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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Where did I say I was better than them? As I was saying, these people can't read :laugh: My point is you're calling people names for calling other people names.....I can read.
  2. Yeah I'm fairly sure you can do this which would fix the problem.
  3. :laugh: How does this make you any better than anyone else then? By calling THEM names back??? Gawd, maybe Troy should just end this now.
  4. Sorry donatella but :laugh: :laugh: you make me laugh
  5. OMG He is beeeeauuauauauautiful!!!! I want one.
  6. I was also going to say this but forgot!! He may be used to living inside.
  7. It may be due to any of the things you mentioned, he would still be adjustingto his new house/life and it could just be a bit of anxiety due to that. Now that you've nailed it over you should be right but I would just give it some time. Are you planning on doing any training with him? If you are, the trainer may be able to check him out and give you some ideas, if this keeps happening. Sounds like he and Pickles are getting along famously! :)
  8. If someone starts a thread with the intention of being "yay!" about something, it's rude to come and rain on their parade just because you feel like it, regardless of what subforum it is in! I didn't rain on the OP's parade. She owns an 18 week old CKCS she's taking to the dog park. Some APBT fanciers took offence when I suggested that it might not be wise to assume that all APBTs would be so gentle with her pup. Was that so dreadful? Seriously, I had no idea it was not permitted to post any opinion you held on a discussion forum provided that you did so within forum rules. I must remember in future to only say positive and supportive things, even if I think what a person is doing is potentially going to see their dog in danger. My bad. Telida, I don't think anyone is upset about you warning people to be careful with their puppies around strange dogs. The Pit Bull has been totally screwed over and I'm sure you can understand how it's fanciers are upset by that. All we hear about is how evil they are, how one day they just snap and eat your whole family, they're all dog aggressive etc etc etc. It was just nice to have someone saying that their experience with the breed was all good. Simple as that. We all know what you have been saying and I guess most people are sick of hearing it. I hope you don't take offence, and of course you are entitled to your own opinion, it just gets frustrating when every thread about this breed goes that way.
  9. Technically, a type, as they are not recognised by the ANKC, but they have been around for a long time.
  10. I have no idea where the whole "one day they just snap" thing came about? I have owned the breed and so has my OH and both of them were total softies with other dogs and other animals. I have also worked in a pound with them and have not nioticed that they are more aggressive than any other breed in general. Just my experience. ETA: Yes they are fantastic with kids also.
  11. It just seems to have been done to death to me. We all know they have a fighting background.....care should be taken in encounters with ANY dog. It just always seems to get mentioned when it's to do with APBT's.
  12. Can you please show me where she said she believed ALL APBT's are sweet and gentle?? I don't think such an inference is a stretch from here: But only the OP can tell us for sure. I'm happy to opt out of the thread now. Ummm, no, she said all the Pit Bulls she has met have been sweet and gentle, not ALL pit bulls. I have to agree with her, I wonder sometimes if a lot of the people warning against Pit Bulls have ever owned one. Would be interesting to find out. But that's another topic :)
  13. OP hadn't concluded that all Whippets were sweet and gentle.. as they should be, with PEOPLE, not prey animals. Should a strange offlead Whippet be treated with caution around such a small pup. You betcha, especially if it's inclined to scream or run. NO responsible sighthound owner would counsel otherwise. My dogs have been extensively socialied with toy breeds. Not all dogs have and I suggest its best to assume not. Never heard of a Whippet killing a puppy, but cats, guinea pigs etc.. yep. But DO dogs kill puppies. All the time sadly. Aussie3: Without the consent of the other dog's owner and with the other dog under control, not in my book it ain't. It's called an accident waiting to happen. I said she shouldn't let it rush, I was talking about controlled meetings in a park for socialisation. Can you please show me where she said she believed ALL APBT's are sweet and gentle??
  14. agree.... sad isnt it.... Oh for pity's sake. Do you think the OP should allow her CKCS to rush up to every APBT she meets? She shouldn't let it rush up to ANY unknown dog. But I don't see why she should keep it away either?? It's called socialisation. I didn't hear you warning her to keep it away from a Whippet..... I just think it would be nice to have a positive thread about Pit Bulls for once without mentioning these things people already know.
  15. What politics? I'm anti BSL but I'm not going shove my head in the sand about a breed attribute that warrants recognition and caution. It's no different to owning Whippets and acknowledging that no matter how well socialised and trained they may be, they are hard wired to chase and kill small prey. Do Beagle owners think its going to be unusual that their dogs get their head down and scent a lot or do retriever owners think that their dogs carrying items around isn't part of their genetic make up? Dogs do not come in one standard set of characteristics wrapped up in different suits. We're talking in this case about a breed selected for generations for a low trigger to aggression, a low bite inhibition and a hard bite. How about we acknowledge that and move on. Frankly if more people were familiar with the origins of the breed and the charactertistics we selectively bred them for and managed their own dogs accordingly, we'd see a lot less of APBTs in the news and a lot less hysteria about them - and that goes for people with other breeds that interact with them. Being pro-pitbull isn't about dressing the breed up to be something that it isn't. They are often not 'teddy bears' with other dogs and to suggest otherwise is misleading. I see nothing negative about acknowledging that. I think we all understand this. The point is, it's a positive thread about some good experiences, why can't we just leave it at that? People start threads about different breeds all the time, they rarely get derailed with warnings.
  16. Can we have another pic of your girl please GussysMum?
  17. Some people just can't let things be positive for once.......
  18. My APBT is pretty much a teddy bear?.... it is like every other dog when it comes to breed selection for that individual...... she plays with my 6mo Dally pup like an absolute gem! and I have been able to leave them alone from the second week he came home.... a pitbull is like every other breed, it needs correct socialisation and leadership.... we had ducklings and she would sleep with them and attempt to groom them, and we know quite a few APBT who are exactly the same. I hate that we can't have them in Vic
  19. Great thread! If only more people had a chance to interact with Pit Bulls they would see what beautiful dogs they can be, instead our government decides to just eradicate them and because of this a lot of people will never get the privilege to meet or love one.
  20. Ours are allowed everywhere, we shut doors to carpeted rooms that aren't in use just because they will go in there and rummage through stuff. Other than that, they're on the couch, the bed, in the kitchen....bastards :laugh:
  21. Salt or fire work, using a match on it makes it let go but that's not as safe with a dog as with a person. I would sprinkle salt on it
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