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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. We use a rake on our Anatolian too, it's great for fluffy undercoat.
  2. We use Sentinel Spectrum and if we ever see adult fleas (only happened once this year like everyone else :laugh:) we give them a Capstar.
  3. Yep, Mosley used to be a poo eater when he was a pup, we added pineapple to his food like LizT said, and it stopped. But every now and then if he's eaten something great, he might go back for seconds!
  4. I've never had a tail chaser but I also have seen a perfectly healthy little BT girl be PTS due to constant spinning.
  5. Not exactly. Where I used to work we got people coming in looking for a cheap dog, they'd just pick a stray and say it was theirs so they could get it for the release fee only. So because of that you would have to actually have lost a dog and have to give all the details before you could go through and look at the strays.
  6. Whether it's legal or not, it is inhumane and there are better methods available, and it should never have been done during normal operating hours in front of children FFS. Guy sounds like a complete cretin.
  7. I think I heard somwhere that it helps them smell better? Could be wrong though... Lili sometimes does it when I'm preparing her food or when she's been playing with a toy....
  8. Yeah I agree too, it's easy to become hysterical and get honest people into trouble.
  9. You can't just cut off a tenants electricity, I hope they're following that up.
  10. They are legally obliged to in Queensland where this incident happened. But there is no law against standing on your front lawn and swearing like a bogan. :laugh:
  11. Second this. My Anatolian is the laziest bugger you'd ever meet, and very friendly with everyone, until he feels like one of us or my other dog is threatened, then it's business. Trust me when I tell you you would not mess with him, people avoid us when we walk him and we even got stopped by the cops the other night because they were fascinated and wanted to meet him and know what he was :laugh:
  12. Ours don't bark but Lili will watch the tv and prick her ears up at the sound of a dog/wolf, she also does this if someone screams or a baby cries.
  13. Oh my LORD! Poor girl, OT but she's very beautiful :) We're constantly avoiding broken glass on our walks, scumbags :
  14. A small dog can badly injure another small dog.
  15. We were across the road. And the dog was that far away and barking and still didn't leave its yard? What's the problem? I think, and I could be wrong, that fuzzy was worried the dog WOULD leave it's yard and so didn't want to walk past until it was secured.
  16. We walk past a house with two dogs behind a fence that is about 4 foot, if that. Both the dogs go NUTS as we walk past and we just ignore them. One night however, the gate was open and the dog was going nuts at the fence so OH called out to them because we didn't want to walk past in case they ran out, the guy came out and said the dog was fine, just all bark etc. That's all fine and well, but for someone walking past, they don;t know that, and I don;t trust a dog not to run out if I don't know it Luckily in our case they seem to be locking them up at night now so we haven't had the issue in ages. So I can totally see where you're coming from. It isn't really fair to have to chance your luck walking past not knowing whether or not the dog going crazy will bolt out at you and your dogs, but I don't think you can really report it as nothing actually happened.
  17. :laugh: love it. Some people just have far too much time on their hands.
  18. Have to comment here though....you seriously think a Lab or GSD couldn't attack and kill a child? Attitudes like yours are the reason other breeds DO attack children, we don't need to worry 'cause it's a Lab, it wouldn't hurt a fly right? You shouldn't have to worry about a dog from across the road charging into your front yard,then into your house killing a toddler inside, do you know of any Labs or GSD's who have done that and does anyone own any dogs of those breeds they would suspect could do the same if they got out?. No you shouldnt, however I don't see how that automatically means any pit bull cross would do it?! You seem to be forgetting this was ONE occurence, ONE dog. How that means all dogs of similar breed should be banned is a bit of a jump dont you think?? I don't expect any dog to attack and kill a toddler, but it happens, and it has happened with breeds other than pit bulls so your argument is completely flawed.
  19. I agree with this. If you're looking for something in particular this would be the best way to go, but I also agree with getting a security system if youre that worried, there's no guarantee that a dog will bark.
  20. Want my Anatolian?? :laugh: god help anyone who even tries to look at our place
  21. I didn't even bother getting involved in the first place :laugh: Probably why the anti BSL crusades are not working when the activists too quickly run out of valid debate. :laugh: Sure, sure, just like saying certain breeds of dog can't hurt children, that's valid.
  22. Of course the BSL law doesn't work if it's not policed........same as speeding and drink driving would be without radar, cameras and RBT's, so what are you prescribing then, because the BSL laws are not policed effectively, may as well drop the law in that case??. The GSD and Rottweiler are renowned and iconic breeds capable of training to attack humans and guard property and the breed especially the GSD is largely represented in the community, collectively the two breeds out number restricted breeds by a county mile, however they rarely feature in serious attacks and given the amount of them out there, there are bound to be morons who own them too, so what's the difference in the fact that most of the serious attacks or deaths are not caused by GSD's & Rottweilers to the extent that they are caused by some Bull come Mastiff variety?? In my experience it's in the genetics of the breed, a reason why professionals in the K9 security business don't use Bull type breeds as their brain power, trainability and potential handler control is vastly limited in comparison.........do you know how much specialised training is required for a GSD, Rottweiler or a Belgian Malinois to do a building search and apprehend an offender??, Ayen's killer did that without training and sadly took down an innocent toddler..........brainless moron of a dog it was, it didn't know the difference between passive and threat in it's unfocused rampage, neither could it stay on target, the dog went from chasing someone else then redirected onto poor little Ayen, the dog was a peice of shit genetically, a crafted piece of excellence configured by a mixture of breeds in a BYB program.....wonderful NOT. If the donkey owner of that dog wanted some K9 protection and deterrent factor in the home and got a proper dog from a proper breeder experienced at configuring correct genetic factors in proper breeds that can defend when "NECESSARY" with a clear head, poor little Ayen's life wouldn't have been wasted like it was IMHO........sure it was the owners fault for allowing the dog to get out, but once out the machinery to kill was in the dog's make up, a fact that too many anti BSL activists choose to ignor. You are aware that Pit Bulls were used in many cases as search and rescue dogs in the past? Also, that they were never bred to be aggressive towards humans, exactly the opposite? Why do you always mention Mastiffs? Mastiffs are not included in BSL and are nothing like a Pit Bull so I'm unsure as to why you consistently bring them into this discussion?
  23. Have to comment here though....you seriously think a Lab or GSD couldn't attack and kill a child? Attitudes like yours are the reason other breeds DO attack children, we don't need to worry 'cause it's a Lab, it wouldn't hurt a fly right?
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