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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I'm sure everyone's experienced it. We bathed the dogs yesterday and what followed could only be described as half an hour of mad zoomie loon time :laugh: Hilarious. Why do dogs go nuts after a bath?
  2. grumpette, your dogs are gorgeous
  3. Someone who gets a dog suitable to their lifestyle, trains it, feeds it, gives it all the attention, affection, stimulation, exercise and discipline it needs to be a well rounded doggie individual. This person would securely contain their dog, give it all the vet attention including vaccinations, check ups etc, that it needs and ensure said dog does not bother anyone in the community.
  4. Unfortunately we live in a society of NOW. Some people dont seem to make a distinction between a "product" and a living breathing animal. Even more unfortunately some of these people will not be told and go and buy a NOW pet from a pet shop which they then leave in the backyard till it bites someone or they get bored of it. Cretins
  5. Not necessarily, every now and then I'll notice a little nick on one of the dogs necks, like a little scab,from playing bitey face etc, I guess they're going to hit every now and then! :laugh: As long as there isn't anything obvious going on, ie: real fights, I wouldn't worry, maybe just keep an eye on them when they're playing to make sure it's all good.
  6. That's what I was going to say, you should send those photos in to the company :laugh: All we used to have to say to our little Chi's was "Schmackos!" and they'd go NUTSO. What do they put in there???....CRACK???
  7. If I'm upset, especially if I'm crying, it's impossible to stay that way as I promptly have two dogs climbing ALL OVER ME, licking my face, pawing at me, they hate it if I'm upset and won't leave me alone till I'm ok again :laugh: We don't have kids so the dogs haven't been around many kids, but every time one of my friends brings her little girl around (18 moinths) Mosley is all over her, he LOVES her, won't leave her alone, just wants to kiss her and play with her, she loves him and gets all excited s soon as he comes over to her, and he's soooo gentle and protective, it's gorgeous. :)
  8. My OH often has treats in his pockets and he does the same. We would never just feed them without asking.
  9. That picture is classic :laugh:
  10. Happy Birthday Stan!!!! Enjoy your pie!!
  11. Yep me too lol I'd love to get another dog so we would have three, I think that would still be manageable for us but until we get a permit it ain't happening
  12. Love the videos guys lol dogs are so funny
  13. YES. (Rolly eye man) Minxy, try not to worry too much about it, I know when we got Mo I was worried Lili would feel neglected and for the first week or two I was still unsure, but now they're best mates. It is more work and sometimes I think of how peaceful it would be if we only had one....but I wouldn't change it for the world. And I want more Do it! :p
  14. Bitey face is a staple at our house :laugh: I'll often walk out and find Lili on top of Mo looking as though she's about to rip his throat out....but no....just more bitey face :laugh: Also in our house if one dog is lying down and the other walks past, they get bitey faced and it starts off a game, they love it, never had any fights, they just love torturing each other!
  15. Steve works with many aggression cases, breed is irrelevant when it comes to what dogs we work with and which ones "get a second chance". We have many clients who come to us afrer their dogs have bitten or have been declared dangerous, they arent all in the news though. Steve made a tribute video for Busta if anyone would like to view it or read about his story, it's on our blog. http://k9pro.com.au/blog/?p=378 Never mind, people read what they want to read.
  16. :laugh: my old male Dachsund would squat instead of cocking his leg, the one time he did cock it he almost went ar** over Yes, much to the OH's disgust Mosley squats quite a lot. If he does cock his leg he gets lots of praise :laugh: Need my rolly eye man!!
  17. I can understand some dogs weeing out of excitement, especially puppies, but I don't think that's very normal behaviour is it? I'd be horrified if one of my dogs weed on a person!!
  18. Looks to me like he might be chewing it, I'd get him checked out at the Vet and speak to your breeder for their opinion.
  19. I'd be telling them in no uncertain terms that he is not to trespass on your property again. Last thing you want is a strange kid scaring the life out of your dog and getting bitten.
  20. I didn't mean for my comment to be insensitive and I apologise if it came across that way. As I said, I'm glad this dog got a second chance, I just think it's very sad for owners of bull breeds not to get the same chance for their pets.
  21. We bought Lili on mains and never intended on showing or breeding her, we could have, she isn't a mismark, but we were just after a pet. I wouldn't necessarily discount a breeder with a whole litter on mains, I would need to research and meet them first, but that's JMO.
  22. I don't have any extra advice than what has already been said....but this reminded me of something one of my dogs has been doing lately. We drink a lot of mineral water and Lili has become afraid of the sound when we open the bottle, the ssshhh sound of fizzy drink. It started maybe a month ago and now if I even pick up a bottle she will leave the room!! Weird!
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