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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. The breed of dog makes no difference whatsoever to me.
  2. If someone cannot have children and decides to get a dog and treat it with as much importance as they would have done with a child, what is so bad about that? It's when they treat the dog as a person. A dog is a dog and treating them as a child does no one any good. I have a friend who treats her dogs as children and they behave like spoilt bratty children Oh I agree with that, I was just meaning the importance attached to them, as in "my dog is as important to me as a child would be, because I can't have them", kind of thing. Hope that makes more sense!
  3. Oh no!! You poor thing! I often get tripped by the dogs, but the worst was when Lili headbutted my nose, I swear I was convinced it was broken, it wasn't, just very bloody I also regularly get big scratches from Mo giving me his paw, his version of giving his paw is to whack you with it :rolleyes:
  4. I recently attended a dog show and what I saw as far as GSD's went were appalling. So I say yes the dogs in PDE are representative of the breed today I have to say that while this may not be "typical", most of the GSD's I have seen over the last few years have looked like that.
  5. If someone cannot have children and decides to get a dog and treat it with as much importance as they would have done with a child, what is so bad about that?
  6. Very interesting. I know I prefer the older type in every single one.
  7. Well said! Totally agree and this is a very likely scenario
  8. You're kidding right? How about... other GSD, Rottweilers, any large breed and have you seen how many small fluffers run up and try and attack big dogs?? Yep, Pits can do lots of damage when they attack. As can any dog breed higher than knee height. Yep, and you're also spot on about the ban creating more demand. Poor boy, I hope he recovers quickly.
  9. Sorry but :laugh: your post made me giggle. I don't really have any advice other than the above, I would keep him on a long line too until he is better at coming when called. As to the breed specific thing.....bizarre!
  10. I was working in VIC and we had to contact the chipped owner. And yes, if we were unable to contact the registered owner we would send a registered letter.
  11. Hope your little girl is doing well :) Let us know how the vet visit goes!
  12. Yes Mo is like this, if he has something in his mouth, be it bone, toy, toilet roll, he makes woo wooing noises and wags his whole body around like a dork, it's hilarious.
  13. We had situations where dogs had been found interstate and then brought over and when we called the original owners they were beside themselves and had the dog shipped back over, we also had people who said they found a stray and when we checked the chip it was THEIR dog....
  14. I have to say I agree here, my experience with animal management officers has been less than impressive, that's not to tar all with the same brush, there are some excellent rangers out there, but I have encountered some who know less than nothing about dogs and their body language/behaviour. If the police officer was worried for the Beagle and the people in the vicinity, then I don't really see what other choice he had. It's very easy to judge when you aren't the one standing there wondering if you don't shoot this dog will it then go on and really hurt another person/dog? Also, in my experience Rangers either take quite a while to attend or cannot even come out at certain times, so who knows if they called them and were told it would be a half hour....so they're going to just let these dogs terrorise their dog till the ranger arrives??? Don't think so. Very sad situation and obviously the fault lies with the owner of the two roaming dogs.
  15. I know where I worked we checked religiously and often found discrepancies. Nothing would happen to the animal till we had established the correct owner and contacted them. People who surrender animals lie through their teeth.
  16. Yeah well if that's the case they should police them and fine those who don't pay - and keep the fees down for those who do the right thing. Like when I called to have a stray picked up and was told they don't come out after 7pm......so that's what I pay for??? Animal management my arse. Not to mention there is not one dog park in my area.
  17. My question would be how many of those protesters were actually people from the Geelong community. Yes, indeed, see my original post. Have you been wronged by a Geelong resident or something? How do you get that from my querying how many protesters were from Geelong and writing about a historical fact about feral cats? Your other post stated that only the footy would get Geelong residents off their butts or something to that effect, and then you were questioning whether any Geelong residents were at the protest, just seemed like you weren't a fan. No harm, innocent question :) I'm from Geelong so #fail on your part there. Brilliant town but the residents aren't known for getting over excited. :laugh: I asked a question, I got an answer so I'd say it's a win, but that's just me. It is a great town and a lot of it's residents may not be as apathetic as you think, of course I can only speak for the ones I know. I could be wrong.
  18. It's also interesting they blame the old owners for one of the dogs weight problems, ummmmm how long have they had the dog for??! Dogs can lose weight you know :laugh: I also found stating the prices a bit weird....
  19. My question would be how many of those protesters were actually people from the Geelong community. Yes, indeed, see my original post. Have you been wronged by a Geelong resident or something? How do you get that from my querying how many protesters were from Geelong and writing about a historical fact about feral cats? Your other post stated that only the footy would get Geelong residents off their butts or something to that effect, and then you were questioning whether any Geelong residents were at the protest, just seemed like you weren't a fan. No harm, innocent question :)
  20. I can see where you're coming from. It sounds like they are trying to find good homes though, so hopefully these two will end up with someone who wants them. :)
  21. My question would be how many of those protesters were actually people from the Geelong community. Yes, indeed, see my original post. Have you been wronged by a Geelong resident or something?
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