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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. But wouldn't almost killing the cat be classed as 'unreasonable aggression'? Appreciate the help with this too, Cheers. IMO yes killing another animal just for the sake of it is unreasonable aggression, I have always had dogs and no way would I think it was acceptable for any of them to kill an animal that wandered into my yard, I have to say I am a little shocked that people are saying yeah well that's what dogs do. FWIW I don't like cats and think they should be indoors 24/7. I wouldn't call either of my dogs aggressive at all but I have no idea what they would do to a cat in my yard. It doesn't necessarily have to be on purpose either,if my big dog jumped or fell on a cat it could be killed. To me, it's not about what my dogs do, they're in their yard mindung their own business, and as far as I'm concerned they have the right to protect it.
  2. What a joke!! Argh! They make me ragey! Where's my Rolly eye man?!
  3. No, I already stole him lol! T they are gorgeous!!!
  4. So true. When we were renting it was always a concern that we didn't know what had been in the yard. I hope you find a suitable dog soon Lyss.
  5. I get annoyed that my dog's vaccination schedule is dictated by what is required by a kennel. Why do they have this requirement for vaccinations to be done yearly when the AVA and many vets now recommend 3 yearly? yeah that's one of the reasons I don't use kennels.
  6. In home care for me, definitely. ETA: Just read the whole thread, I also have someone live in my home while I am away, if it were between a boarding kennel or someone visiting only once/twice a day rather than living in, I would choose a boarding kennel.
  7. An adult dog would be far safer than a pup but vaccinated dogs, even adults, can and do get parvo.
  8. I know when I worked at a shelter, we would have loved to label everything as a mix but adopters want a breed. For some reason they aren't happy with "mix" which kind of forces the shelter to take a guess and give it a breed.
  9. Oh how horrible for you and Calli I also would not advise getting a puppy for at least 6-12 months. Even a puppy that has had vaccinations.
  10. YES! People always ask me if Lili is blind!
  11. Mitzi is gorgeous, and Ignacio :laugh: What great photos!
  12. I cannot believe some councils. What a complete joke. I don't blame people for disposing of the evidence. How else can we keep our dogs away from people and other animals than having them securely in their yards?
  13. Snook...sounds lIke our old place, the back neighbors had 3 little dogs that would go nuts everytime anyone went outside causing my dogs to fence chase and bark back (Rolly eye man). Then one day the woman had the nerve to spray my dog with the hose when all he was barking back at was her yapping maniacs!! We had strong words haha I can't wait to live out in the country lol
  14. No-one knows what our dogs are. They think Lili (Aussie) is a Husky cross because she has one eye which is half blue and they think Mosley (Anatolian x Maremma) is a Wolfhound. Mo looks completely Anatolian even though he's a mix.
  15. Nawwww staffyluv, she's beautiful!! What a gorgeous face!
  16. Cretins. Ignore them, there are plenty more where they came from. I'd bet they're just embarassed by their dogs behaviour and blaming yours is easier. You should be proud your guys were so well behaved :) ETA: Spelling!
  17. One of our old chi's was PTS a couple of months ago and my Mum and her housemate have both heard his breathing in the house. It was very labored toward the end and they both swear they heard it. I haven't had any experiences.
  18. You're right, you can't control everything, but if the cat was not allowed to wander it wouldn't be fighting for it's life right now. I just don't get how some cat owners don't understand this?! I know if I had a cat wandering all day I'd be terrified it would get stolen, bashed, eaten by a dog or hit by a car! My nerves would be shot. It makes me angry though that through no fault of their own these people are now having to worry about their dogs welfare.
  19. Sorry to sound harsh but perhaps if you'd kept your cat contained instead of letting it wander it wouldn't be dead. Whilst most people would apologise and feel terrible their dog had done this to someone else's pet they're not actually at fault in any way and probably get pissed off with roaming cats entering their yard all the time. Agree. When will cat owners realise they can't just let their animals roam in other people's properties!!! I wouldn't be paying one cent. ETA: I think any council that would declare this dog dangerous needs to have their head read. It was in its own yard minding its own business ffs. This makes me so angry.
  20. Yep, agree with all that. And also, picks up their poo. No brainer, but whenever I see someone's dog pooing and the owner not picking it up, the first thing that crosses my mind is "IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!!" :laugh: :laugh: Same, we have seen people not picking up and given them bags before, to their disgust :laugh: I'm always dismayed, but not surprised, at the amount of dog and cat shite we see around when we walk our two. People are such pigs.
  21. My two dogs do this too :laugh: I put the towels down on the floor and they roll around on it and dry themselves and then do mad zoomies. Even if I'm holding the towel they rub themselves in it. Now if only they could wipe their own muddy paws before coming in the door Now wouldn't that be nice :laugh: As it is, mine get stopped at the door and have to have their footsies cleaned first, they don't approve :laugh:
  22. I know Nekhbet, my two hadn't been washed in about 3 months :laugh:
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