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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. The neighbors cows were the ones trespassing, neighbour sounds like a total ahole
  2. A lady near us once commented on how well behaved our dogs were as we were walking past with them. I almost choked :laugh: She didn't see the mattress Mo ate :laugh:
  3. God if I followed some of the advice in here one of my dogs would be dead. Mosley has eaten a coffee table and a mattress but never did we consider taking him back and having him PTS. We persevered and have had no major destruction since. Yes he will chew but not to the same extent. I'm not saying this dog is the same, he sounds a lot worse but I think some of the advice here is jumping the gun a bit, JMO of course.
  4. Donatella, I think you're doing the right thing. It certainly can't hurt to get a professionals opinion. Good luck with it :)
  5. He looks quite similar to my Anatolian x Maremma when he was a baby!! Same colouring exactly and very similar wee face!!
  6. Pound staff where I worked would run the scanner all over the dog, but yes it's a worry if the attendant at the time is lazy!
  7. I know for VIC the council workers who pick up bodies off the road are supposed to check for chips. In my experience they did, and we would also check again once the body was at the pound, but I can imagine it is not a foolproof system and at times the chip may not be scannable depending on the damage to the body.
  8. I think some of the suggestions Kavik gave will help. Also try and never leave anything where she can get it. My Mosley is 3 now and will still chew on things, so we just have to make sure there's nothing he can get to if he's going to be left alone, especially underwear/shoes. :laugh: The buggers!
  9. You can clearly see my white greyhounds pink skin go red when they have a play session which goes for a while. Must look at their eyes next time. Yes, Lili's eyes sometimes look a little red/pink when she's tired after playing, she is a red merle with a merled blue/green eye and lots of pink skin.
  10. Very sad, and very petty behaviour from the farmer, of course he had the right to do what he did, but there was no need to rub it in like that. If they were my dogs I would be furious. RIP all animals involved.
  11. Thanks for the replies It's a hard one, I have always wanted to get a Dane and I haven't ruled it out, but it would be devastating to lose a dog after only 6-7 years.
  12. Just interested in peoples opinions :) . OH and I are always talking about different breeds and whether they would fit in our household or not, and we were talking about Danes the other night. OH said he wouldn't get one due to their life expectancy. I get that, but have always wanted one and I don't know if it would totally put me off. How do others feel? And for people who have dogs that have a lower life expectancy, did it influence your decision to get them? Thanks!
  13. Oh totally, if I was in the same situation as the OP and didn't have money for a trainer I would probably return the dog too...as much as it would break my heart. That's the risk with shelter dogs.
  14. I think there's some truth to this. I'm HOPELESS with kids ages. I often say, ummm she was walking, how old does that make her? Wouldn't have a clue between the ages of about 8 months to 4 years :laugh:
  15. I guess though from working in a shelter I know that people whinge if you don't rehome a dog and then they whinge when it has issues.....can't really win. An assessment on a dogs temperament can go really well, and then you can be faced with behaviour that the dog just doesn't get a chance to show in a shelter/pound environment. For example, if they're in a pen with not oys etc they can't be destructive so there may have been no evidence of this while the dog was impounded IYKWIM?
  16. I love your Greyhounds just from the pics in your siggie Stans mum :laugh: Thanks Aussie,they have really taken to their retirement by the sea don't you think? :laugh: :laugh: I can't wait to get one!! OH likes them too so I won't even have to convince him ;)
  17. But some of them have no teeth. My guess is that perhaps there may be an alternate view that a dog with primitive detention that loses teeth at an early age may be considered a "health issue" by some outside the breed. And its only a guess but no other breed feature I can identify would promote veterinary interest Epilation for show ring preparation was what Jemima Harrison had in her sights. Good grief what a load of tripe Why? To the general public, epilation for a dog isn't normal. We are talking here about Vetting out animals that have serious health and conformation issues that need addressing, I don't think hair removal for the show ring really qualifies no matter how odd the public find it. But isn't the point that these dogs are good examples of their breed? Which should mean they don't need to be altered in any way to win? A whole different topic from this we could make a list a mile long of breeds that take show preparation to the extreme, but that does not make them unhealthy and unsound. No, you're right on that one Crisovar.
  18. But some of them have no teeth. My guess is that perhaps there may be an alternate view that a dog with primitive detention that loses teeth at an early age may be considered a "health issue" by some outside the breed. And its only a guess but no other breed feature I can identify would promote veterinary interest Epilation for show ring preparation was what Jemima Harrison had in her sights. Good grief what a load of tripe Why? To the general public, epilation for a dog isn't normal. We are talking here about Vetting out animals that have serious health and conformation issues that need addressing, I don't think hair removal for the show ring really qualifies no matter how odd the public find it. But isn't the point that these dogs are good examples of their breed? Which should mean they don't need to be altered in any way to win?
  19. I love your Greyhounds just from the pics in your siggie Stans mum :laugh:
  20. Shite. I have never dealt with a dog like this so have no real advice other than leaving him inside with no access to anything he can destroy... Hoping he stays safe till you can get to a behaviourist, good luck with it, you must be so stressed.
  21. Yes it's very sad, I have no personal experience but know people who have worked in similar communities. I agree with perse that an organisation needs to step in and do something, I'm not sure how much individuals can do in this situation, the poor animals.
  22. Yeah I'd agree, It's natural to be surprised when people are different. But imagine if we were all the same, there'd be kids bloody everywhere lol
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