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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I would be worried about putting an older dog under anaesthetic, that always freaks me out. I don't think the price is that bad but I would also be questioning whether the general is needed.
  2. Interested to know when in your dog's eyes a black staffy crossbreed becomes a black staffy. Where did it say anything about a cross breed?
  3. Oh dear a child was jumped upon and scratched by a dog!!!! Gosh, better call an ambulance and contact the media. Sheeesh, really? Is she that much of a princess that it was an issue? LOL you really have no idea. My princess gives herself 4 + injections every day. And guess where she puts them... in her stomach. It's pretty battered and bruised most of the time without a dog jumping all over it. But really that's not the point. It is so irresponsible to let your dog run over and jump on children, especially when they are playing on play equipment. And it's pretty arrogant to think everyone desperately wants to interact with your dog even when they are minding their own business doing something else. Agree. My boofer loves kids but I would NEVER let him run over as I know there's a chance he would jump all over them out of excitement. That's not on, doesn't matter whether or not there are injuries.
  4. Mofo dog here too. Wouldn't hurt a fly but just wants to play with EVERYONE and can carry on sometimes. Luckily because he is huge most people cross to avoid us first so we don't have to worry :laugh: I don't have a problem with it.
  5. We use them too with much success! Eta: he's adorable!!
  6. So my dogs don't have a right to live in your eyes because some other idiots can't look after their animals properly? What a silly comment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Of course she's going to take it personally, you're saying her dogs should be wiped out??? I don't need to twist anything. If that is her breed of choice of course she doesn't want them banned. How would you feel if people were saying your dogs or their breed were dangerous creatures that should not exist?
  7. Not at all. Well, in that case I have NFI what you're talking about. You stated you don't like the scheme because dogs have to attack to be declared dangerous. Under the proposed scheme dogs do not have to severely attack someone to be declared dangerous. They can be declared 'potentially dangerous' based on threatening behaviour. I don't understand what more you want, other than dogs being declared dangerous because they look a particular way. Puppoochi wants to get rid of the dogs. Yep. Can't believe some think dogs should be declared dangerous BEFORE they do anything wrong?! Logic people!!
  8. So my dogs don't have a right to live in your eyes because some other idiots can't look after their animals properly? What a silly comment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Of course she's going to take it personally, you're saying her dogs should be wiped out???
  9. I will put reindeer antlers on mine for Christmas pics but that's as far as it goes. Full on costumes??? I don't get it. Its not abuse but it's pretty stupid.
  10. Yeah, I'm the first to stand up for Pit Bulls, but there's no excuse for something like this to happen, no matter what the breed is. I think any incident where another dog is killed or a person is injured will be reported.
  11. I have never freaked out too much, if you can avoid it, great, but as you said, it's hard to do so, especially with an active pup. As long as it isn't all the time or off really high things, I wouldn't worry too much.
  12. Stupid owner So sad. I hope the other dog and owner recover quickly.
  13. The denial is amazing juice. I remember flat out saying to people "your dog will not pass, it will be PTS today", and they're still saying "Oh no no, she'll be fine once she calms down", as the poor dog is standing there terrified and snapping at the staff They just won't accept it. Even when you give them other options ie: rescue, rehoming themselves etc. We even had people coming in saying they needed to rehome their dog as it bit their child, we had to actually tell them that no, if they don't want a dog that bites, why do they think someone else would??! They actually think it's fine to just rehome a biting dog. The ignorance is astonishing.
  14. It's true, we have vinyl and floorboards everywhere but this room..... I remember my friend brought her new 8 week old pup over to our old house once, one rug in the whole place, all floorboards. She went and poo'd right on the rug. :laugh:
  15. Some councils enforce desexing now Katrinka, so the OP may not have a choice. I don't agree with desexing so young, unless from a shelter. I also don't agree with compulsory desexing. Unfortunately a lot of councils have no clue about what is good for dogs, they just want them all neutured asap. If I was you I would contact them and tell them you just aquired a puppy and you will be getting it neutered on such and such a date. If they are not happy with that you could maybe get your vet to write a letter to the council giving reasons why the dog won't be fixed until 6 months. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what else you could do...move?
  16. Yes Crisovar it was the same in VIC. I have also seen councils hold dogs for an extra day in some circumstances. That is why we were so clear to them when they handed the dog in. I used to say it about three times, and it was "Oh yes that's fine, I understand, s/he'll be fine". I used to reiterate that dogs can sometimes act differently in a stressful situation and that they needed to be prepared for the worst, but no, they knew better..... I would suggest they rehome the dog themselves to increase its chances, but that was too much work.... Then when things didn't go as they told themselves they would, we were the ones copping the abuse.
  17. In the pound I worked at (VIC) surrendered animals would be assessed the same day they were surrendered and could be PTS that same day. All owners surrendering would be told this in no uncertain terms, but you know how many would come back saying they weren't? At least a third. Just a case of the guilts. She dropped her dogs off at the Pound and now she wants to blame anyone else for the fact they're dead.
  18. Yep, ours get apple, banana watermelon, strawberry, pretty much anything but grapes. When our Apricot tree is full Mosley steals them one at a time, nibbles the fruit off very daintily and leaves the pip. :laugh:
  19. Thanks guys will try them both :) Luckily the carpet is a dark blue colour so there's no colour just wet patchy looking stains...mmmm :laugh:
  20. So Mosley decided to have a bit of a vom early this morning, on our bedroom carpet *rolleyes* It's cheap stuff that came with the house, we will be ripping it up soonish anyway but I'm wondering what is the best thing to clean it with? It's low pile, like office carpet which makes it a bit easier. Any suggestions? TIA :)
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