturday but I thought I'd pop a pic up to get some opinions. Lili is a red merle Aussie and has always had pink patches on her nose. I do put sun screen on when she's outside and it's warm. Thanks for any advice/opinions. I'm freaking out
  23. I do it with my hands, I wear gloves and just rub it in.
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