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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. +2 Everyone, Mace(aka:joek/m&m/magic/many others) is a known Troll with multiple logins, so do not take him seriously. Best way to treat a troll is to ignore them. Wow, how sad. Some people really need to get a life.
  2. :laugh: Can't. Breathe... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  3. When Lili drops her coat, which started today :rolleyes: , it comes out in little clumps. I find them around the house.
  4. Gawd, you poor thing! I think Mosley would protect us, but then I really don't know for sure. I reckon Lili would just run and hide under the bed :laugh:
  5. Yeah Rebanne, Mosley will sometimes do zoomies after dinner but I usually leave him to it, only time I intervene is if he's getting ridiculous or drinking madly. I worry the drinking while he is out of breath could cause it.
  6. No problems. The ad is directed by George Woofus Oh god raz :laugh:
  7. If he likes cardboard boxes and the like I'd give him them! Let him go to town on them. :) ETA: emgem...great idea, my dogs would LOVE that, I wouldn't mind picking up cardboard snow every now and then :laugh:
  8. I am by no means an expert so someone please correct me if Im wrong, but to me deep chested would include dogs like Weimeraners, Danes, Greyhounds, Wolfhounds/Deerhounds, GSD's etc. Possibly not a Cattle dog but from what I've read it can happen to medium sized dogs too. Try not to stress too much, just educate yourself on the signs and go straight to the vet if you see them. I had to stop myself from stressing too much as it was getting ridiculous.
  9. Lili our Aussie got out once when we were out shopping, we had been gone for under an hour and when we pulled into the driveway there she was!! Standing on the front porch! We found dog hair on the side fence so she had squeezed through the tiniest gap between the fence and the gate and obviously couldn't get back in so stayed near the front door. We don't know how long she'd been there or why she got out, but there was a big puddle of drool on the porch so she'd been sitting there for a while. Thank Dog she stayed where she was, I wouldn't cope if one of them was lost or hurt.
  10. Agree with this. Why can't people just enjoy a dog without having to "continue its line"
  11. Mace, do you blame victims of rape for walking alone at night or wearing short skirts? Wouldn't be surprised, it follows the same twisted logic.
  12. Sounds very cheap for that breed. I thought they wewre more like $1-2k, could be wrong though.
  13. Bugger! I just got my two new tags and the OH will kill me if I buy more Can never have too many tags :D They're lovely, maybe I could justify a spare set......
  14. Of course not, I'm sure his "solution" for retractable leads would be just don't leave your house. :laugh:
  15. I bought my Aussie in 2008 (main register) for $600...bargain. ETA: Back in '95 we bought our two cross bred Chis for $25 each, one recently passed at 17 and the other is still going strong!
  16. Bahahaha the Whippet walking on at the end, classic :laugh: :laugh:
  17. Even if a dog knows it's way home it may get picked up by someone else and taken home/to the pound/to another area.... I agree that the best way to keep the dog from getting lost is to ensure it cannot escape in the first place. Does your dog get scared of fireworks/storms?
  18. Good to hear it's all been reported! Hope she's feeling ok
  19. I love poos is gold... As for the bogan plates....
  20. Were not all as perfect as you mace...... Honestly, some people... I hope your friend is ok and these idiots are found.
  21. He is absolutely stunning!! What a beautiful boy :)
  22. OMG I want one!! She is beautiful, and very cheeky looking, congratulations!!
  23. :laugh: :laugh: Oh and Evil Poodle made me splurk my coffee :laugh: , classic.
  24. I would have given them a piece of my mind, I don't care if they speak the language or not, idiots. And yes, I would have kicked the dog to keep it away, anything to protect my dogs. Definitely report it to the council, let them know they are always there, they shouldn't be too hard to find. Morons. Hope you're boy is ok.
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