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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Yeah, even if I had dogs that NEVER barked I wouldn't leave them outside at night. During the day people need to accept that dogs, kids, cars etc will make a certain amount of noise, if people can't handle that they need to move out of suburbia, but I do also wonder about people who let their dogs bark all night. We had a rottie next door that would go all night, someone must have complained because it vanished one day
  2. ARGHGHG! They're gorgeous!!! I want one ten!
  3. And IMO that comes back down to the owners - they should say "hi" to their neighbours when they get a dog and invite their neighbours to contact them should their dog prove a nuisance. Oh I agree Erny but take my situation into account.... When we moved in to our house we went to every neighbour, turns out no-one lives on one side, they just collect the mail, the back we spoke to and let them know we had dogs (he has some also) and to tell us if there were any issues (there hasn't been), the ones on our right though NEVER answer their door, we've been round multiple times since we moved in but if they don't want to talk to us, what can you do? Some years ago I wanted to be sure my dogs were not baking when I was out so I left a tape recorder on and discovered that one of them whined the whole time. We know they don't bark much during the day from the back neighbour, whose little ones go nuts constantly :laugh: so I'm not worried, I only meant that in some cases neighbours don't tell people their dogs are barking. But yeah, recording them if you're not sure is a great idea.
  4. And IMO that comes back down to the owners - they should say "hi" to their neighbours when they get a dog and invite their neighbours to contact them should their dog prove a nuisance. Oh I agree Erny but take my situation into account.... When we moved in to our house we went to every neighbour, turns out no-one lives on one side, they just collect the mail, the back we spoke to and let them know we had dogs (he has some also) and to tell us if there were any issues (there hasn't been), the ones on our right though NEVER answer their door, we've been round multiple times since we moved in but if they don't want to talk to us, what can you do?
  5. I also think it has to do with people not knowing their dog is barking. Of course if they know they should do something about it, but if the dog is barking when no-one is home and the neighbours don't say anything, then how would they even know they have an issue?
  6. I had a budgie called Party Boy (RIP wee man). He was awesome.
  7. Doesn't it? Depends how its done I guess - sorry I am a bit cynical about whether its always humanely done. I am wondering also whether the unwanted white puppies are pts humanely. I have just checked with my vet and it costs $75 to have a pup pts if you take the body home with you and dispose of it yourself. Some posters here have mentioned economic concerns that have influenced their decisions and flashy to flashy matings may have more than one white pup. Would I be right in suggesting that for economic reasons some breeders also take care of their white pups themselves? I am also concerned that some posters have said many find this forum hilarious. (This was before the post about the tree hugging greenies) and I'm not sure why. I must wonder what sort of twisted sense of humour could find the fate of unwanted white boxer pups amusing. What really does happen to these pups? From now on whenever I see in the showring a flashy marked boxer bred from two flashy parents I am going to wonder about the fate of its white siblings. The boxer associations need to clean up their act and do something about it. They don't have to be born in the first place. If you mean me, I said the forum was hilarious in reference to the Tree Hugging Greenie comment. I didn't see anyone say that before that comment? Nowhere did I say that puppies being PTS was hilarious. In fact my posts have been the opposite.
  8. My MIL has a cat called Charlotte the Harlet who has two daughters named Hester and Esther lol. We had a cat named Chopsticks, she was a wild wee thing. My brother had interesting names for his pets when he was small.....He had a duck named Plunker, a guinea pig named Coloured (because she was), and a cat he called Strawberry.
  9. This forum IS hilarious. Tree Hugging Greenie.. My definition. My words, for those who criticise ethical breeders for everything they do. Damned if a breeder does, Damned if a breeder doesn't. I have no issue of breeders putting to sleep their white boxers, if they feel they need to do this. As long as it is done humanely and for the right reasons. At the end of the day, they have to live with those decisions. Wuffles: I could don't care if you agree with me or not. You have your opinion, I have mine. I have produced half white faced puppies and I BAER tested them. If they were deaf, they would have been put to sleep. I have put to sleep puppies as old as 3 weeks and even put to sleep a 14 month dog I bred and later rescued back. Better I did it than the pound. Just because YOUR dog is not deaf, and it was from normally marked parents, and IS allowed in the standard, does not necessarily benchmark everything else for those in the Boxer breed. I'm a bit confused. This thread established that breeders know the combination that produces white boxers. Can't the whole pts thing be avoided in the first place by not breeding that combination? How is it responsible to deliberately breed together two dogs knowing deaf dogs may well be the end result? Shouldn't the breed club dictate should not to pts white boxers but not breed for them in the first place? As Ms Hanson put it so aptly, please explain? The only way to avoid the chance of white pups completely in boxers is to never breed flashy dogs. The dogs that show well are almost always flashy. Flashy x flashy = about a 1 in 4 chance of a white pup. In addition, some genetically flashy boxers do not show full flashy markings (white on the face and collar) due to modifiers, but may have only stockings. If bred to another flashy dog there will still be the same risk of producing white pups as any other flashy to flashy mating. So if you're a breeder who shows, your breeding stock is likely to mostly be flashy because that is what does well in the ring. You have the choice of keeping some plain dogs around, knowing that they probably won't be successful show dogs, or take the risk of white puppies. Given the limitations on numbers of dogs a breeder can keep these days, the choice to risk white pups is, unfortunately, often the more practical one. Incidentally, a plain dog mated to a white will always produce nice flashy markings. So maybe the show ring attitude should change? This kind of thing is what is going to cause severe restrictions on pedigree dogs. It is NOT ok to knowingly breed in a way that produces pups that will be euthanased at birth. My thoughts exactly.
  10. Sorry but i do have an issue with breeders putting to sleep their white Boxers. It has already been said that those white puppies do not even have to be born if breeders think carefully and consider colour genetics in Boxers before they breed them. To my mind it is unethical to breed puppies knowing that you will get whites only to then PTS them. That doesn't mean to say that i think all breeders who choose to PTS puppies are wrong or unethical. Everyone has their reason's for PTS and every circumstance is different but knowingly breed something because it is desirable in the show ring and so what if you have to PTS some that are white. That just does not sit right with me. At all. Totally agree. If you can avoid breeding pups that may have huge issues and need to be PTS, then simple....don't breed that combination?!
  11. When did anyone say or do anything which made them a "tree hugging greenie"? This forum is hilarious.
  12. Totally agree here. It would also depend on the relative for me.
  13. Really?? Ok, I will investigate on the weekend!! Be great if I could fit my boofer in!
  14. I wish my dogs were water babies. They have a clam shell pool but have never set foot in it :rolleyes: They treat it like a giant water bowl. We went to kepala one day and Mosley went to run nito the water but stopped dead when it touched his foot...big baby :laugh: Lili just doesn't even want a bar of it. Loving all the gorgeous pics!
  15. One of my dogs wouldn't fit in that I could use it for the smaller one though....
  16. There is evidence that animals and people with unpigmented areas are more prone to cancer or burning on those areas. That is because one of the purposes of pigment is to deal with ultraviolet rays. Pigments have multi-purposes some of which are yet to be understood. No evidence, but my personal expereince indicates that extreme white dogs are a little more conatct allergy prone as well. A bit itchy. Extreme white is a really artificial thing to breed for because nature rarely produces extreme white land animals. If the mutation was advantageous in any possible way, we would probably see more extreme white animals because nature is ruthlessly efficient and it is easier for a life-form to produce no pigment than to produce pigment.. I would agree with this too, I can only go by my experience of course, but IME all or mostly white dogs have been much more susceptible to being itchy/allergic.
  17. If it were a bull breed they'd be there right now baying for its blood
  18. Yikes!! Lucky you were home! Do you know the dog or where it lives?
  19. I don't know really sorry, but I would also be inclined to let her sleep where she is happy. How strange?! It could be as greytpets said and she got a fright in there at some stage.
  20. Yeah, this is another good area, I looked into, didn't go ahead with anything but I think it could be a lot more positive than working in a shelter or the likes.
  21. I know what you mean. I volunteered for the RSPCA and that really opened my eyes up to a lot of things and so I left. This is just so difficult because all I want to do is be around dogs for my job but it seems that no matter what I do its going to end up badly. I'd love to breed dogs but I don't know the first thing about becoming vertified or actually doing it - and do you even make a profit off breeding? I don't know. I wouldn't want to do anything to do with breeding unless I'd spent time with an actual proper breeder and gotten experience and training in what I should do. I'm so stuck. It's such a hard one, all I wanted to do was work with dogs, but the crap wages and the sad nature of it all can make it so hard! Trust me I feel your pain.
  22. I would have done the same. DOn;t feel bad, people need to take responsibilty for themselves and their animals. If we let them get away with it, nothing will change. Good on you.
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