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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Removing a dogs sexual organs and therefore altering hormones and interfering with natural development is a far more invasive procedure than debarking.
  2. I'd put the fence back up, if they climb it and hurt themselves that's their problem.
  3. Scumbag I wouldn't have accepted his apology, I'd want to murder him. The dogs owner was very civil about what happened IMO.
  4. Hahah yes!!, I kind of noticed that, where do I get thoes things from?? I had to put the toy away because Nala got a little too crazy and it is a little dangerous over the pavement. I have been supervising all play with it today just to see what needs adjusting. You could probably get that kind of thing from Bunnings or somewhere like that :)
  5. One of mine was doing this, we had to keep him inside till the renos were done. Agree with leaving the radio or tv on for noise and just contain her to an area where she can't get into trouble.
  6. I get brought toys, socks and undies...not necessarily in that order. And it's not to swap :laugh:
  7. I'm female, brunette, average height, tattooed and pierced and I have an Aussie and an LGD, I actually think I suit them :laugh: I don't know what people would consider a matching breed! OH is well built with a shaved head and I always tell him he looks like a thug :laugh: so the LGD suits him but not the pretty merle Aussie! He loves any type of Bull Terrier normally and they suit him to a T.
  8. Just because there are horrible owners who have normal 9-5 jobs does not mean that this breeder should just sell her puppy to someone who is going to have it kennelled 50% of the time. How good can that really be for a young puppy?
  9. YES!!!! Chuck a blanket over the top, a few books and a torch - won't hear a peep for hours (hopefully!) :D I spent half my childhood in cubbies :laugh: ....sheets draped over couches and tables and chairs....cubbies rock!
  10. I don't breed but if I did I would not sell it to her. I'd prefer dogs to spend time with their owners not in kennels.
  11. I agree! I have a rescue and a purebreed and am proud of both of them. Me too. :) I have been criticised for having a purebred when I was working at a shelter. My response...."Yeah, and I care what you think why?" :D
  12. When I lived in WA I did an experiment, because I was sick of all the biased reporting of dog attacks. I rang 7, 9 & 10 to say that I was attacked by a dog, the first thing they asked me was if it was a Pitbull, when I said no it definitely wasn't a Pitbull, they said it could have been a cross though, trying to goad me into saying it was, when I again said no it wasn't, they suddenly lost interest & said that it wasn't newsworthy. Even though I know this to be what happens it still enrages me to hear it first hand! I know, you try and convince yourself people aren't that disappointing.....
  13. 8 weeks old? Is she mental?! Try about 3! And God dropped the puppy from the sky? Really love? Where's rolly eyes when I need him!!
  14. Oh he's beautiful! Congratulations! Love his name :)
  15. Yay!! You rock TC! Well done, so happy for you and Lochi :)
  16. I called my pug a moron yesterday and then apologised to her incase she understood. There was only one moron in the room and I dont think it was Pancake. :laugh: I'm always telling my OH to be nice to the dogs and apologise if he calls them names :laugh: I call my dogs front legs their arms and have full on conversations with them before I leave in the morning I cannot help but compare babies/toddlers to puppies I often talk to OH like he is a dog Saxon pup, love the paws thought, that's absolute gold. :laugh:
  17. Happy Birthday Bitty!! Love that pic of them "kissing" :D
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