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What Facinations Do Your Dogs Have?
Dame Aussie replied to Sankari's topic in General Dog Discussion
Oh where to begin.... For Lili it’s soft fluffy toys, pillows/cushions (she sucks on them :rolleyes: ) and feet…..she is obsessed with feet, if either of us have bare feet she’s straight at them. Mosley loves bugs, I often see him chasing them outside, very cute, he also loves any type of underwear and bananas. -
That almost made me cry
I'm fostering a dog at the moment and the previous owner left a heart-felt public message about how much she loved him and how much it saddened her to see such a wonderful dog go, but she just couldn't keep him. What she forgot to mention was the she kept him on a chain, and replaced him literally within a week of surrendering him. These sorts of stories often don't add up, and sometimes I wonder if their owners even realise that they are incongruent (i.e they genuinely believe their own stories, but lack insight). I'll admit I've often wondered that myself and in my opinion (bearing in mind this is just opinion, I have no proof of this), they honestly seem to believe they are doing no wrong. They enjoy the sympathy they get from family and friends on "losing" their "beloved" dog and then get a new one that "doesn't have any issues like the old one did". We have a surrendered pet grey here at the moment that backs that opinion up- a stunning, sweet, perfectly behaved girl- who was surrendered because she didn't have good recall. The reason was ridiculous but the owner seemed genuinely upset to surrender her (so that she could get a more suitable dog). She is beautiful HA!
That would have to be the weakest argument I have ever seen for perpetuating the racing industry, and given that all of the arguments are fairly weak that's saying something! And for those saying what would happen to all the racing animals if the industry were banned now? The same thing that happens already - most die - the only difference is that the cycle would stop. Keeping it going out of some illusion that animals are being 'saved' is ridiculous, it's the same argument they tried to use to justify jumps racing, it 'saves' horses from being dogged, when in reality it just delays the inevitable. Take the industry out and make the sport a hobby with the welfare of the animals a priority, that is the only way forward. The fact that there are worse atrocities committed against animals in no way negates the awfulness of a dog being put down because the owner couldn't be arsed finding a home for it, I have no idea why anyone would think that argument could possibly mollify the people who object to the obscene wastage of the racing industries.
To be honest I find this shocking. You would really save your dogs over the life of a child? I love my dogs, they mean everything to me, but I couldn’t place their lives as more important than that of a child. I have people over to my house that aren’t into dogs like I am, obviously coming to my house they know I will have dogs there but I also expect my dogs to behave around people and I would think nothing of putting them away if I had a guest that was uncomfortable with them or if I had kids there that weren’t used to dogs or weren’t capable of behaving appropriately around them. My dogs don’t care if someone doesn’t like them or isn’t comfortable around them. I had a friend stay with a puppy just last week, my big dog isn’t reliable with puppies so I put him away while puppy was there. My dogs are a huge part of my life, but they don’t rule my life. I agree. I feel sorry for people who seem to hate their fellow humans so much (not saying that OG does, but every time this topic comes up the sheer vitriol astounds me). One of my dogs is fear aggressive, I certainly don't let her attack guests just because they are coming to her home. She gets put away in her crate, which she loves, and they can relax and be safe. I always ask guests if they are comfortable with my boy, and he'd go outside or in his crate if they weren't. It is my house and the guests are there to visit me. That said, Fergus has great manners and no one has ever asked for him to be put away. I would hardly count wanting to protect the lives you have taken under your care to be hating fellow humans. For the record I agree with OG. My dogs (ie my family) come first. Same here. If that makes me a "crazy dog lady" then so be it.
Totally agree. Disgusting.
Same :) I also have a pigeon chaser :rolleyes:
Currently we have Lili, named after my grandmother, and Mosley, named after the OH's favourite boxer. In the past we had "Coloured" - a name my little brother gave his guinea pig because as he said at age 4 "she's coloured"....she was, can't argue with that :laugh: He also had a duck which he called "Plunker" .....strange one my brother...
That's fantastic!! :laugh:
I think I just fell in love with you for this comment. A couple of years ago OH and I were looking at display homes. There was a young family ahead of us as we walked from house to house, three kids under 6 with one in a harness aged 3 years. The one in the harness kept trampling on the gardens, knocking things over and generally running riot. As they were approaching another house and the child was rushing through the door, all I wanted to do was grab the lead off the father and give the kid a bloody good correction. Just as I was about to articulate this to the OH, the father pulled on the lead and told the child firmly NO. He behaved like an angel for the next 10 minutes while they walked through that house. I was on a harness when I was a toddler as I would run off constantly. If I have kids I will be having them attached to me.
How about a good dose of perspective, reality and compassion for the OP. She was minding her own business walking her on lead dog through A CARPARK when an unsupervised kid put her old, blind and deaf dog at risk, then started shoving her around because she asked him not to touch the dog. Where was the parental or carer supervision when this happened - too far behind if the kid had been bitten or run over by someone backing out of a parking bay. Exactly. I'm sorry but it is not acceptable to allow your child, disabled or not, to repeatedly SHOVE a complete stranger.
Whether or not he is autistic that is not acceptable behaviour and you're right he could get hurt. I would have thought if he was autistic or had any other type of issue his mother would have been over in a flash...but you can't judge people by your own standards all the time can you. Glad to hear it didn't get messy!
Why does it matter how the dog sits? I have done training with my dogs but have never shown or competed, is it something to do with competing? I'm just happy when my dogs sit, I don't check to make sure it's straight :laugh:
I think it depends on what you want out of the classes. If this feels too much, too soon then I would either go elsewhere or ask to be put into another group. The trainer sounds a bit full on, not someone I'd be very comfortable with. I think you should treat a sit whether it's perfect or not, especially for a 6 month old, still just a baby.
Billie loves tissues too...but only used ones. I have a box of tissues on the coffee table that she couldn't care less about until someone takes one and uses it...then she watches carefully for a chance to snaffle the 'spoils'. She will thieve a crumpled one from my pocket if I'm not paying attention but quickly discards it when she realises it hasn't actually been used. :laugh: love it.
Our backyard can sometimes look like an underwear graveyard It's always Mosley, Lili will only steal chicken if she can. Some of his favourites are any type of underwear/socks, remotes, a tub of 150 glucosamine tablets (why would he eat more than one???!!-Had to call the vet for that one but he was fine), shoes, apricot pips, body butter, bread, lentils (yep ), hairties, handbags and millions of other things. He is evil.
This is exactly what will happen. German Shepherds were banned in the '70's and that didn't change bite stats, neither will this. Unfortunately, by the time the idiots in charge realise this, thousands of inoccent dogs will have been killed.
You have to wonder how the dog was able to get so close to a newborn in the first place without a parent VERY close by. So dangerous to trust any dog with such a young baby.
Totally agree with this. ETA: And with what Weasels said, there's no way we could leave our two out at night, especially Mo,we wouldn't get any sleep ourselves, not to mention the poor neighbours. But inside he's a gem.
Considering it's future? I'd be surprised if they want to keep the dog now....how sad.
Awww! That's adorable! Tramp is very handsome :)
Yes, we used to have migrated chips all the time, in the armpit, in the front legs etc, best way to avoid this is by having your dog scanned regularly at your vet to ensure the chip is in the right place. Keep in mind too that scanners are also not foolproof and neither are the people scanning the dog, it only takes oine lazy scan (not covering every area) to miss a chip. The comment about putting your name down on a dog when you take it to the pound is a good one, people need to know they have this option as it will stop them from being so scared that something will happen to the dog.
Used to see this all the time when I worked at a shelter. It's stealing, legally you are supposed to hand the dog in to the closest pound but people think the owners will have a better chance of finding their dog if it's in someones backyard.....frustratingly silly.
Where did I say I was better than them? As I was saying, these people can't read :laugh: My point is you're calling people names for calling other people names.....I can read. I give up :laugh: I stand by what I actually said. Oh you mean...."If you use ignore for the idiots there will be nothing left to read..."? So "actually" you've said everyone on this forum is an idiot.
And people wonder why Pit Bull owners get upset, FFS!!! Lock jaw? Are they for real???? This is a disgrace, if these people don't even know something like lock jaw doesn't exist what chance is there? Total joke.