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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. + one for this comment. He had his dog restrained (for obvious lack of recall) and I'm sure when he left for the park he had no idea the lead would break. Do you expect him to never take the pup anywhere because there is a rare chance the lead may snap? Accidents happen. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I have to disagree. Why should she have to worry about her and her dogs safety because the owner never bothered teaching his dog a good recall?
  2. 1-2 months??!! I wish!!! :laugh:
  3. I also agree, there was nothing there that I disagreed with or thought was out of line. This is a good thing
  4. BlackJaq my two love those wholemeal bikkies from Woolies.I usually make my own but next time I buy them I will explain to them in detail that I know the mum of the daughter of the Weim on the box :laugh: How do you make your own biccies? I'd love to do that!! Have you got a recipe?
  5. Mosley was attacked by a Malamute in a dog park when he was about 5 months and did the same thing, lay on his back, belly exposed, this dog didn't give a crap and just kept going to town on him until the OH had to kick it to get it away. Owbner was there, didn't seem too worried really....he got a mouthful as we left the park :laugh: I would definitely pick up a small dog to protect it and I will kick the hell out of anything that is trying to hurt my dogs. Carrying umbrellas etc is a great idea. Also as TW said lunging and shouting helps, we scared off a bulldog that was rushing us (not to play) by just stamping in front of it and yelling at it. I'm so over people not containing/controlling their dog that I just have no tolerance left.
  6. :D Adorable!!! I've been meaning to say for a while - i LOVE your Avatar, has me in stitches ever time i see you post :laugh: It's classic isn't it!
  7. I always talk to the dogs. I say things like "No you can't have that because it's not good for you" or "How was your day Munchkin, what did you get up to?" If the OH ever tells them they're being annoying or anything I tell him off :laugh: He just :rolleyes:
  8. Good rule T, I agree. If I were visiting and was scared of dogs I'd arrange to stay in a hotel myself.
  9. Poor pup She really shouldn't have had her dog at the park offlead if it takes a dislike to any type of dog IMO.
  10. My Aussie is similar, she loves raw which is what they get mostly but she just isnt interested in dry. I'm always trying to keep weight on her too the nutcase lol Glad I'm not the only one!! And when I put it in the bowl he's standing there as though he's starving. Then he looks at it, might have a mouthful then nicks off! Silly boy... (Although sometimes I give him an egg with his food and he luurrrves it!) :laugh: Yep, we do that too, an egg, some sardines, touch of milk etc and she wolfs it, fussy bitch :laugh:
  11. My Aussie is similar, she loves raw which is what they get mostly but she just isnt interested in dry. I'm always trying to keep weight on her too the nutcase lol
  12. Great post Really? I don't find the highlighted sentence 'great' in any way. Good for you. And yes, really. I wouldn't have said so otherwise. Some of the comments in here have been a lot worse than that, especially when the owner is saying they agree with the dogs being shot. Sometimes this forum can be bloody heartless.
  13. My recent foster Chi did the exact same thing haha How adorable is it?! Messy though :laugh:
  14. So you can shoot a dog on your property but not livestock?? That's ridiculous!
  15. A chihuahua named Miguel lol classic. For me: Toy: Chihuahua Small: Pug Medium: I already have an Aussie so would have to say a Bull Terrier Large: Airedale Giant: Dane or Bernese Mountain Dog
  16. Our two are funny, Mosley will just eat, doesn't care who's there or what's happening, Lili is a bit more fussy, she is more interested in following us around and being with us than eating half the time :rolleyes: Our old Chi x (RIP) used to take a chunk out of his bowl to the next room, slowly eat it, then come back for more and do it all over again till he finished. :laugh:
  17. Took the words right out of my mouth! I'm surprised at some of the comments to be honest. She is having problems and asked a question about behaviourists, that's it!
  18. My thoughts exactly, that's hilarious!!
  19. Sorry I dont need a reality check I live on the land and have done most of my life.No its not ok for dogs to roam at large constantly but if old mate had of taken the time to find out he would of seen it for what it was an accident.We are not talking about marauding pitbulls we are talking about a couple of terriers.It was not a prize bull it was a couple of chickens and the article does not even say if they were killed so most likely not.Does that warrant their death to you?I am not a do gooder or a city slicker but I am an animal lover.I dont have any chooks because a few years ago I lost 32 in about 6 months.Mostly to foxes but also had seen the neighbours dog on my property and expect he had his fill as well but as I never saw him I cant say for certain but should I have shot him anyway.He was on my land afterall. What ever happened to giving people the benefit of the doubt.We are not talking about dogs attacking and maiming large amounts of sheep,cattle or other livestock that is a different story and yes they should get shot and we have shot dogs for this,no problem.If it was a dog you have never seen before and it was hunting livestock and not caused any damage I would return it to owner or find them and tell them what happens to dogs that do that.Then they cant say they werent warned.Everybody makes mistakes and not all farmers are on massive pastoral leases with feral dogs killing large amounts of stock,a couple of chickens isnt going to see him bankrupt.Its not just the killing of the dogs its waht he did afterwards that annoys me and that is indefensible.If he treated my dogs with such disrespect his would disappear also.Shooting them I could accept but not treating them in that way.Plenty of farmers will see it the same way as animals are nothing more than livestock to them and a means to an end but it doesnt mean you have to be a heartless c**t your whole life.I have a dog here I have had for a month she was going to get a bullet for killing sheep so I took her.She is a lovely dog and it is as much the owners fault for allowing her to be put in that situation and I dont think it warrants her life for it but hey thats just me and yes I live on the land too. Great post
  20. The dogs were on their property the cows were trespassing....if I read right? I'd get rid of the gate with a neighbour like that
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