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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Yeah Kelpie/GSD I'd say, I don't really see much Staffy at all. He's gorgeous!
  2. I see it all the time, with dogs and kids, saw a wee toddler run onto the road the other day, his Dad managed to grab him in time but WTF?!
  3. :laugh: It can happen, wuffles :laugh: Try setting your dog up for example for the distance control and get someone to stand with you and say all your commands to try and catch them out :laugh: When someone yells 'down' or 'sit' to their dog across the yard at herding Weez will comply too. Even worse than that, if someone is calling their own dog at the park or beach he will rush up to them then plonk his butt down to wait for his treat I guess he'll never be an obedience dog! :laugh: That's adorable! ETA: I find my dogs are more sensitive to hand signals, we always use hand signals when training along with the word and now they will both sit/lie down etc on a hand signal with or without the word.
  4. I agree. They are animals, and they will display these behaviours, it's natural. It's up to us as owners to be aware of this and manage it if and when it occurs. I know if one of my dogs snapped at me it wouldn't be the end of the dog, it would be lots of work for me as the owner making sure it didn't happen again. I also agree that sometimes I think we expect too much of them, in the sense that they should be like robots and never slip up, JMO though.
  5. Yep, that's what I use too, haven't ever had an issue.
  6. All the American Bulldogs I've seen have been of a good size, but like perse said your boy is a teenager. You gotta love the gangly teenager stage :laugh: Pics??!!!
  7. Cav babies are one of THE cutest things in the world She's beautiful, congratulations :)
  8. Just be careful with the annual injection and do some research before you get it done, if you do. I have heard bad things about it so just use Sentinel for my guys.
  9. 1) I don't use chokers and agree that they don't work a lot of the time but this is only when they are being used incorrectly. They aren't a fad, just one tool of many that can be utilised. 2) & 3) I agree that the best food is the food your dog does best on. I feed a mixture of raw and kibble and our dogs look fantastic, are healthy, and love their meals. 4) I don't crate train, I have found it more than easy to toilet train without one and I don't really like them, but have no problem with people who do choose to use them. I would also leave water in a crate if I were using one but that's just me :)
  10. One of my childhood dogs (Chi x) started falling over and not being able to use his legs, turned out it was a brain tumour. We gave him his wings a fortnight ago After diagnosis he was on medication and lasted about another 4 months or so, he was 17 when he passed. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious donatella
  11. Oh Clyde Don't give up yet, I have seen dogs that have been msising for 3 weeks finally turn up. You must be beside yourself. Keeping my fingers crossed he shows up before you know it.
  12. Agree with searching the house again, friend of mine thought her dog went missing, turned out she was stuck in a wardrobe all day and into the evening, didn't make a sound
  13. Agreed with all of the above. I have a ball obsessed dog and if she wasn't into her ball I'd be down the vet in 2 seconds flat. Good luck, fingers crossed it's nothing serious. Let us know how you go
  14. Fingers crossed he turns up safe and sound Clyde.
  15. i don't have any advice sorry but Badger is adorable! ETA: I'm so jealous, my OH and I have often talked about doing this with our dogs......oh the freedom!
  16. I also agree with Christina, the RSPCA won't do anything unless they have solid proof and even then it's an effort to get them to take action. The council will only care about the barking. I would speak to her, if she is aware she'll probably tell you to mind you own business, but if she isn't (which I find a bit hard to believe if she was there when it happened) then I'm sure she will be glad you spoke to her. Good luck with it, hopefully the yelp was just a reaction to being yelled at rather than any kind of physical abuse, poor doggy.
  17. Anyone else having recollections of watching "Cujo?"
  18. Is a vaccination available in Australia?
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